An about 2 m wide by 1.4 m high cave entrance without identified shape faces an unknown direction but was interpreted as a seasonal sink (insurgence) that gives access to a comparatively similar sized [cave] passage (Brooks, S J 2009.06.07 Mss: Mankrem / Krem Man Krem) which somehow leads to other cave entrances (Krem Man Krem 2, Krem Man Krem 3, Krem Dait Krong 2, Krem Dait Krong 3) without identified shape, dimensions, character, nature, and peculiarities (Anonymous et al. 2010.03.29 Mss: Diary (current) 2010.doc, passim). Arbenz, T (2010.02.22 Mss ”Davidson” Krem Man Krem / Krem Nim Bra Pong / Krem Rapasan 2007.03.27) opines that the entrance at the corner of the football pitch is not recommended as it is not only wet but also full of (sic!) or, more likely, obstructed by doubtful remains including especially fascinating fecies (sic! qua: feces, vulgo: shit) and less attractive accumulations of driftwood or flood debris (tree trunks, bamboo etc.) which give the impression of havingbeen washed in on occasion of previous flooding or during spate events. ETYMOLOGY 2009: No autochthonous, indigenous or locally known cave name has been identified for what was not only understood as something that can became a cave (in Khasi: kaei-re-kaei ade yn kaba krem) but also was disguised as a Pseudokhasi -Mankrem- and, even more artful, as -Krem Man Krem- or Cave Growing [into a] Cave (note 1). ETYMOLOGY 2010a: Allegedly Davidson (more likely: Arbenz, T 2010.02.22 Mss: Man Krem) conceived not only the accumulation of letters Krem Nim Bra Pong which seems to translate as cave [that] will not?] be fond of boring / making a hole [into a] brassière (note 2) but also tells a tale according to which the [cave] entrances are known as Krem Rapasan (note 3) without bothering to explain why or by whom. ETYMOLOGY 2010b: Anonymous et al. (2010.03.29 Mss: Diary (current) 2010.doc: 9th February 2010) fabricated a New name Krem Nim ba Pong which intended to translate as cave [of the] bore hle to be (note 4). So far (July 2013), only sixteen (16) different names have been created and recorded for this cave and it's cave entrances: 1. Krem Dait Krong 2 Audsley, A U (2010.02.10 Mss: Krem Dait Krong 2); Anonymous et al. (2010.03.29 Diary (current) 2010.doc) 2. Krem Dait Krong 3 Audsley, A U (2010.02.10 Mss: Krem Dait Krong 3); Anonymous et al. (2010.03.29 Diary (current) 2010.doc) 3. Krem Daitriong 2 Anonymous et al. (2010.03.29 Diary (current) 2010.doc: 12th February) 4. Krem Daitriong 3 Anonymous et al. (2010.03.29 Diary (current) 2010.doc: 12th February) 5. Krem Daitrong 2 Anonymous et al. (2010.03.29 Diary (current) 2010.doc: 12th February) 6. Krem Daitrong 3 Anonymous et al. (2010.03.29 Diary (current) 2010.doc: 12th February) 7. Krem Man Krem ARBENZ, T (2012: 31 map); Brooks, S J (2009.06.07 Mss: Mankrem / Krem Man Krem); Tringham, M E in: ARBENZ, T (2012: 38) 8. Mankrem [Cave] Brooks, S J (2009.06.07 Mss) 9. Krem Mankrem Brooks, S J (2009.06.07 Mss); -Davison- (i.e. Arbenz, T 2010.02.22 Mss dated 2007.03.27) 10. Krem Mankrem 3 Anonymous et al. (2010.03.29 Diary (current) 2010.doc: 12th February) 11. Krem Mankrem 4 Anonymous et al. (2010.03.29 Mss: Diary (current) 2010.doc: -13 February- for 2010.02.12) 12. Krem Nim ba Pong Anonymous et al. (2010.03.29 Mss: Diary (current) 2010.doc: 9th February 2010) 13. Krem Nim bra Pong Arbenz, T (2010.03.23 Mss -Ross Davidson 22ndFeb.2010 Krem Man Krem ¬ Krem Nim Bra Pong / Krem Rapasan 23.3.2007) 14. Krem Rapasan Arbenz, T (2010.03.23 Mss -Ross Davidson 22ndFeb.2010 Krem Man Krem ¬ Krem Nim Bra Pong / Krem Rapasan 23.3.2007) 15. Krem Rapsan Arbenz, T (2010.04.12 Mss: Pala Positions.xlsx) 16. Krem Krem Rapsan Arbenz, T (2010.03.31 cave distribution map Pala_Ridge_4-10.pdf). SITUATION: Because common people see exclusively what they know, sportsmen relate the location of the insurgence entrance to Krem Man Krem to the more popular of the