Tyngheng, Samasi (Krem)

(Saipung - IN)
Grottocenter / carte


SITUATION 2004: Jayne Stead (2004.02.17 Mss: Krem Tyngheng) had located the entrance to Krem Tyngheng at a walking distance of 15 minutes in an unidentified direction from an unspecified starting oint in the village of Sem Masi (note 4) and in a bizarre ridge facing North / South or, perhaps, running north-south if not -facing- both north and south and thus running east-west. SITUATION 2005: JARRATT, A R (2005) draws the attention of drunkards to having discovered that Krem Tyngheng [is] in the temperance zone of Semasi. SITUATION 2006: Hodgson (2006.02.26 map: Samassi Recci 2006) indicates Krem Tyngheng Approximation (without GPS position) at a spot which lies about 600 or 700 m in a direct line a little north of west from a village indicated as Bala (Pala) near 252434.6 / 0923416.8 and some 500 m north-west of (literally quoted) a Prominent Knoll with 2x apparent white grave stones & IX Standing Stone (unidentified GPS position). POSITION 2004: Krem Tyngheing (Sammasi) N25 24' 32.3- E092 33' 26.9- (+/-12m) (Brooks et al 2010.03.29 Mss: Survey summary.xls). APPROACH: Boycott, Antony 'Tony' (2004.02.28 Mss: Krem Hawliehkor) provides an apparently excellent description of how to get to the cave entrance, complete with fragments of GPS positions, which had been read unfortunately only at a selection of crucial waypoints. To retrace these directions, however, will be difficult because the GPS track follows a madly zigzagging route: Upon leaving the Samasi IB [N25°24'01.6”: E092°32°57.4” uidentified precision error, WGS84, A. Boycott 2004.02, GPS Garmin 12XL] turn left [note 5] on road past playing fields with church [unidentified GPS positions] on left [without direction]. At point N25° [without N-minutes, perhaps: 24'?] 11.0”: E092°33'00.8” turn right [note 6] along track past house [unidentified GPS positions]. Turn left [sic!] immediately down valley to Shaktiman track past house [unidentified GPS positions]. Turn right [without orientation] and follow ridge track [in an unspecified direction] to point N25°24'13.8”: E092°33'16.0” in clearing. Head down valley past paddy fields on right [sic!], turn right [sic! unidentified direction] at major path, past (N25°24'17.8”: E092°33'19.6”). At fork [unidentified GPS positions] turn left [sic!] downslope. Turn left [sic!] at cowshed [unidentified GPS positions] across paddy fields towards nearby hillock bearing 350° for 350 m. Cave entrance [of Krem –>Hawliehkor] is 6 m + 2 m hidden by vegetation. Walk clockwis around hillock to reach Krem Sapiang, Krem Siej and Krem Tyngheng. Boycott, Antony 'Tony' (2004 undated Mss amendment to: Jayne Stead 2004.02.17 Mss: Krem Tyngheng + other caves in Sem Masi Area) suggests to continue walking clockwise around hill to obvious sink reached by traverse across fallen tree trunk. BTH - 30/07/2024


Various descriptions

Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 06/01/2018

An allegedly west-facing cave entrance (on the cave plan it faces south-west), which is not only an estimated 20 m wide (Stead, J 2004.02.17 Mss) but also an estimated 10 m by 5 m large (Boycott, Antony 'Tony' undated 2004 Mss amendments to Stead, J 2004.02.17 Mss), functions as an insurgence and leads to a stream cave, which is generally horizontal and suspected to drain a catchment area (without known size) in a north-easterly direction for a linear distance of 5 km (or so) to Krem –>Dieng Jem, the resurgence, above the left (east, south) of the Kopili River. So far (March 2010), four distinct cave entrances have become known to gives access to Krem Tyngheng 25°24'32.3”N 92°33'26.9”E: 810 m asl Krem Siej 25°24'28.2”N 92°33'26.7”E: 810 m asl Krem Dieng Jem 25°25'41.7”N 92°34'41.9”E: perhaps 770 m asl Pala Pot 25°25'42”N 92°34'24”E: 881 m asl ETYMOLOGY: The standard Khasi -tyngheng- (adjective) is said to translate as agape, spell-bound as in -u shynreh u peit tyngeng ia ngi- (SINGH, N 1906: 238). On the other hand, agape has been translated not only as -dynghang, dynghong; kmang, dngong- (SINGH, N 1920: 12) but also as -ba ang- (BLAH, E 2007: 7) and spell-bound (BLAH, E 2007: 283). Obviously misinterpreting a show of pulling faces (mimic art), JARRATT (2004a, 2004b) was led to translate the cave name -Krem Tyngheng- (note 1) asa wide open mouth cave while Jayne Stead (2004.02.17 Mss) arrived at a Big cave / Cave which looks at you with big eyes? / Obvious cave? EVALUATION: A relatively large, horizontal river cave with 2 km of fine river passage (on average 8 to 10 m wide by 12 to 15 m high) with [a relatively] large high level / dry series beneath which lies complex wet rift maze series --ongoing. At the end of main river cave a climb enters more than 3 km of [relatively] large, abandoned river passage with many, ongoing leads (March 2006) (Brooks, S J 2006.02.25 Mss: Krem Tyngend). Sports cavers consider Krem Tyngheng at a first glance relatvely large, superb and delightful (JARRATT 2004a, 2004b) but at a closer look problematic and complex (JARRATT 2006) as it does not consist simply of one single and hence inspiring cave passage but represents a river cave with somewhat complex maze areas in addition to fossil passages (sic!) or, more likely, relic (note 2) upper level passages, which are abandoned by flowing water throughout the year. The complex structure of the cave challenges some cave mappers (note 3). CAVE DESCRIPTION 2004a: Horizontal -- 20 mtrs. wide entrance. Sink. Wide passage between 6-8m wide, 40ft. high, walking, boulders in passage that lead to a canal that was heading left (Stead, J 2004.02.17 Mss: Krem Tyngheng + other caves in Sem Masi Area). CAVE DESCRIPTION 2004b: Two kilometers of streamway and fossil [sic!] passages (Boycott, Tony [Antony], undated Mss amendment to Stead, J 2004.02.17 Mss: Krem Tyngheng …). CAVE DESCRIPTION 2004c: Krem Tyngheng yielding 3.75 kms of delightful and quite typical ‘Meghalaya style’ large river passage and dry fossil [sic!] passage (Brooks, S J2004.05.11 Mss). CAVE DESCRIPTION 2005: Krem Tyngheng est une grotte horizontale, présenant d’importants volumes, parcourue en certains endroits par une rivière (Oppliger 2010.07 Mss). CAVE DESCRIPTION 2006: Krem Tyngheng / Krem Tyngend entertains an … exceptionally complicated survey … where only frustratingly short legs could be measured due to the frequency of intersections. … Another problem with this system [sic! for: single entrance cave] is that every lead they tried to finish off results in more junctions and many more ways on (JARRATT 2006: 12). CAVE DESCRIPTION 2007: Ein kleiner Bach fließt in den Haupteingang hinein. …. Mit einem schnell gekappten Bambus wird noch ein hochliegender