Tham Pha Mon - MH0004

Length 4050m Depth 100m
Grottocenter / carte


Tham Pha Mon has three main entrances. The resurgence entrance is 50 m east of the H1095, about 3km east of Ban Soppong, and it has been developed by monks into a temple and shrine with bamboo bridges across the river. Previously, the most commonly used entrance was a collapse doline 100 m walk up the hill from the army checkpoint on the H1095 near the resurgence, but a wooden stairway installed in this entrance has fallen into a dangerous state of disrepair. The through trip is normally done heading upstream. From the sink entrance the path back to the H1095 is found by following the stream out of the doline and crossing a field to the left after 60 m. The path disappears about 1 km from the road and it is necessary to bushwhack through very hard going in extremely dense jungle, going west around a large hill, and it can take 3.5 hours to walk the 2.2 km (as the crow flies) back to the road. Martin Ellis - 10/04/2020


Martin Ellis - 10/04/2020

The cave is most conveniently traversed from resurgence to sink. At the resurgence there are two entrances, one active and the other a roof hole. The stream passage makes great sporting caving, usually with a gravel bed and no deep water, some fine decoration and the occasional tight or low wet section for variety. Elsewhere it is mostly walking in passages up to 10 to 15 m high and wide with frequent sections where the roof is only about 1.5 m high. A draught blows through the cave, becoming very strong in one or two constrictions. About 500 m before the sink entrance, above the streamway, there is the large Gourou chamber which has blue formations. The last few metres to the sink entrance are over increasingly large boulders and up small waterfalls to a final climb emerging at the bottom of a collapse doline. During the 1992 Australian expedition a small tributary was followed, increasing the length of the cave to over 4 kilometres. The wooden walkway installed in November 1999 for the Royal visit is falling into disrepair and by March 2010 the steps down into the doline were dangerously rotted. If this walkway is left to rot it will be a conservation disaster. Some local conservationists have removed part of the stairway into the cave at the karst window to make access more difficult.


Martin Ellis - 10/04/2020

Surveyed by the APS in 1985 to Grade UISv2 3-3-A DEHARVENG, LOUIS ET AL. (1986) - UIS Grade 4 (3,989m) SIRIPORNPIBUL (2000) ELLIS, MARTIN (2009) - based on Deharveng et al. (1986) SIDISUNTHORN, PINDAR; GARDNER, SIMON; SMART, DEAN (2006) - upper series


Martin Ellis - 10/04/2020

Belisana bantham Huber, 2005 (Arthropoda, Arachnida, Araneae, Araneomorphae, Pholcidae) (Huber 2005) Scolopendra dehaani Brandt, 1840 (Arthropoda, Chilopoda, Scolopendromorpha, Scolopendridae) (Siriwut et al. 2016) Scolopendra pinguis Pocock, 1891 (Arthropoda, Chilopoda, Scolopendromorpha, Scolopendridae) (Siriwut et al. 2016) Troglopedetes longicornis Deharveng et Gers, 1993 (Arthropoda, Entognatha, Entomobryomorpha, Entomobryoidea, Paronellidae) û type locality (Deharveng and Gers 1993) Spelaeoblatta myugei Vidlicka, Vransky et Shcherbakov, 2003 (Arthropoda, Insecta, Blattodea, Corydioidea, Nocticolidae) û type locality (Vidlicka et al. 2003) Eustra deharvengi (Deuve, 1986) (Arthropoda, Insecta, Coleoptera, Carabidae) û type locality (Deuve 2001) Hipposideros lylei Thomas, 1913 (Chordata, Mammalia, Chiroptera, Hipposideridae) (Roguin 1988)


[Topo] Tham Pha Mon 12/05/2019
Bibliography 10/04/2020
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While this cave has been known locally for a long time it seems likely that in 1985 the APS was the first group to make a through trip. In November 1999 a hardwood walkway and electric lighting was installed in the first 800 m from the doline entrance to allow a Royal visit. After the visit the whole cave was then placed under the protection of the Thai military and closed to the general public, with the local authorities clearing the area beside the H1095 near the resurgence entrance, erecting a large sign and building a path to the doline entrance. December 2008 there was no sign of any guides at the resurgence entrance and the path was overgrown January 2010 an army checkpoint was in place on the H1095 and some clearing up of the site had taken place. However, the wooden walkway and stairs in the doline entrance had rotted away and were unusable. January 2015 this rotting wood was a huge hinderance when using the shakehole entrance and traversing the streamway. 2019-02-27 J. Brush, M. Coggan, N. Andersom Martin Ellis - 10/04/2020

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