two southern corners of the football pitch (note 5). Actully, however, the insurgence and cave entrance lies half a kilometre in a direct line south-west from the playground but only some 325 m in a direct line approximately east-south-east (-164 m north and 277 m east) from the central road junction in the village of Umkyrpong (note 6) and in a relatively low cliff (without identified height) above the northern (orographically left?) bank of an unspecified but relatively obvious gully / seasonal stream channel without identified name. SITUATION 2009: Instead of locating the insurgence and cave entrance on the north side of a gully south-east of the playground, Brooks (2009.06.07 Mss) locates The cave entrance in a low cliff next to [sic! qua: north of] an obvious gully / seasonal stream channel on the north [sic! qua: south-east] side of the football pitch. SITUATION 2010a: From the football pitch of Umkyrpong village the cave entrance lies in a low cliff next to a gully / seasonal stram channel on the north side and the southern corner ofthe football pitch. A second and third entrance lie next to each other on a position N25°26’08.9”: E092°35’08.7” contour north from the football pitch, bearing right into a grike. After 600 m follow the path, keeping left, ascending over the edge of a large doline, passing a blind sinkhole and descend into a doline. The entrances lie in the undergrowth behind a field on the base of the doline. The entrances are known as Krem Rapasan (Arbenz, T 2010.03.23 Mss -Ross Davidson 22ndFeb.2010 Krem Man Krem, Krem Nim Bra Pong / Krem Rapasan 23.3.2007). SITUATION 2010a: Krem Man Krem … is situated in the village of Umkrypong [sic!] (Brooks, S J et al. 2010.03.08, 2010.03.12 Overview 2010.doc). CAVE DESCRIPTION 2009: A 2 m [wide?] by 1.4 m high [cave] entrance leads to a similar sized [cave] passage with pools on [the] floor [note 7] that [the floor?] goes onwards for an unknown distance (Brooks 2009.06.07 Mss: Mankrem / Krem Man Krem). CAVE DESCRIPTION 2010a: Krem ids [sic!] a sink entrance toapprox. 300 m in stream passage containing polluted water. Main stream ongoing (Anonymous et al. 2010.03.29 Mss: Diary (current) 2010.doc: 9th February). CAVE DESCRIPTION 2010b: Krem Daitriong 2 [renamed from Krem Daitrong 2 instead of Krem Dait Krong 2] drops into Krem Man Krem at 1/12 and Krem Daitriong 3 [renamed from Krem Daitrong 3 instead of Krem Dait Krong 3] drops in at 1/16. Neither shafts were surveyed (Anonymous et al. 2010.03.29 Mss: Diary (current) 2010.doc: 12th February). CAVE DESCRIPTION 2010c: Seasonal sink and cave draining the area NE of Umkyrpong. Water from NE and SW possibly flows towards Krem Labit Kseh and the Kopili River in the east. Best entrance is via Krem Rapasan, wich is w2m x h1.4m entrance leading to a similar sized passage. The “main entrance” at the corner of the football pitch is not recommended, being wet and full of doubtful remains (fecies) of previous flooding as well as blockages of flood debris (tree trunks, bamboo etc.). A seasonal stream cav with several relic side passages and active inlets. Calcite formations at some point in the river passage and at the side passage where it reaches the surface. Sandy floors. Interesting rock formations shaped by waterflow (Arbenz, T 2010.05.26 Mss -Ross Davidson 22ndFeb.2010- Krem Man Krem, Krem Nim Bra Pong / Krem Rapasan 23.3.2007).CAVE CONTENTS: What seems to have been botryoidal speleothems has been accidentally described from … a nasty side passage … The Shredder. A small passage in dimensions with repeated squeezes over gour damns and a few climbs. The whole passage was coated with cave coral making it very sharp and uncomfortable. Worth a spare pair of gloves! This proceeded for approx. 