Seitengang in Eingangsnähe abgeklärt … Anfangs macht die Krem Tynghend ihrem Ruf als lockerem Trip ja noch alle Ehre: ein fußläufiger Bachgang mit knietiefem Wasser und anständigen Proportionen von etwa 5 x 5 Metern. Eine Stunde und einige Bade- oder (wahlweise) Klettereinlagen später ändert sich das Bild schon etwas: wir verlassen den Hauptgang und damit das Wasser über einen kniffigen Aufstieg. Die Stelle ist zwar nur 3 m hoch, bietet aber nahezu keine Griffe. Mit vereinten Kräften schieben wir Simon nach oben, der eine Strickleiter installiert. … Das hier abzweigende fossile obere Stockwerk beginnt mit schönen phreatischen Röhren und Kluftgängen, wird zunehmend labyrinthisch und nach einer Blockhalde auch deutlich verbrochen und versturzerfüllt. Bald schlufen wir wie in einer typischen Albhöhle ! Kein Wunder, dass in diesem Gebiet noch viele Fragezeichen offen sind. …wanken alle erneut in dieses auch als Trainingsstrecke und Hobbyraum geeignete Gebiet. Einteilung und Eindruck von gestern wiederholen sich, immerhin gibt es Gänge mit Bodenlehm, deren Bekriechung etwas knieschonender verläuft. Man wird ja anspruchslos. Immerhin können wir am Ende des Tages tatsächlich dieses Kapitel ad acta legen und den Höhlenteil abschließen. In einem mäjestätisch großen fossilen Gang mit 6 m hohen Häufen altem Fledermausguano umgehen wir die Schwimmstrecken im Bachgang – wie ir glauben. Am Gangende finden wir nach etwas Suchen tatsächlich den vermessenen Kletterabstieg durch Kluftspalten hinab zum Wasser und treffen auf ein Labyrinth, das die oberen fossilen Teile an Komplexität noch übertrifft. Es gibt 3-6 parallele Kluftgänge, die durch Querklüfte verbunden werden. Teilweise ist das Kluftnetz so dicht, dass nur noch Pfeiler zwischen den Gängen stehengeblieben sind. Die bis zu 5 m hohen Gänge wären eigentlich ganz komfortabel, sind aber zur Hälfte mit Wasser gefüllt, dessen Kälte recht schnell unangenehm wird … Ein Aufstieg in einen höherliegenden Raum und danach ein Abstieg durch Blockwerk zum Bach zurück erschließt unbekannte Gefilde. Auf einem Kiesstrand läuft man in einem weitgespannten Raum neben dem Bach her, auf dessen gegenüberliegender Seite sich wieder ein Kluftlabyrinth andeutet. An einer Krabbelstelle durch Blockwerk errichte ich einen Steinmann und kehre um. Diese Höhle hat noch viel Potential ! (Jantschke, H 2007 Mss: Fahrtenbericht Indien:Mittwoch 21.02.07 bis Freitag 23.02.07). CAVE DESCRIPTION 2008: Siegenthaler, R (2008 Mss 14.2.08, Donnerstag) noticed in Tynghem (sic!) a few nice and large river cave passages leading to the impressive relic Numulite Boulevard (Nummulite Boulevard) and via the slightly more dust dry -Bat Shit- and a crawl to a box-section passage to a 15 m climb down into an active part of the cave (an hour on foot from the entrance) consisting of a rectangular maze of wet passages, more often than not requiring swimming, but also containing funny little gour dams (note 7). Siegenthaler, R (2008 Mss 16.2.08, Samstag) noticed in Tynghem (sic!) a main passage soon getting bombastic, pompous or inflated, complete with swimming sections and beautiful gour dams where one can jump 2 m down from one pool to the next. Beyond some chambers and ducks a relic passage branched off which, after a large bypass, came back to the active main drag (note 8). CAVE DESCRIPTION 2010: As we know now after connection and hrough trip: it [i.e. Krem Diengjem or Krem –>Dieng Jem] is the same cave (Arbenz, T 2010.03.23 Mss: Re Deng Jem, Diengjem, Diengjen & Dienjem) as Krem Tyngheng. CAVE CONTENTS: Water colder than expected (15°C). Coal and black sandstone pebbles (Boycott, Tony [Antony] 2004 undated amendments to Stead 2004.02.17 Mss: Krem Tyngheng + other caves in Sem Masi Area). Sediments, breakdown (platy and angular), mud pavements, boulder chokes, gravel banks, fine sediments / silt, wet and dry (Brooks 2006.02.25 Mss: Krem Tyngend). TACKLE: 10 m handline or short ladder with belay is useful for 3 m climb into dry section at end of main river passage (Brooks, S J 2006.02.25 Mss: Krem Tyngend). HYDROGRAPHY: Little doubt remains that one and … the same creek comes down from Samasi, flows through Tyngeng [Krem –>Tyngheng] and Diengjem [Krem –>Dieng Jem], crosses the plain of Umkyrpong where it gets more water from different feeders, goes into Salang sink and vanishes in a sump only about 150 m short o the sump in Labit Kseh [Krem Labit, Kseh] (Arbenz, T 2010.03.23 Mss: Re Labit Kseh). 2015.02.06: Simon, Michal, Shabu and Vijay went to Krem Diengjem where they went to the side passages to the NW of the Entrance Canal. The water levels in cave were observed to be lower 2014. This could mean that there has been a dry winter or more worryingly the village is taking more water from the cave than it can supply (Anonymous [Arbenz T, Brooks S J et al.] 2015.04.03 Mss: Diary 2015.docx 5th February 2015 Thursday). SPELEOMETRY 2015: Rather Krem –>Tyngheng than Krem Diengjem inside which a total of 303 m of new passage was surveyed that takes the Tyngheng/Diengjem system to over 22kms [22 km] and maintains it at number 2 in the Indian Subcontinent Longest Cave list (Anonymous [Arbenz T, Brooks S J et al.] 2015.04.03 Mss: Diary 2015.docx). SPELEOMETRY 2014a: Rather Krem –>Tyngheng than Krem Diengjem [sic!] 21358.08 (Pre 2014) + 224.16 (Brooks S J 2/4/14) + 120.91 (Tamsa T 2/4/14) + 71.66 (Rockliff H 2/4/14) = 21774.91 Ongoing (Anonymous 2014.04.05 Expedition Survey Log 2014 (8-3-2014).xls). SPELEOMETRY 2014b: Krem Tyngheng / Diengjem 21775 m (Brooks, S J 2014.04.05 Mss Longest and Deepest (Table 2014).doc). SPELEOMETRY: According to the latest version of recorded survey data, the cave system combining Krem Tyngheng, Krem Siej (Samasi), Pala Pot (Boycott 2008) and Krem Dieng Jem, has a survey length of 20'570.02 m at a vertical range of ±119 m (+0 m / -119.02 m). SPELEOMETRY 2012a: Dev. 21,364.61 m, VR +33.11 m / -55.71 m (Arbenz, T 2012.01.09 undated cave plan: TynghengSystem2011.pdf). SPELEOMETRY 2012b: Length 21'250.64 m / vertical range 83.48 m (-42.68 / +40.80) (ARBENZ, T 2012: 109). SPELEOMETRY 2012c: 21,250 m (ARBENZ, T 2012: 17 table: Largest cave systems in Meghalaya: 3 Krem Tyngheng System). SPELEOMETRY 2011, relating to a selection of surveyed cave passages: Length 14’556.95 m / vertical range 83.48 m (-42.68 / +40.80) (Arbenz, T 2011.03.17 Mss ”Thomas Arbenz T 2011.09.16” Krem Tyngheng / Krem Tongheng 03.07.2002). SPELEOMETRY 2010: Brooks, S J (2010.03.08 Mss: Overview) is making it the third longest cave in the Indian subcontinent and the third cave to exceed 20 km in length. Unbiased by established facts the total length of the combined Krem Tyngheng / Krem Diengjem System is 21,103 m simply by assuming that Krem