Tham Pha Thai - LA0001
This is a very well known show cave on the edge of the Tham Pha Thai National Park, 2 km west of the H1, 67 km north-east of Lampang and 17 km south-west of Ngao. The cave entrance is a 10 min walk up a flight of steps from the car park and visitor information centre. From the car park a set of good steps leads up to the large collapse entrance.
After Tham Chiang Dao in Chiang Mai province this is the most renowned cave in northern Thailand. A vast archway at the entrance frames a gilded Buddha and a white stalagmite 20 m high called "the stone sunshade". The 350 m long main passage is spacious, well decorated and electrically lit and ends at a chamber which has a couple of skylights. There are side passages, but these have not been pushed to a conclusion as they contain over 5% CO2 (maximum reading of 6.5%) On a visit by the SMCC in December 2003 the CO2 concentration reached 3.5% on the main show cave path during our visit. From the large collapse at the main entrance a couple of other smaller caves can accessed. These smaller caves are included by the French in their total length for Tham Pha Thai. Several galleries have been partially filled with a rhyolitic tuff giving a potassium/argon date of 9.36 +0.47 million years, suggesting great antiquity for the cave.
Tylopus perarmatus Hoffman, 1973 (Arthropoda, Diplopoda, Polydesmida, Paradoxosomatidae) (Likhitrakarn et al. 2010) Troglodillo emarginatus Jackson, 1937 (Arthropoda, Crustacea, Malacostraca, Isopoda, Oniscidea, Armadillidae) û type locality (Jackson 1937) Acherontiella thai Thibaud, 1990 (Arthropoda, Entognatha, Poduromorpha, Hypogastruroidea, Hypogastruridae) û type locality (Thibaud 1990) Phlebotomus (Anaphlebotomus) stantoni Newstead, 1914 (Arthropoda, Insecta, Diptera, Psychodidae) (Apiwathnasorn et al. 1993) Orthriophis taeniurus (Cope 1861) (Chordata, Reptilia, Squamata, Colubridae) (unpublished record) Taphozous theobaldi Dobson, 1872 (Chordata, Mammalia, Chiroptera, Emballonuridae) (Roguin 1988) Aselliseus stoliczkanus Dobson, 1871 (Chordata, Mammalia, Chiroptera, Hipposideridae) (Yenbutra and Felton 1986) Hipposideros larvatus (Horsfield, 1823) (Chordata, Mammalia, Chiroptera, Hipposideridae) (Kusch 1982) Myotis hasseltii (Temminck, 1840) (Chordata, Mammalia, Chiroptera, Vespertilionidae) (Kusch 1982)
Hydrology and Geology
The fossil galleries contain a rhyolytic tuff which has been dated to 9.36 million years.
[Topo] Tham Pha Thai 30/04/2019Bibliography 03/12/2019
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1923 The cave was found by animal hunters during the survey for the H1. 1926 Rama VII visited it and inscribed his initials near the entrance. 1932-02-24 H.R.H. the Prince Leopold of Belgium visited the cave and collected the type series (all females) of the woodlouse Troglodillo emarginatus Jackson, 1937. 1978-04-05 H. Kusch & I. Staber 1983 L. Deharveng & A. Gouze - surveyed cave 2003-12-12 SMCC M. Ellis, I. Hollis
Caves nearby
Distance (km) | Name | Length (m) | Depth (m) |
12.9 | Cave LA0089 | ||
13.3 | Pratu Pha (Tham) [LA0041] | ||
14.2 | Cave LA0088 | ||
14.5 | Cave LA0090 | ||
17.8 | Lom Phu Khieo [LA0091] | ||
21.2 | Cliff Cave 1 - LA0035 | ||
21.2 | Cliff Cave 2 - LA0042 | ||
21.5 | Doi Pha Kan Rock Shelter [LA0095] | ||
23.3 | Ban Tha Si Rock Shelter [LA0092] |