200 m to bypass a stall choke in the main streamway. It rejoined the main streamway … (Ross, Mark and Henry in: Anonymous et al. 2010.03.29 Mss: Diary (current) 2010.doc: 17th February). SPELEOMETRY 2010: Brooks, S J et al. (2010.03.08, 2010.03.12 Overview 2010.doc): Krem Man Krem … is exploredfor 4695 m … (no comment). Arbenz, T Mss -Davidson 2007.03.27- Krem Man Krem_Rec.doc): 10th to 22nd Feb. 2010 various teams explored and surveyed the caveon [sic!] a daily basis to the present length of nearly 4.7 km (). PROSPECTS 2010: Arbenz, T Mss -Davidson 2007.03.27- Krem Man Krem_Rec.doc): Ongoing -- several leads remain to be explored >> see survey (). Anonymous et al. (2010.03.29 Mss: Diary (current) 2010.doc) noticed Main stream ongoing. Brooks, S J et al. (2010.03.08, 2010.03.12 Overview 2010.doc) explain that Krem Man Krem … is ongoing. PROSPECTS 2009: Good / excellent - wide open (Brooks 2009.06.07 Mss: Mankrem / Krem Man Krem). PROSPECTS 2010a: Ross, Karma and Roger noticed on 22nd February 2010 not only to have the impression of a cave ongoing with c. half a dozen leads (unidentified) but also drew attention to an unexplored Main Lead commencing at a relatively large chamber with low bedding plane heading East noted between survey stations 44/34 and 44/35 (Anonymous et a. 2010.03.29 Mss: Diary (current) 2010.doc). PROSPECTS 2010b: Several leads remain to be explored (Arbenz, T 2010.05.26 Meghalaya Cave Record -Ross Davidson 22ndFeb.2010- Krem Man Krem … 23.3.2007). CULTURAL HISTORY -- lost head: Part of human skull found a short way into the second (Krem Rapasan) entrance (Arbenz, T 2010.04.12 Mss -Ross Davidson 22ndFeb.2010- Krem Man Krem, Krem Nim Bra Pong / Krem Rapasan 23.3.2007). CULTURAL HISTORY -- water supply: On Friday, 11th Febuary 2011, … it was noted that the entrance area of Krem Man Krem had considerably changed during the year. A system of dams had been built in the depression of the main entrance, creating ponds and raising the water level quite a bit. It was, however, not possible to investigate the impact on the cave because works were still in progress (anonymous Arbenz, T et al. 2011.03.27 undated Mss: 2011 Diary.doc: 11th Febuary 2011). CAVE CLIMATE: Somebody suffered encountering a bad mannered duck with a strong draft going outards (Anonymous et al. 2010.03.29 Mss: Diary (current) 2010.doc). We can, however, safely assume, however, that all then going outwards was not a walking bird resembling a duck but a kind of draft which may represent --but this is mere guesswork-- an air current. CAVE LIFE: The caving subjects Mark (conf. Mark E. Tringham), Leila Esfandiary, Ross Davidson and Henry Boswell Dawson noticed on 18th February 2010 not only visible crayfish in some of the pools (Crustacea: Palaemonidae spp.) but also a misbehaving duck with a strong draft going outwards (Anonymous et al. 2010.03.29 Mss: Diary (current) 2010.doc). Fish, crickets, millipedes, bats, spiders, woodlice (Arbenz, T 2010.04.12 Mss -Ross Davidson 22ndFeb.2010- Krem Man Krem, Krem Nim Bra Pong / Krem Rapasan 23.3.2007). Keywords: Pisces, Orthoptera, Tracheata: Myriapoda, Chiroptera, Aranea: Arachnida, Isopoda).. 2010.03.29 Mss: Diary (current) 2010.doc). PROSPECTS 2010b: Several leads remain to be explored (Arbenz, T 2010.05.26 Meghalaya Cave Record -Ross Davidson 22ndFeb.2010- Krem Man Krem … 23.3.2007). CULTURAL HISTORY -- lost head: Part of human skull found a short way into the second (Krem Rapasan) entrance (Arbenz, T 2010.04.12 Mss -Ross Davidson 22ndFeb.2010- Krem Man Krem, Krem Nim Bra Pong / Krem Rapasan 23.3.2007). CULTURAL HISTORY -- water supply: On Friday, 11th Febuary 2011, … it was noted that the entrance area of Krem Man Krem had considerably changed during the year. A system of dams had been built in the depression of the main entrance, creating ponds and raising the water level quite a bit. It was, however, not possible to investigate the impact on the cave because works were still in progress (anonymous Arbenz, T et al. 2011.03.27 undated Mss: 2011 Diary.doc: 11th Febuary 2011). CAVE CLIMATE: Somebody suffered encountering a bad mannered duck with a strong draft going out. 2010.03.29 Mss: Diary (current) 2010.doc). PROSPECTS 2010b: Several leads remain to be explored (Arbenz, T 2010.05.26 Meghalaya Cave Record -Ross Davidson 22ndFeb.2010- Krem Man Krem … 23.3.2007). CULTURAL HISTORY -- lost head: Part of human skull found a short way into the second (Krem Rapasan) entrance (Arbenz, T 2010.04.12 Mss -Ross Davidson 22ndFeb.2010- Krem Man Krem, Krem Nim Bra Pong / Krem Rapasan 23.3.2007). CULTURAL HISTORY -- water supply: On Friday, 11th Febuary 2011, … it was noted that the entrance area of Krem Man Krem had considerably changed during the year. A system of dams had been built in the depression of the main entrance, creating ponds and raising the water level quite a bit. It was, however, not possible to investigate the impact on the cave because works were still in progress (anonymous Arbenz, T et al. 2011.03.27 undated Mss: 2011 Diary.doc: 11th Febuary 2011). CAVE CLIMATE: Somebody suffered encountering a bad mannered duck with a strong draft going out. 2010.03.29 Mss: Diary (current) 2010.doc). PROSPECTS 2010b: Several leads remain to be explored (Arbenz, T 2010.05.26 Meghalaya Cave Record -Ross Davidson 22ndFeb.2010- Krem Man Krem … 23.3.2007). CULTURAL HISTORY -- lost head: Part of human skull found a short way into the second (Krem Rapasan) entrance (Arbenz, T 2010.04.12 Mss -Ross Davidson 22ndFeb.2010- Krem Man Krem, Krem Nim Bra Pong / Krem Rapasan 23.3.2007). CULTURAL HISTORY -- water supply: On Friday, 11th Febuary 2011, … it was noted that the entrance area of Krem Man Krem had considerably changed during the year. A system of dams had been built in the depression of the main entrance, creating ponds and raising the water level quite a bit. It was, however, not possible to investigate the impact on the cave because works were still in progress (anonymous Arbenz, T et al. 2011.03.27 undated Mss: 2011 Diary.doc: 11th Febuary 2011). CAVE CLIMATE: Somebody suffered encountering a bad mannered duck with a strong draft going out. 2010.03.29 Mss: Diary (current) 2010.doc). PROSPECTS 2010b: Several leads remain to be explored (Arbenz, T 2010.05.26 Meghalaya Cave Record -Ross Davidson 22ndFeb.2010- Krem Man Krem … 23.3.2007). CULTURAL HISTORY -- lost head: Part of human skull found a short way into the second (Krem Rapasan) entrance (Arbenz, T 2010.04.12 Mss -Ross Davidson 22ndFeb.2010- Krem Man Krem, Krem Nim Bra Pong / Krem Rapasan 23.3.2007). CULTURAL HISTORY -- water supply: On Friday, 11th Febuary 2011, … it was noted that the entrance area of Krem Man Krem had considerably changed during the year. A system of dams had been built in the depression of the main entrance, creating ponds and raising the water level quite a bit. It was, however, not possible to investigate the impact on the cave because works were still in progress (anonymous Arbenz, T et al. 2011.03.27 undated Mss: 2011 Diary.doc: 11th Febuary 2011). CAVE CLIMATE: Somebody suffered encountering a bad mannered duck with a strong draft going out. 2010.03.29 Mss: Diary (current) 2010.doc). PROSPECTS 2010b: Several leads remain to be explored (Arbenz, T 2010.05.26 Meghalaya Cave Record -Ross Davidson 22ndFeb.2010- Krem Man Krem … 23.3.2007). CULTURAL HISTORY -- lost head: Part of human skull found a short way into the second (Krem Rapasan) entrance (Arbenz, T 2010.04.12 Mss -Ross Davidson 22ndFeb.2010- Krem Man Krem, Krem Nim Bra Pong / Krem Rapasan 23.3.2007). CULTURAL HISTORY -- water supply: On Friday, 11th Febuary 2011, … it was noted that the entrance area of Krem Man Krem had considerably changed during the year. A system of dams had been built in the depression of the main entrance, creating ponds and raising the water level quite a bit. It was, however, not possible to investigate the impact on the cave because works were still in progress (anonymous Arbenz, T et