Diengjen [note 9] was extended from 1,327 m in length to 6660 m and connected to Krem Tyngheng and Krem Tyngheng was extended from 12,887 m in length to 14,442 m (Brooks, S J 2010.03.08 Mss: Overview). WINKLER, R (2010: 119): … Krem Thyngheng [sic!] … eine Höhle, die schon über 8 km Ganglänge aufweist. SPELEOMETRY 2009: Brooks, S J (2009.03.10 Mss: Overview 2009.doc): 12'887 m. Arbenz, T (2009.06.01 Mss: total 2009.xls) lists the survey lengths 129.03 m (18.02.2009) + 355.33 m (23.02.2009) + 12'402.82 m (pre-2009 survey lengths) adding up to a total survey length of 12'887.18 m. SPELEOMETRY 2008: 11'541.37 m (Anonymous2008.04 survey data: Tyngheng2008_01) bettered into wishful 12'960.56 m (Brown, M W et al. 2008 Mss: Survey Summary) and 12,960.00 m (Brooks & Brown undated 2008.02.29 Mss: Overview.doc; Brooks undated 2008 Mss: Longest Table 2008.doc). SPELEOMETRY 2007: 9'221.94 m / 37.12 m (+23.07/ 14.05) according to February 2007 survey data bettered into 9'866.94 m (Brown, M W et al. 2008 Mss: Survey Summary). SPELEOMETRY 2006: Further extension of Krem Tyngheng in the Semasi [sic!] area from 5319 m to 7752.42 m in length [is] putting it amongst the 10 longest caves in Meghalaya (Brooks, S J 2006.03.03 Mss: Overview.doc). SPELEOMETRY 2005: Pre 2005 Survey length 3752.41 Survey 2005 Total 5319.36. KHARPRAN DALY (2005: 16): Krem Tynheng (3.750 m) (Brooks 2005.10.05 revised Mss: Meghalaya 2005 Survey Summary). Krem Tyngheng at Samassi [is] measuring 5.32 kms (FOREIGN TEAM COMPLETES (2005). SPELEOMETRY 2004: … the superb river cave of Krem Tyngheng yielded 3.75 km (JARRATT 2004a, 2004b). Krem Tngheng yielding 3.75 kms of delightful ‘Meghalaya style’ large river passage and dry fossil [sic! more likely: relic, abandoned] passage (BROOKS, S J 2004a: 30). Krem Tyngheng yielded 3.7 km of delightful and quite typical Meghalaya large river passage and dry fossil [sic!] passage (BROOKS, S J 2004b: 267). PROSPECTS 2010: According to Arbenz, T (2010.09.19 personal correspondence: Re Tyngheng), not only the two unexplored leads of the survey series 13 and series 14 remain untouched but also the whole lot of the -great question marks- (note 10). PROSPECTS 2008: Anonymous et al. (2008 Mss: Meghalaya 2008 diary.doc Saturday 16th February): In Tyngheng one can find the official End of cave ongoing and many side passages remain. Anonymous et al. (2008 Mss: Meghalaya 2008 diary.doc Wednesday 20th February): The cave is still ongoing and involves 150 meter swim near the current end of the survey. PROSPECTS 2006: Brooks (2006.02.25 Mss: Krem Tyngend) is excellent with unidentified 50 good leds. JARRATT (2006: 11) was led to believe … locals [read: local people familiar with the area] believe the cave extends to the Kopili River, many kilometres [about 4 km or 5 km in a direct line] to the NE, on the Assam border. JARRATT (2006: 12): The end of this system has not been reached and it [the end?] may be extremely extensive. PROSPECTS 2007: Jantschke (2007 Mss: Fahrtenbericht Indien: Montag 26.02.07 Kaltes Wasser und kein Ende): Diese Höhle hat noch viel Potential. PROSPECTS 2004: Brooks (2004.05.11 Mss): Krem Tyngheng …was left ongoing with a huge number of leads remaining. CAVE CLIMATE: Boycott, Antony 'Tony' (undated Mss amendment to Stead 2004.02.17 Mss: Krem Tyngheng + other caves in Sem Masi Area) noticed the existence of water colder than expected (15°) without explaining how he got to know this. Siegenthaler (2008 Mss) confirmes ca. 15 grädiges Wasser (about 15°C water) without explaining how he got to know this. CAVE LIFE: Arthropoda: Crustacea: Brachyura 2004 eidence of … white and black [checkered or striped?] crabs (Boycott, Tony [Antony] undated 2004 Mss amendments). 2006 brown and pale coloured crabs (Brooks, S J 2006.02.25 Mss: Krem Tyngend). Arthropoda: Arachnida 2004 evidence of … spiders (Boycott, Antony -Tony- undated 2004 Mss amendments). 2006 spiders (Brooks, S J 2006.02.25 Mss: Krem Tyngend). 2008 Spinnen an den Wänden, ein gutes Zeichen für einen Oberflächenzugang (Siegenthaler, R. 2008 Mss 14.2.08, Donnerstag) or, if you prefer, spiders on the walls indicating [not the walls: the spiders] that the surface is near). Possibly huntsman spiders (Arachnidae: Aranea: Sparassidae: conf. Heteropoda sp.). Arthropoda: Orthoptera 2006 crickets (Brooks, S J 2006.02.25 Mss: Krem Tyngend). Arthropoda: Nematocera: Culucidae 2006 gnats (Brooks, S J 2006.02.25 Mss: Krem Tyngend). Vertebrata: Pisces 2006 white fish with eyes - not troglobitic (Brooks, S J 2006.02.25 Mss: Krem Tyngend). 2007 simply because Nicola Bayley once had had the impressin that it is present, KOTTELAT, HARRIES & PROUDLOVE (2007: 43 table 2) list Krem Tyngheng among the caves in the Sutnga area (sic!) in which the cave dwelling, nemacheilid loach Schistura prob. papulifera (Pisces: Teleostei: Balituridae). Vertebrata: Mammalia Rodentia 2004 evidence of … cave rat 200 m inside (Boycott, Tony [Antony] undated 2004 Mss amendments). Chiroptera 2004 Evidence of bats … Large abandoned bat roost 1.5 km inside cave in Numulite Boulevard [Nummulite Boulevard], deep dry bat guano from small and large bats, evidence of bat catchery apparatus but no obvious close entrance. Very few bats inside cave at present (Boycott, Antony 'Tony', undated 2004 Mss amendments …). 2006 Two species of bat, one large and the other small … (Brooks, S J 2006.02.25 Mss: Krem Tyngend). 2007 Kelaart's round leaf bat Hipposideros lankadiva Kelaart 1850: Dans le réseau fossile non loin de l’entrée, T. Arbenz et T. Boycott ont découvert dans une zone couverte de guano (probable colone) une momie de Hipposideros lankadiva et quelques ossements appartenant également à cette espèce. Dans la partie fossile, succédant à la rivière, nous avons mis au jour, en surface, des vestiges osseux et dentaires de Hipposideros lankadiva. Lors des deux visites, aucune chauve-souris vivante n’a été observée (Oppliger, J. 2010.07 Mss). 2008 Large dry guano mounds in -Numulite Boulevard- [Nummulite Boulevard] fossil [sic! qua: relic] passage about 1 km into cave. Bat catching poles on floor, no bats seen in this area since discovery 4 years ago (Boycott, Antony 'Tony' 2008.03.20 Mss: Bat droppings). He also told me to have collected (2008.02.14) three bat guano samples (note 11) in Krem Tyngheng N 25deg 24’ 32.3- E 092deg 30’ 49.7- (note 12). 2015 Simon J. Brooks, Michael Spigiel and Cdr. Vijay Chhikara … proceeded to the final station in series 62 and 63 where a low duck was passed to find a pleasant outflow passage with a good draught and bats that eventually terminated in a narrow rift that took all the water (Anonymous [Arbenz T, Brooks S J et al.] 2015.04.03 Mss: Diary 2015.docx 5th February 2015 Thursday).


Bibliography 06/01/2018


EXPLORATION HISTORY: 2002.03.07: Brian D. Kharpran Daly (2002.03.07 personal communication) was told of a cave called Krem Tongheng somewhere in the vicinity of the village of Pala (N25°24'35”: E092°34'17” WGS84). 2004.02.17, trip 1: Unidentified essential people, who were familiar with the area (perhaps including Bikin Paslein), guided Brian D. Kharpran Daly, Jayne Stead, Raplang Sukhlain and Daniel Burke to the cave entrance of Krem Tyngheng (Stead, Jayne 2004.02.17 Mss). 2004.02.25, trip 2: Andy [Andrew] Harp, Jayne Stead and Nicola Bayley of all people commenced 'surveying' and attempted to map the first 690.15 m of cave passage length (Stead 2004.02.17 Mss). This lead quite naturally to desaster from the very beginning as the 360 degree compass bearings were interpeted as 400 grade readings: Andy Harps Vermessungen aus dem Jahr 2004 waren alle 360° vermessen aber mit 400g Einstellung in die Toporobot Daten eingegeben (Arbenz, T 2010.09.19 Mss 'Re: ML 2010 Tyngheng' pesonal correspondence). 2004.02.25, trip 3: Boycott, Antony 'Tony' and Imogen Furlong penetrate deep into the cave and contribute a total of 229.59 m lengthwise measured distances in an attempt to map a selected part of a cave. 2004.02.26, trip 4: Boycott, Antony 'Tony', Nicola Bayley, AHE and an unidentified RS (Raplang Sukhlain?) recorded the lengthwise measured distance of 1322.77 m. 2004.03.01, trip 5: Boycott, Antony 'Tony', Nicola Bayley and Brian D. Kharpran Daly (BKD) recorded 459.73 m. 2004.03.01, trip 6: Simon J. Brooks, Imogen Furlong and AHE recorded 475.27 m. 2004.02.02, trip 7: Joseph 'Joe' H. Duxbury, AHE and Peter Ludwig recorded 303.62 m. 2004.03.02, trip 8: Simon J. Brooks and Imogen Furlong recorded 271.28 m. 2004 total: XXX? 2005.02.17, trip 9: SJB, GD [Gregory D. Diengdoh] and JO [Julien Oppliger] surveyed 676.65 m while TA [Thomas Arbenz], AB [Antony 'Tony' Boycott] and JS [Jayne Stead] surveyed 460.30 m (Brooks 2005.10.05 Mss: Meghalaya 2005 Suvey Summary). Brooks, S J et al. (2005 Mss: Meghalaya Diary) narrates how [the] Sumo remains in Samassi instead of returning to Shnongrim because the roads are so bad. Samassi team make an early start and go to Krem Tyngheng. Thomas A, Tony B and Jayne S take life jackets to Plug Hole Chamber where they are left for use later. They then proceed to leads in Nummulite Boulevard. Several side passages surveyed including one named Bee Hive Expressway that terminated in [sic! for: gave access to] a boulder choke. Simon B, Gregory D and Julien O went to downstream fossil passage series where they push some side passages including a major lead that is not concluded due to lack of time. 677 m of passage surveyed with many side passages remaining unexplored. Late that night Eddi [Addison 'Addy' Thabah] and Bung [Ba Bung Diengdoh] at Samassi IB with Sumo to look for missing Sumo. Realising all is well they return to Shnongrim. 2005.02.18, trip 10: Brooks, S J et al. (2005 Mss: Meghalaya 200 Diary): Tony B and Julien O decide not to cave due to injuries sustained the previous day. Both go to Krem Tyngheng and remove kit that had been left in cave the previous day. Thomas A. Tony B and Julien O return to Shnongrim with the vehicles later that morning. Simon B, Gregory D and Jayne S go to first lead in the Downstream Dry Series where they survey 460 m of seasonal streamway and fossil passages before they run out of time. Many more leads remain. They then return to Samassi where accompanied by Raplang they take a scenic walk and tour of the mining villages to reach the top of the ridge and the waiting transport. 2005 total: 5241.04 m (Arbenz, T 2005.05.24 Mss: Krem Tyngheng) or 5319.36 m (Brooks 2005.10.05 Mss: Meghalaya 2005 Survey Summary). 2006.02.18, trip 11: Simon J. Brooks (2006.02.25 Mss: Krem Tyngend), Lindsay B. Diengdoh and Matthew 'Matt' Hutson draw in passage detail onto old survey and survey another 68 m in downstream wet series. JARRATT (2006: 12) learned aluable exploration time was lost by having to redraw over 3 km of the 5 km long cave due to the laxity of a previous member. 2006.02.18, trip 12: Boycott, Antony 'Tony', 'Yorkshire Dave' Hodgson and Fiona J. Ware survey 228 m in Chocolate Passage extensions (Brooks 2006.02.25 Mss). 2006.02.19, trip 13: Simon J. Brooks (2006.02.25 Mss: Krem Tyngend), Lindsay B. Diengdoh and Matthew 'Matt' Hutson survey another 430 m in Downstream Wet Series. 2006.02.19, trip 14: Boycott, Antony 'Tony', Jayne Stead, 'Yorkshire Dave' Hodgson and Fiona J. Ware survey 184 m in Chocolate Passage and Dry Series (Numulite Boulevard). JARRATT (2006: 12) was told The Semmasi team added 614 m to their exceptionally complicated survey. 2006.02.20, trip 15: Simon J. Brooks (2006.02.25 Mss: Krem Tyngend), Lindsay B. Diengdoh and 'Yorkshire Dave' Hodgson use bamboo maypole to access high level entrance passage and surveyed 240 m plus 40 m. JARRATT (2006: 13) was told 280 m was added to the Tngheng labyrinth, where a bamboo maypole was used to gain access to two high level passages and another entrance. 2006.02.23, trip 16: Boycott, Antony 'Tony', Katharina 'Kate' Janossy and 'Yorkshire Dave' Hodgson survey 69 m in high rift passage (Brooks 2006.02.25 Mss: Krem Tyngend“ 25-2-2006). JARRATT (2006: 14) arrived in believing The 23rd February saw the bamboo maypole in use again in Tyngheng but to little avail (JARRATT 2006: 14). 2006.02.24, trip 17: Simon J. Brooks (2006.02.25 Mss: Krem Tyngend), Boycott, Antony 'Tony', Babhar Kupar 'Dale' Mawlong, Katharina 'Kate' Janossy and 'Yorkshire Dave' Hodgson survey 522 m in Wet Canals. 2006.02.25, trip 18: Simon J. Brooks (2006.02.25 Mss: Krem Tyngend), Katharina 'Kate' Janossy and Babhar Kupar 'Dale' Mawlong survey 379 m in Wet Canals and in Fossil River Series - ongoing. According to JARRATT (2006: 16), Simon, Kate and Dale surveyed damp leads off Tipee Toe Canals and dry leads off Fossil River eries. 2006.02.25, trip 19: Boycott, Antony 'Tony', 'Yorkshire Dave' Hodgson and Matthew 'Matt' Hutson push swimming leads in Wet Canals and survey 276 m --ongoing (Brooks 2006.02.25 Mss: Krem Tyngend). JARRATT (2006: 16) understood Tony, Dave and Matt got the swimming stuff until they got cold. 655 m surveyed in total. 2006.02 (circa), trip ??: Some time in February 2006, Boycott, Antony 'Tony' surveyed Krem Siej (Samasi) and established the connection to Krem Tyngheng (Arbenz, T 2007.11.24 Mss: Ergänzungen). 2006.10 (circa): Some time in October 2006 Thomas Arbenz accepted Boycott's survey (Arbenz, T 2007.11.24 Mss: Ergänzungen). 