al. 2011.03.27 undated Mss: 2011 Diary.doc: 11th Febuary 2011). CAVE CLIMATE: Somebody suffered encountering a bad mannered duck with a strong draft going out. 2010.03.29 Mss: Diary (current) 2010.doc). PROSPECTS 2010b: Several leads remain to be explored (Arbenz, T 2010.05.26 Meghalaya Cave Record -Ross Davidson 22ndFeb.2010- Krem Man Krem … 23.3.2007). CULTURAL HISTORY -- lost head: Part of human skull found a short way into the second (Krem Rapasan) entrance (Arbenz, T 2010.04.12 Mss -Ross Davidson 22ndFeb.2010- Krem Man Krem, Krem Nim Bra Pong / Krem Rapasan 23.3.2007). CULTURAL HISTORY -- water supply: On Friday, 11th Febuary 2011, … it was noted that the entrance area of Krem Man Krem had considerably changed during the year. A system of dams had been built in the depression of the main entrance, creating ponds and raising the water level quite a bit. It was, however, not possible to investigate the impact on the cave because works were still in progress (anonymous Arbenz, T et al. 2011.03.27 undated Mss: 2011 Diary.doc: 11th Febuary 2011). CAVE CLIMATE: Somebody suffered encountering a bad mannered duck with a strong draft going outards (Anonymous et al. 2010.03.29 Mss: Diary (current) 2010.doc). We can, however, safely assume, however, that all then going outwards was not a walking bird resembling a duck but a kind of draft which may represent --but this is mere guesswork-- an air current. CAVE LIFE: The caving subjects Mark (conf. Mark E. Tringham), Leila Esfandiary, Ross Davidson and Henry Boswell Dawson noticed on 18th February 2010 not only visible crayfish in some of the pools (Crustacea: Palaemonidae spp.) but also a misbehaving duck with a strong draft going outwards (Anonymous et al. 2010.03.29 Mss: Diary (current) 2010.doc). Fish, crickets, millipedes, bats, spiders, woodlice (Arbenz, T 2010.04.12 Mss -Ross Davidson 22ndFeb.2010- Krem Man Krem, Krem Nim Bra Pong / Krem Rapasan 23.3.2007). Keywords: Pisces, Orthoptera, Tracheata: Myriapoda, Chiroptera, Aranea: Arachnida, Isopoda).
EXPLORATION HISTORY: 2009.02.17, trip 1: An unspecified Umkyrpong headman (whose name no sportsman was able to identify) indicated a cave entrance to Brian D. Kharpran Daly, Cdr Vijay Chhikara (Commander, Indian Navy), Simon J. Brooks (2009.06.07 Mss: Mankrem), and Henry Rockcliff who all commenced watching the cave entrance while Henry read a selection of aspects displayed on a simple Garmin Geko 301 GPS receiver. 2009.02.23, trip 2: Simon J. Brooks, Neil Pacey, and Henry Rockcliff returned to the cave entrance, found it still there, and continued watching the entrance till they arrived at having re-affirmed it looked promising (Brooks 2009.06.07 Mss: Mankrem). 2010.02.09, trip 3: Ross Davidson, supported by Peter Ludwig and the marines Pankaj Rai (Seaman 1st Class) and Prakash Bishnoi (Leading Seaman), increased confusion with introducing a freshly fabricated and allegedly new name Krem Nim ba Pong --a feat never ever repeated again-- but also with narrating to have surveyed (sic!) n estimated accumulation of lengthwise measured distances corresponding to approx. 300 m (Anonymous et al. 2010.03.29 Mss: Diary (current) 2010.doc). Ross Davidson (2010.02.22 dated '2007.03.27' [sic!] Mss: Krem Man Krem_Rec.doc = Meghalaya Cave Record: Krem Man Krem / Krem Nim Bra Pong / Krem Rapasan) forgot about Peter Ludwig and announces 9th Feb 2010: R. Davidson took up the lead for the further exploration. Surveyed 276 m with P. Rai and P. Bishnoi. 2010.02.10, trip 4: It was one Philip Tangliang (Audsley 2010.02.10 Mss: Krem Blang) or Philp Tangliang (Anonymous et al. 2010.03.29 Mss: Diary (current) 2010.doc) from the village of Umkyrpong, who guided an unidentified Kyrmen AA, Annie U. Audsley, Angela Arbenz, a kind of Henry (either a hanging boulder or the caver Henry Boswell Dawson), and a certain Dabid (sic! qua: David Cooke) to the entrances of … two further caves [without identified names; perhaps Krem Dait Krong 2 and Krem Dait Krong 3] … in the same vicinity bothpes [ic! qua: WHAT?], but entrances were GPS’s with poor accuracy (Anonymous et al. 2010.03.29 Mss: Diary (current) 2010.doc). 