2006.03.13: defenceindia.com/13-mar-2k6/news18.html (accessed 2006.03.28) proudly announces how Tomorrow, a team of 15 air warriors from the Eastern Air Command will undertake a caving expedition in Jaintia Hills district, from where the discovery was made under the Meghalaya Adventures Association,” a source in the IAF said. The seven-dayexpedition will cover Nongkhlieh, Wahshlkhar, Khaddum, Camphe and Lumshong caves in the district. The exercise is being undertaken barely a fortnight after the team found a 22.2-km-long cave, surpassing the previous record of the 21.55 km one in the same district. 2006.03.17, trip 20: Lindsay B. Diengdoh and Addison 'Eddy' Thabah take 16 Air Warriors to a guided tour into a cave in Tyngheng near Sa Masi village. … 'The whole experience was exciting and enriching' said team leader Gp. Capt. KA Kumar. Lauding the team for their skill and courage, Air Marshal F.H. Major said that Air Force will have more of such expeditions [read: entertaining tourist trips] by the air warriors in future (Sixteen Air Warriors Felicitated 2006.03.28). 2006 total: 7752.42 m (Overview 2006.03.03 Mss) or 7762.42 m (JARRATT 2006: 21). 2007.02.23, trip 21: Peter Glanvill, Georg Bäumler, Barbara am Ende and Joe Duxbury drove with David, via Sutnga to Semmasi [sic!] while Simon J. Brooks, Herbert Jantsche, Rainer Hoss and Heidrun Andre walked down from Lumthari, meeting in Semmasi [sic!]. The gear was left in the IB. All except Barbara went to Krem Tyngheng, Herbert stayed at the entrance while Simon and Georg went to get a bamboo maypole. This was used to check high level leads in the first part of the stream, a foosil [sic! qua: relic cave] passage near the daylight shaft yielded 44 m, other leads were no go or out of reach (Brooks, S J et al. 2007.03.01 Mss: Diary2007.doc). JARRATT & DAWSON (2007) narrate how Eight of the team set off for Semassi [sic!] village where Peter G, Georg, Joe, Simon, Rainer and Heidi took a bamboo maypole into Krem Tyngheng to check high level leads in this fascinating and labyrinthine river cave. 2007.02.24, trip 22: Georg Bäumler, Heidrun Andre, Rainer Hoss and Peter 'Pete' Glanvill went to the end of the fossil river series and surveyed 483 m of passage intersecting a further section of Nummalite [sic! for: Nummulite] Boulevard (Brooks, S J et al 2007.03.01 Mss: Diary2007.doc). 2007.02.24, trip 23: Simon J. Brooks, Barbara Anne am Ende, Herbert Jantschke and Joe Duxbury surveyed unpushed leads [note 13] in the middle section of the fossil river series (Brooks, S J et al. 2007.03.01 Mss: Diary2007.doc). Jantschke (2007 Mss: Fahrtenbericht Indien: Samstag 24.02.07 Im Labyrinth der Krem Tynghend): Anfangs macht die Krem Tynghend ihrem Ruf als lockerem trip ja noch alle Ehre: ein fußläufiger Bachgang mit knietiefem Wasser und anständigen Proportionen von etwa 5 x 5 Metern. Eine Stunde und einige Bade- oder (wahlweise) Klettereinlagen später ändert sich das Bild schon etwas: wir verlassen den Hauptgang und damit das Wasser über einen kniffligen Aufstieg. Die Stelle ist zwar nur 3 m hoch, bietet aber nahezu keine Griffe. Mit vereinten Kräften schieben wir Simon nach oben, der eine Strickleiter installiert. Als zweiter oben angekommen, erklärt mir Simon, ich solle mich möglichst energisch auf einen Blockhaufen setzen, in den das Sei am Ende der Strickleiter hineinläuft: Er hat die Leiter an einem etwa 10 kg schweren Block festgebunden und diesen mit weiteren Steinen und sich selbst gesichert. Für die schwereren Teilnehmer ist nun noch etwas mehr Gegengewicht nötig. Das hier abzweigende fossile obere Stockwerk beginnt mit schönen phreatischen Röhren und Kluftgängen, wird zunehmend labyrinthisch und nach einer Blockhalde auch deutlich verbrochen und versturzerfüllt. Bald schlufen wir wie in einer typischen Albhöhle ! Kein Wunder, dass in diesem Gebiet noch viele Fragezeichen offen sind. Wir teilen uns in zwei Gruppen und machen uns an deren Tilgung. Simon, Joe, Barbara und ich bilden ein Team, was zur Folge hat, dass ich einen ganzen Tag nur gelb sehe. Barbara mit ihrem gelben Schlaz verstopft nämlich, man verzeihe mir diese Anmerkung, den Gang mit ihrer Leibesfülle nahezu komplett und bewegt sich ständig vor mir, da sie die Punkte festlegt. Unter einigen Verrenkungen gelingt es mir tatsächlich, Kompass und Neigunsmesser Zahlen zu entlocken. Peter Ludwig hat uns mit grünen Mini-LED´s ausgestattet, die ich gut anpeilen kann. Viele Stunden und einige Fragezeichen später treffen auch die anderen wieder ein, die einen etwas gemütlicheren Abschnitt erwischt hatten. Draußen ist es bereits dunkel, als wir den Eingang erreichen und im Schein der Lampen ziehen wir uns in einem Reisfeld um. Nur gut, dass Simon eine Bekochung in der Poststation organisiert hat, die sogar mit Dörrfleisch aufwartet. According to JARRATT & DAWSON (2007), Georg, Heidi, Rainer and Peter G. surveyed 483 m of maze passage while Simon, Barbara, Herbert and Joe pushed and surveyed passages in the Fossil River Series. 2007.02.25, trip 24: Georg Bäumler, Heidrun Andre, Rainer Hoss and Peter Glanvill surveyed 343 m in passages in the north west side of the main passage (Brooks, S J et al. 2007.03.01 Mss: Diary2007.doc). 2007.02.25, trip 25: Simon J. Brooks, Barbara Anne am Ende, Herbert Jantschke and Joe Duxbury surveyed circa 190 min passages to the south west of the main passage (Brooks, S J et al. 2007.03.01 Mss: Diary2007.doc). According to JARRATT & DAWSON (2007), On Sunday 25th February … at Krem Tyngheng a total of 533 m was surveyed by the same teams as the previous day to the NW and SW of the main passage. Jantschke (2007 Mss: Fahrtenbericht Indien: Sonntag 25.02.07 Schluf dich fit und du bleibst gesund): Am Vorabend hat uns Simon alle eingeschworen, nochmal einen trip ins Labyrinth des 'Fossile River' zu machen, da sonst 'niemand mehr diesen Teil vermisst.' Dermaßen am Pflichtbewußtsein gepackt, wanken alle erneut in dieses auch als Trainingsstrecke und Hobbyraum geeignete Gebiet. Einteilung und Eindruck von gestern wiederholen sich, immerhin gibt es Gänge mit Bodenlehm, deren Bekriechung etwas knieschonender verläuft. Man wird ja anspruchslos. Immerhin können wir am Ende des Tages tatsächlich dieses Kapitel ad acta legen und den Höhlenteil abschließen. Dies eröffnet für den nächsten Tag neue Mglichkeiten, denn die unerforschte Hauptfortsetzung im Bachgang lockt. Leider ist das Wasser hier deutlich kälter, ausserdem haben wir für morgen unsere Rückkehr im Base Camp angekündigt. Wir entschliessen uns zur Aufteilung: Vier werden morgen früh mit dem Fahrzeug und dem meisten Gepäck ins Lager zurückkehren, die restlichen vier vermessen am Ende des Bachganges, müssen aber noch vor Sonnenuntergang von der Höhle zur Ridge zurücklaufen. 