2010.02.10, trip 5: Ross Davidson, Prakash Bishnoi, Pankaj Rai and Vinklo Sumi narrate having surveyed from station 1/20 to station 3/23 and found a new entrance (Anonymous et al. 2010.03.29 Mss: Diary (current) 2010.doc). 2010.02.11, trip 6: Ross Davidson, Prakash Bishnoi, Pankaj Rai and Vinklo Sumi posed for Fraser E. Simpson taking … photos, after which side loops were surveyed not on inexistent but on existing passage (Anonymous et al. 2010.03.29 Mss: Diary (current) 2010.doc). 2010.02.11, trip 7: A kind of Henry (either a hanging boulder or the caver Henry Boswell Dawson), Annie U. Audsley and Imogen Furlong along with a marine (Indian Navy) recorded as Amulta (sic!) instead of Amulya Prasad Parihar exercised futility, arrived in believing to have dropped not only a so-called Krem Daitrong 2 (sic!) and a Krem Daitrong 3 (sic!) which possibly were Krem Dait Krog 2 and Krem Dait Krong 3, but also returned having neither shafts surveyed (Anonymous et al. 2010.03.29 Mss: Diary (current) 2010.doc). 2010.02.12, trip 8: One or the other of the two available caving subjects called Mark (rather Mark E. Tringham than Mark W. Brown), Leila Esfandiary, Pankaj Rai, and either David Cooke (Anonymous et al. 2010.03.29 Mss: Diary (current) 2010.doc) or Peter Ludwig (Brooks et al 2010.03.29 Mss: Survey summary.xls) … explored and surveyed from the entrance known as Krem Man Krem 3 for 457 m. This comprised a dry entrance section, walking sized passage and then a wet streamway. The streamway tied into 1/50 in Krem Man Krem. They also explored what appeared to be downstream section in small muddy passages for 50 m --ongoing (Anonymous et al. 2010.03.29 Mss: Diary (current) 2010.doc). 2010.02.12, trip 9: Fraser E. Simpson took not only Phrang Kupar “Teddy” Mawlong and Ksan Kupar 'Ronnie' Mawlong but also Melquire 'Mel' Laitphlang and Angela Arbenz … t take photographs in Bat Bazzar [sic! qua: Bat Bazar?] and back down the main passage (Anonymous et al. 2010.03.29 Mss: Diary (current) 2010.doc). 2010.02.12, trip 10: Ross Davidson, Derek Pettiglio and Andrew 'Andy' Chapman … tied up loose ends in the man krem series 3 side passage, one of which was a climb leading to a substantial fossil passage. This was surveyed to its end after 250 m (Anonymous et al. 2010.03.29 Mss: Diary (current) 2010.doc). 2010.02.13, trip 11: Mark E. Tringham, David Cooke, Leila Esfandiary and Peter Ludwig … continued exploring from entrance no. 4 and added about 350 m new [sic! qua: till then fully ignored] cave passage mostly in the lower wet part. One small crawl lead into a large fault aligned chamber. Several loops were closed out and the only remaining leads seem to be ducks with small airspace going probably in an eastward (downstream?) direction (Anonymous et al. 2010.03.29 Mss: Diary (current) 2010.doc). 2010.02.13, trip 12: Ross Davidson, Bridgt E. Hall and Derek Pettiglio … dropped hole in the floor and surveyed to the stream and on to a large chamber well above the streamway, we then checked survey data on the way out to correct errors (Anonymous et al. 2010.03.29 Mss: Diary (current) 2010.doc). 2010.02.14, trip 13: Ross Davidson, Derek Pettiglio and a kind of Henry (either a hanging boulder or the caver Henry Boswell Dawson) surveyed 368 m of side passages in the lower half of the cave (Anonymous et al. 2010.03.29 Mss: Diary (current) 2010.doc). 2010.02.15, trip 14: One unspecified Mark out of two at hand (Mark W. Brown, Mark E. Tringham) T, David Cooke, Leila Esfandiary and Vikram Singh Kirola … resurveyed series 4 and 10 to improve loop closure, managing a small improvement. We then proceeded to station 13/14 and swam 25 m to station 11/21 thus proving the expected connection existed. Returning to station 13/14 we explored the downstream “duck” which turned out to be fine swimming passage between gour dams. After appro. 100 m the stream continues but black space can be seen above. Climbing a rubble slope for 10 m a fine fault controlled chamber was reached (Anonymous et al. 2010.03.29 Mss: Diary (current) 2010.doc). 2010.02.16, trip 15: Mark E. Tringham, Peter Ludwig and Andrew 'Andy' Chapman … surveyed and explored in the downstream direction series 18 with wet ducks and swimming at the start. After a large trunk passage was explored E/NE to make a total of 480 m. This appeared to end at a boulder choke with stal, closes down. However, a North side passage crawl branches off and appears to bypass choke (Anonymous et al. 2010.03.29 Mss: Diary (current) 2010.doc). 2010.02.16, trip 16: David Cooke, Leila Esfandiary, and Cdr. Vijay Chhikara (Commander, Indian Navy) … surveyed Leila’s Birthday Chamber (100 m x 15 m x 25 m high). The chamber continues North downslope to a junction with a stream. Upstream to the west is a fine metro style tunnel leading to a boulder choke after the first corner. Downtream a 5 m climb down entered a maze of [relatively] small passages [without comparison for scale]. 228 m surveyed (Anonymous et al. 2010.03.29 Mss: Diary (current) 2010.doc). 2010.02.17, trip 17: Ross Davidson, one unspecified Mark out of two available (Mark W. Brown, Mark E. Tringham) and a kind of Henry (either a hanging boulder or the caver Henry Boswell Dawson) … pushed a nasty side passage in Krem Man Krem. Name The Shredder. A small passage in dimensions with repeated squeezes over gour damns and a few climbs. The whole passage was coated with cave coral [note 8] making it very sharp and uncomfortable. Worth a spare pair of gloves! This proceeded for approx. 200 m to bypass a stall choke in the main streamway. It rejoined the main streamway and this continued in generous proportions going both upstream and downstream. The downstream was followed for a few long legs past a boulders to meet a gour damn of approx. 8 m to 10 m height. The streamway continues (Anonymous et al. 201003.29 Mss: Diary (current) 2010.doc). 2010.02.17, trip 18: A certain Vijay (was RD on Mac) who possibly had both previously and later been Cdr. Vijay Chhikara (Commander, Indian Navy) along with Sarah Louise Payne and David Cooke … went to Krem Man Krem to look at downstream from station 36/7. This rapidly turned into a frustrating labyrinth of low passages with dry compacted mud floor (The Labyrinth). There is a real danger of becoming lost for good. After a while we swapped to a centre-line only survey to push through the maze, but failed to find a way through (Anonymous et al. 2010.03.29 Mss: Diary (current) 2010.doc). 2010.02.18, trip 19: One unspecified Mark out of two available (Mark W. Brown, Mark E. Tringham), a so-called Leyla (sic! qua: Leila Esfandiary), Ross Davidson and Henry Boswell Dawson visited parts of … the downstream main passage in Krem Man Krem. This quickly came to the top of a 5 m drop. This and a short drop in The Shredder had artificial aids attached. The pasage continued in grand proportions. It almost doubled back on itself in a large chamber with flood debris throughout. Crayfish were visible in some of the pools. Gour dams were frequent and often eroded. The terminal chamber called Victoria Chamber appeared to have no leads. Ross hammered a slot in the floor and gained access to an area of breakdown under the floor which had a duck with a strong draft going outwards. The team returned to base carrying out photography as they went. The new passage is attractive (Anonymous et al. 2010.03.29 Mss: Diary (current) 2010.doc). 2010.02.21, trip 20: Ross Davidson, Roger Galloway, Annie U. Audsley and and Henry Boswell Dawson … tie up the upstream survey and side passages, followed by investigating a lead in the terminal chamber. This extension was surveyed for 45 m (419 m on Mac) and is still ongoing (Anonymous et al. 2010.03.29 Mss: Diary (current) 2010.doc). 