2007.02.26, trip 26: David Kimberley Patkyntein drove G. Bäumler, J. Duxbury, B. A. am Ende, and R. Hoss with the Sumo back to the camp on the Shnongrim ridge. According to Brooks, S J et al. (2007.03.01 Mss: Diary2007.doc), H. Andre, H. Jantschke and Peter Glanvill went to find a downstream wet lead, which proved to be a complex maze of wet passages heading down stream. About 200 m was surveyed and much to Simon’s frustration over 30 leads were left open in this never ending cave. They then walked up to Lumthari to the waiting jeep and beer. Accordig to JARRATT & DAWSON (2007), Simon, Heidi, Herbert and Peter G. surveyed some 200 m in a maze of wet, downstream passages in Krem Tyngheng then walked back to camp, feeling somewhat vulnerable as they trekked through the mining settlements. Tyngheng, the never ending cave, was left with 30 unexplored passages. Jantschke (2007 Mss: Fahrtenbericht Indien: Montag 26.02.07 Kaltes Wasser und kein Ende): Nach einem für unsere Verhältnisse frühen Start mit Heidrun, Peter, Simon und mir legen wir am Eingang diesmal den Shorti-Tauchanzug und die Schwimmwesten an. Im vorderen Höhlenteil überhitzen wir in diesem Aufzug hoffnungslos, aber Simon tröste mit den Worten: 'Bald wird dies nur noch eine schwache Erinnerung an Wärme sein.' In einem mäjestätisch großen fossilen Gang mit 6 m hohen Häufen altem Fledermausguano umgehen wir die Schwimmstrecken im Bachgang – wie wir glauben. Am Gangende finden wir nach etwas Suchen tatsächlich den vermessenen Kletterabstieg durch Kluftspalten hinab zum Waser und treffen auf ein Labyrinth, das die oberen fossilen Teile an Komplexität noch übertrifft. Es gibt 3-6 parallele Kluftgänge, die durch Querklüfte verbunden werden. Teilweise ist das Kluftnetz so dicht, dass nur noch Pfeiler zwischen den Gängen stehengeblieben sind. Die bis zu 5 m hohen Gänge wären eigentlich ganz komfortabel, sind aber zur Hälfte mit Wasser gefüllt, dessen Kälte recht schnell unangenehm wird. Es gibt noch einen weiteren Haken: Wir finden keinen Meßpunkt, trotz penibler Suche und einem großformatigen Höhlenplan. Wir entscheiden uns schließlich, das Labyrinth bachaufwärts, also eigentlich rückwärts, zu vermessen, bis wir auf einen Anschlußpunkt stoßen. Leider kommen wir wegen der vielen Seitenstrecken nur sehr langsam voran, treffen aber schließlich auf einen Punkt, der sich dank der beigefügten Nummer zweifelsfrei als gesuchter letzter Meßpunkt des Bachganges entpuppt. Er lag mindestens 50 m neben der eingezeichneten Stelle, da wird Thomas Arbenz beim Fehlerausglich im Toporobot aber noch ganz schön schwitzen. Die Uhr mahnt energisch zum Rückweg, was wir beim allgemeinen Zähneklappern eher begrüssen. Für w itere Vermessungstouren in diesen Höhlenteil ist ein dickerer Taucheranzug sicher kein Luxus. Während die anderen Material in den Schleifsäcken verstauen und Karbid wechseln, suche ich noch nach der Forsetzung des Hauptgangs. Ein Aufstieg in einen höherliegenden Raum und danach ein Abstieg durch Blockwerk zum Bach zurück erschließt unbekannte Gefilde. Auf einem Kiesstrand läuft man in einem weitgespannten Raum neben dem Bach her, auf dessen gegenüberliegender Seite sich wieder ein Kluftlabyrinth andeutet. An einer Krabbelstelle durch Blockwerk errichte ich einen Steinmann und kehre um. Diese Höhle hat noch viel Potential! 2008.02.14, trip 27: Simon J. Brooks, Rolf Siegenthaler and Shary Ghazi (Sharareh Ghazy) … went into Tyngheng and continued surveying in the maze of passages near to the downstream limit of the cave. 271.75 m of passage suveyed (Anonymous Brown et al. 2008 Mss: Meghalaya 2008 diary.doc: Thursday 14th February). Brown et al. (2008 Mss: Survey Summary) records 14.02.08 … SJB, SG, RFS… 271.75 (metres). Siegenthaler (2008 Mss): 14.2.08, Donnerstag … Mit Simon und Shary ging ich in die Tynghem. Wir brauchten etwa 1h, um zum Ansatzpunkt zu kommen … Simon wollte zuerst einige Seitenpassagen abschliessen. Er zeichnete und Shary und ich vermassen / schwammen mit Schwimmwesten ausgerüstet im ca. 15 grädigen Wasser drauflos … Nur Simon fand sich dank seiner Zeichnung zurecht. … Nachdem wir das ärgste entwirrt hatten, verschlug es uns in einen Gang, der merklich aus dem Knäuel wegführte und starken Luftzug aufwies. Plötzlich fanden sich auch Spinnen an den Wänden, ein gutes Zeichen für einen Oberflächenzugang – Wir fanden nach einer kurzen Schwimmstrecke aber eine Passage, die Simon wiedererkannte. Nach einer Weile fanden wir auch einen Topopunkt und konnten anhängen (In diesen lehmüberzogenen Stauzonengängen sieh man übrigens mit Tipex markierte Messpunkte sehr gut!). Die Zeit war so weit fortgeschritten, dass wir umkehren mussten. Wir fanden die anderen bereits im Teashop am Nachtessen … 2008.02.16, team 1, trip 28: Simon J. Brooks, Shary Ghazi (Sharareh Ghazy) and Rolf Siegenthaler or Simon, Shary and Rolf survey 282.68 m downstream (Anonymous Brown et al. 2008 Mss: Meghalaya 2008 diary.doc: Saturday 16th February). Brown et al. (2008 Mss: Survey Summary) records 16.02.08 …SJB, SG, RFS … 282.68 (metres). Siegenthaler (2008 Mss 16.2.08, Samstag): Das Morgenessen war früh und wir kamen mal weg und beizeiten in die Tynghem. Lustigerweise fand ich meine Stiefel, die ich vorgestern im Eingang oben auf einem Block versteckt hatte, fein säuberlich aufgestellt mitten im Höhlenportal --da hat eine gute Seele gedacht, ich hätte die vergessen! … Shary, Simon und ich vermassen im Hauptgang weiter … die Zeit auch schon vorüber war. Roman und Martine hat’s sehr gefallen, ausser der Rückweg, wo sie dann etas Lichtprobleme hatten. Wir holten sie am Eingang ein und marschierten zum IB zurück. Dann gingen wir zum Glück noch rasch auf ein Tee, der uns für den Rückmarsch auf die Ridge wärmte: Markt, Dorf, Fluss, Minencamp (rasch, rasch durch!), Urwald und hinauf auf den Hügel zum Treffpunkt beim Friedhof. Der Wagen kam kurz nach unserem Eintreffen und alles hatte perfekt geklappt, sogar Bier stand bereit … Im Camp zurück gab’s ein grosses Hallo. Offenbar war nicht so viel aufregendes gemacht worden während unserer Abwesenheit und die Leute machten einen etwas abgeschlafften Eindruck. Ganz im Gegensatz zu uns, die wir natürlich vom heute erlebten topmotiviert waren! Wir genossen das Essen und gaben dann einige Daten von der Tynghem ein. 2008.02.16, team 2, trip 29: Roman Hapka and Martine Joye Hapka … explore and [do some] reconnaissance [in the] downstream section of cave (Anonymous Brown et al. 2008 Mss: Meghalaya 2008 diary.doc: Saturday 16th). 