2010.02.21, trip 21: Ross Davidson, Roger Galloway and Karma Choki Bhutia surveyed 14 m from Victoria Chamber and left the cave ongoing (Anonymous et al. 2010.03.29 Mss: Diary (current) 2010.doc). In one preliminary final analysis, Ross Davidson (2010.02.22 dated '2007.03.27' [sic!] Mss: Krem Man Krem_Rec.doc = Meghalaya Cave Record: Krem Man Krem / Krem Nim Bra Pong / Krem Rapasan) arrived at reducing details to a quick and easy statement according to which 10th to 22nd Feb. 2010 various teams explored and surveyed the cave on a daily basis to the present length of nearly 4.7 km. Team members : R. Davidson, P. rai [sic!], P. Bishnoi, V. Sumi, F. Simpson, D. Pettiglio, A. Chapman, M. Tringham, D. Cooke, L. Esfandyari, B. Hall, P. Ludwig, H. Dawson, V. Chhikara, R. Galloway, A. Audsley. 2012.02.09, trip 22, Ross Davidson (book), Rudolf 'Rudi' Weissmair, and Richard Hudson: 02.09.2021 [sic!], RD, RW, RH, Krem Man Krem, 30, Side passage off Shredder (anonymous Brooks, S J 2012.06.23 undated Mss: Meghalaya 2012 Survey Summary Kopli.xls). 2012.02.09, trip 23, MarkE. Tringham (book), David Cooke, and Vijay Chhikara: MT, DC, VC, Krem Man Krem, 29, tying-up question marks (anonymous Brooks, S J 2012.06.23 undated Mss: Meghalaya 2012 Survey Summary Kopli.xls). 2012.02.10, trip 24, Ross Davidson (book), Nicky Bayley, and Richard Hudson: 10.02.2012, RD, NB, RH, Krem Man Krem, 129.17, pushing Ross' 2010 lead (anonymous Brooks, S J 2012.06.23 undated Mss: Meghalaya 2012 Survey Summary Kopli.xls). 2012.02.19, trip 25, David 'Cookie' Cook, Ross (Rossi?) Davidson, Nicola 'Nicky' Bayley and Richard 'Rich' Dawson hoping for a way in to end of Krem Man Krem (sic!) wandered on 19th Feb 2012 (Sunday) around in the area directly under Krem Lamyliang 2 & 3. … On the walk back the explorers came to the rim of a doline that had been recently cleared of vegetation. From their viewing point at N25 26 07.4 / E92 35 30.7 they could see a possible cave [entrance] in the bottom approximately 100 m south of them. Interestingly this lies over the boulder chke in Krem Man Krem at 40/11 and may provide a quicker route into the end of the cave (anonymous Arbenz, T et al. 2013.08.07 Diary 2012.doc). 2012.02.20, trip 26, Oana Chachula, Vijay Chhikara, and Mark E. Tringham alias VC, OC [book], MT, 189.11 Labyrinth area extended (anonymous Brooks, S J 2012.06.23 undated Mss: Meghalaya 2012 Survey Summary Kopli.xls). 20th February 2012 (Monday) … Vijay, Oana and Mark T. …pushed another route into the Labyrinth area that had been left from 2010. This is a complex area of the cave and many small side passages occur which will have to await a further visit. The main NE-oriented passage was pushed downwards to a mud choke conclusion, but it is possible this can be bypassed. The passages are mostly stooping or crawling size, with soft dry mud floors (anonymous Arbenz, T et al. 2013.08.07 Diary 2012.doc). 2012.02.20, trip 27, David Cooke (book) and Ross Davidson alias DC, RD, 113.37 pushing below Victoria Chamber (anonymous Brooks, S J 2012.06.23 undted Mss: Meghalaya 2012 Survey Summary Kopli.xls). 20th February 2012 (Monday) … Cookie and Ross went to collect the ladders and rope that had been left in the cave. They took the opportunity to push the cave, surveying Series 46. Ross had a moment when the apparently solid floor collapsed pinning his leg (anonymous Arbenz, T et al. 2013.08.07 Diary 2012.doc).
Cavités proche
Distance (km) | Nom | Longueur (m) | Profondeur (m) |
0.1 | DAIT KRONG, 2nd (Krem) | ||
0.2 | DAIT KRONG, 3rd (Krem) | ||
0.2 | DAIT KRONG, 1st (Krem) | ||
0.2 | DELUSION CAVE | ||
0.4 | WAH MYNTNGAM (Krem) | ||
0.4 | Rapasan (Krem) | ||
0.5 | AA SINKHOLE (Davidson 2010) | ||
0.5 | Rapasan 2 (Krem) | ||
0.5 | Salang Spring Cave |