2008.02.16, team 3, trip 30: Mark Tringham ad Jean-Pierre Bartholeyns or Mark T and Jean-Pierre survey 111.24 m of side passages in downstream section of cave. End of cave ongoing and many side passages remain (Anonymous Brown et al. 2008 Mss: Meghalaya 2008 diary.doc: Saturday 16th). Brown et al. (2008 Mss: Survey Summary) records 16.02.08 … MT, JP … 111.24 (metres). 2008.02.18, team 1, trip 31: Roman Hapka, Martine Joye Hapka and Jean-Pierre Bartholeyns or Roman, Martine and Jean-Pierre continue surveying the dry side passages in the lower section of the cave, 232.57 m surveyed (Anonymous Brown et al. 2008 Mss: Meghalaya 2008 diary.doc: Monday 18th). Brown et al. (2008 Mss: Survey Summary): 18.02.08 … RH, MH, JP … 232.57 (metres). 2008.02.18, team 2, trip 32: Simon J. Brooks, Shary Ghazi (Sharareh Ghazy) and Henry Rockcliff or Simon, Shary and Henry continue to push downstream where they survey 387.85 m of passage (Anonymous Brown et al. 2008 Mss: Meghalaya 2008 diary.doc: Monday 18th). Brown et al. (2008 Mss: Survey Summary) 18.02.08 … SJB, SG, HR … 387.85 (metres). 2008.02.18, team 3, trip 33: Boycott, Antony 'Tony' and Mark Tringham or Tony B and Mark T follow them downstream and survey 306.96 m in side passages (Anonymous Brown et al. 2008 Mss: Meghalaya 2008 diary.doc: Monday 18th). Brown et al. (2008 Mss: Survey Summary): 18.02.08 … ATB, MT … 306.96 (metres). 2008.02.19, team 1, trip 34: Simon, Roman and Henry continued to survey downstream finding many swims. Surveying 374.9 m with the cave very much ongoing (Anonymous Brown et al. 2008 Mss: Meghalaya 2008 diary.doc: Tuesday 19th). Brown et al. (2008 Mss: Survey Summary): 19.02.08 … SJB, RH, HR … 374.9 (metres). 2008.02.19, team 2, trip 35: Mark T and Tony B surveyed the many side passages accumulating a total of 384.82 m (anonymous Brown et al. 2008 Mss: Meghalaya 2008 diary.doc: Tuesday 19th). Brown et al. (2008 Mss: Survey Summary): 19.02.08 … ATB, MT … 384.82 (metres). 2008.02.20, trips 36, 37: The Samassi group returned today after two nigts away. They … did two 8-hour surveying trips [no number of surveyed metres mentioned] to Krem Tyngheng (anonymous Brown et al. 2008 Mss: Meghalaya 2008 diary.doc: Wednesday 20th). Brown et al. (2008 Mss: Survey Summary) records from 20th Feb 2008 no survey activity in K. Tyngheng. 2008.02.25, trip 38: Henry, Simon and Jeff went to Samassi to carry on Krem Tynghend [sic!] and surveyed some side passage loops, then continued downstream through many swims. They returned to camp after twelve hours in the cave and 741 m surveyed (anonymous Brown et al. 2008 Mss: Meghalaya 2008 diary.doc: Monday 25th). Brown et al. (2008 Mss: Survey Summary): 19.02.08 … SJB, HR, JW … 740.88 (metres). 2008 total: Length 11'541.37 m, vertical range: ±47.28 m (-24.21, + 23.07). BROWN & BROOKS (2008), however, arrived in believing that Krem Tyngheng was extended from 9,866 km to 12,960 km in length to make it India's fifth longest cave. — 2009: During February 2009, … the further exploration of Krem Tynghng added some more wet canal passage and with the aid of a bamboo maypole bipod [note 14] and bolting some previously inaccessible roof passages were explored to yield another 484 m of passage taking the cave to 12,887 m in length and from India’s 6th longest cave to the 5th (Brooks 2009.03.10 Mss: Overview 2009). 2009.02.17, trip 39: Brian D. Kharpran Daly, Cdr. Vijay Chhikara (Commander, Indian Navy), and Henry Rockcliff were led by one or another unidentified guide (no name mentioned) to five cave entrances south of the village of Umkyrpong. One of these five … was beleived [sic!] to be the sink for Kseh Labbit [sic! qua: Krem Labit, Kseh] and another the resurgence for Tyngheng (Anonymous et al. 2009 Mss 'Diary 2009.doc' Tuesday 17th). 2009.02.17, trip 40: Simon J. Brooks, Henry Rockcliff, Cdr Vijay Chhikara (Commander, Indian Navy), and Polchung 'Chung' Kipgen resurveyed … wet canal passages in the area at the start of the downstream section of the cave in order to correc some previous surveying errors. Several sections of new passage were found that connected back into the Nummalite [sic!] Boulevard Dry Passages above, leaving no time to pursue the dry lead in the 'Mine' section of the cave. 225 m of passage surveyed. The team then exited from the cave and walked by back to Samassi [sic!] and then up onto the ridge (Anonymous et al. 2009 Mss 'Diary 2009.doc' Wednesday 18th Feb 09). 2009.02.23, trip 41: Simon J. Brooks, Henry Rockcliff, and Neil Pacey … cut two bamboo poles and carried these into the cave and used them to start a bolt climb into a high level passage in the Daylight Shaft some 300 m into the cave. This lead to 91 m of old passage. They then went further downstream and just before Plug Hole Chamber they used the 'Throw the rope over a Rock Bridge' technique. Access was gained to some more high level passage where 92 m of passage was surveyed. They then exited from the cave and walked from Tyngheng onto the ridge at Lumthari here they were met by the Jeep and taken back to camp (Anonymous et al. 2009 Mss: Diary 2009.doc: Monday 23rd). 2009 total: 12,887 m (Brooks, S J et al. 2010.03.08, 2010.03.12 Overview 2010.doc). — 2010: During February 2010, Krem Diengjen [Krem Dieng Jem] was extended from 1,327 m in length to 6660 m and connected to Krem Tyngheng and Krem Tyngheng was extended from 12,887 m in length to 14,442 m. The total length of the combined Krem Tyngheng / Krem Diengjem [sic!] System is 21,103 m making it the third longest cave in the Indian subcontinent and the third cave to exceed 20 kms in length (Brooks, S J et al. 2010.03.08, 2010.03.12 Overview 2010.doc). 2010.02.10, trip 42 [Krem Dienjem]: Estelle Sandford, Hellen Brooke, Imogen Furlong and Vikram Singh Kirola … continued to survey the main streamway through swims and gours until a climb out led to a connection with Krem Tyngheng at station 232/97 after approx. 500 m (Anonymous et al. 2010.03.29 Mss: Diary (current) 2010.doc). Sandford (010.04.16 Mss: Caves 'n' Corals: 10th February) confirms A second day into Krem Dieng Jem exploring the routes off 5 Ways Chamber. Imo, Hellie, Vikram and I followed a stream route and after some interesting swimming / surveying, we found ourselves in Krem Tyngheng, thus already making the big connection and only day two of caving! 2010.02.14, trip 43: David Cooke, Angela Arbenz, Hellen Brooke and a so-called Leyla (sic! qua: Leila Esfandiary) … using the rope left in situ from 2009 climbed into the roof passage near to plughole chamber where they traversed across the wall to explore the unpushed lead on the SW side of the streamway (Anonymous et al. 2010.03.29 Mss: Diary (current) 2010.doc). 2010.02.14, trip 44: Thomas Arbenz, Cdr. Vijay Chhikara (Commander, Indian Navy) and Karma Choki Bhutia (Leading Store Assistant) … went to the unpushed lead in between Numulite [sic!] Boulevard and The Mine where they surveyed a further 300 m of dry passage (Anonymous et al. 2010.03.29 Mss: iary (current) 2010.doc). 2010.02.15, trip 45: Simon J. Brooks, Tom Chapman, Andy Chapman and Roshan Singh Kirola … descended Pala Pot Entrance to Krem Tyngheng and began exploring side passages in the section of streamway beyond Floating Cock Passage. A considerable amount of canal maze was found and 376.68 m surveyed. With many leads remaining, they exited via Krem Dienjem looking at some goods leads in the lower reaches of Tyngheng on the way (Anonymous et al. 2010.03.29 Mss: Diary (current) 2010.doc). 2010.02.16, trip 46: Imogen Furlong, Ross Davidson and Chris [Christopher] Densham pushed … the end of slickensides passage. After hammering two squeezes, they extended it to the Hokey Cokey boulder choke. Imo removed a rock to reveal a climb up into the choke, and the team pushed and surveyed to a chamber with an obvious inlet dropping in through the roof. On the return journey a minor collapse happened, and the team escaped back through by the skin of their teeth. A further passageat a junction to the choke goes and turns to a direction running parallel with the slickensides extension it goes to [become relatively unbecoming and] too small. This was not surveyed. Ross pushed a passage at the junction 301/0, which heads over some flow stone into a flat out duck. This is continuing but is not pleasant (Anonymous et al. 2010.03.29 Mss: Diary (current) 2010.doc). 2010.02.17, trip 47: Imogen Furlong, Roman Hapka and Chris [Christopher] Densham exercised overcoming negotiable obstacles as fast as possible, … went to Samasi and completed the first full traverse of Tyngheng / Dienjem in 4 and half hours (Anonymous et al. 2010.03.29 Mss: Diary (current) 2010.doc). 2010.02.18, trip 48: Imogen Furlong, Chris [Christopher] Densham and an unspecified Tom out of two possible (Thomas Arbenz or Thomas Chapman) … went to explore and survey the maze below the Pala shaft. They continued the series 414 down a few squeezes and over gours into deep water (the birthing canal) which ater a short muddy section ended in a low chamber. Chris pushed a flat out duck which connected to Krem Dienjem [Krem Dieng Jem] at 19/77 with 324 m surveyed (Anonymous et al. 2010.03.29 Mss: Diary (current) 2010.doc). 2010.02.19, trip 49: Imogen Furlong, Simon J. Brooks, Ksan Kupar 'Ronnie' Mawlong and Hellen Brooke … check out and finish some side passages in the lower end Tyngheng. Most of these were found to connect to the Final Canal in Krem Diengjem [sic!]. They then worked their way upstream checking out potential side passages between here and the Pala Maze where they found a side passage which headed north-west from the Floating Cock Passage into walking-sized, muddy stream leading to a sump. 351 m passage surveyed (modified after Anonymous et al. 2010.03.29 Mss: Diary (current) 2010.doc: 19th February). 2010 total: According to the recorded survey data, the cave system combining Krem Tyngheng, Krem Siej (Samasi), Krem Dieng Jem, and the Pala Pot (Boycott 2008) inadvertendy renamed Pala Shaft (Chapman 2010) has a survey length of 20'570.02 m at a vertical range of ±119 m (+0 m / -119.02 m).Brooks, Simon J (2010.03.08 Mss: Overview), however, developped a personal calculation method which betters the survey length by more than half a kilometre and results in 21,103 m drawn from plain air. 2014.02.04, trip 50: Simon, J Brooks, Henry Rockcliff, Cdr. Vijay Chhikara, Oana Chachula, Tudor Tamas, Richa Jain and Khlur Mukhim endured a delayed start due to a non-functioning DistoX2 [but eventually] … walked from the camp to Krem Diengjem … Just inside the entrance Henry, Tudor and Richa began surveying … side passages turning off of the main passage. The first passage was an easy crawl and then, after a few metres it bifurcated. To the left was a sediment block and to the right it was a flat out crawl. They went surveying on the way in, noticed beautiful formations and fossils in the rock. They had to go into and out of the water. At times the water level wasneck deep and swimming was a good option. In a second passage they crawled a bit, swam a bit. The soil was quite sticky and slippery. Tudor explained about the type of rocks, their colour and what the various formations are called. They were lucky to see a few shrimps in the water pool, as well as spiders and crickets on the wall. They met Khlur near the main entrance intentionally chasing a small cricket to make it tired before putting it into the bottle. It was an interesting sight to watch (anonymous Brooks, S J et al. 2014.04.05 Mss: Diary Meghalaya 2014 Second Edit: 4th February, Tuesday). 2014.02.04, trip 51: Simon, J Brooks, Oana Chachula and Cdr. Vijay Chhikara surveyed a couple of high level passages near to the entrance before moving further upstream to check out two more high level passages. Simon climbed up the slope in the more upstream of these and connected it via another passage to the downstream passage, creating a loop. This passage was not surveyed due to its [the srvey's?] very unstable nature. further upstream three more unpushed leads were explored to conclusion. 224 m of passage [sic! qua: survey length] surveyed (anonymous brooks, s j et al. 2014.04.05 mss: diary meghalaya 2014 second edit: 4th february, tuesday). 2014.02.07, trip 52: Henry rockcliff, brian d. kharpran daly and bhushan poshe mastered surveying relatively small cave passages not far from the entrance some 80 m of aquatic Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 06/01/2018

Cavités proche

Distance (km)NomLongueur (m)Profondeur (m)
0.1SIEJ, Samasi (Krem)
0.2SA PYIANG (Krem)
0.2SA PYIANG 2 (Krem)
1.0SYNTOIN (Thlu)
1.2NIEN KSHEH, Pala (Kharpran Daly, B D 2002) (Krem)
1.2URCHA, Pala (Krem)
1.3RUHHIAR (Krem)