MYRLIAT 1 (Krem)

(Saipung - IN)
Grottocenter / carte


Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 06/01/2018

This cave entrance gives access to one of these mostly vertical caves (potholes) on the eastern side of the Shnongrim ridge which are known to form part of Krem –>Umthluh, Tongseng. ETYMOLOGY: No autochthonous, indigenous or locally known name has been identified for what was understood to have been christened after tree at its head (Brown, M W 2008.02.08 Mss: Myrliat 1).To date, however, not one single -dieng- or tree called -myrliat- in Khasi has become known to exist whilst the Khasi verb -mir- means to throw a thing gently into a hole or to throw it up to another to catch (SINGH, N 1906: 132) and the verb -liat- means to fall through (SINGH, N 1906: 116). The Khasi noun -ka mir- (SINGH, N 1906: 132) or -ka mirr- (SINGH, N 1920: 333) signifies the myrrh (Commiphora: Burseraceae) but the adjective -mir- means sallow (SINGH, N 1906: 132) in the sense of yellowish, jaundiced, pallid, wan, pale, anemic, bloodless, pasty; unhealthy, sickly, washed out. SITUATION 1: The cave entrance to rem Myrliat 2 is said to lie at an unspecified linear or travelling distance of 80 m on 300° (approximately west-northwest) from the cave entrance to Krem Myrliat (Brown, M W 2008.02.08 Mss: Myrliat 2). SITUATION 2: The GPS readings of disputable reliability, which have been recorded for the cave entrance to Krem Myrliat indicate a spot that lies some 300 or 400 m in a direct line NNE from the entrance to Krem –>Raman (Ryman) and in what had been in February 2002 in a a so-called obvious jungle area (note 1) high above the upstream part of Krem –>Umthluh, Tongseng. APPROACH, literally quoted: Leaving Tongseng village [N25°19'28-: E92°30'05” WGS84] pass cave lies 1.6 km on a bearing of 041 degrees. From pass follow well-defined track which leaves village to NE + contours around hillside. Path then descends to lower ground at about 1.2 km from village. 2 standing stones in V are reached. Pothole entrance lies in the wooded valley [note 2] some 400 m from this point, on bearing of 04° (Edgeworth 2001.02.21 Mss). POSITIONS: WGS84 (±9.1 m) N25°20'12.0-: E92°30'42.2-: 1060 m asl (HDG 2001.02.18 GPS Garmin 12), WGS84 (unidentified precision error) N25°20'12.1-: E092°30'41.6- (Jarratt A R 2002.02 GPS Magellan 310): 1044 m asl (barometric?). The elevation of 1052.80 m asl (GPS readings: 1060 m, 1044 m) is deduced from the cave survey based on the assumed altitude of 1000.00 m asl for the Krem –>Umthloo N°1 cave entrance. Brown, M W (2008.02.08 Mss: Krem Myrliat) retraced on 8th February 2008 a certain Krem Myrliat which could be either Krem Myrliat 1 or Krem Myrliat 2 but did not bother to tell them apart and simply stated to have confirmed HDG GPS today with ±6.7 m (note 3). CAVE DESCRIPTION 2001: There is a pothole [with an unidentified shape and unspecified dimensions] in forested valley [note 4] in Tongseng area. Slope descended 18 m to pitch head rigged & 3 re-belays on initial exploration to about 40 m depth to boulder floor about 3 m diameter, climb downboulders, small window in SW corner about 0.5 m diameter drops about 2 m. The way on is a floor level flat out crawl & mud floor in opposite direction. This comes out in a calcite floor [speleothems?] of one of the side passages in upstream Umthloo -Cutting Edge- Passage surveys have been connected (Edgeworth 2001.02.21 Mss: Krem Myrliat 21/2/C1). CAVE DESCRIPTION 2009: 8.2.08, Freitag … Krem Myrliat 2, die einen extrem praktischen Schachteinstieg in diejenige Region der Um Thloo bietet, wo wir hinwollten. Wir durchwanderten genussvoll einen aktiven Flussgang, der ab und zu von Sinterwulsten und Staumauern verbarrikadiert wird, entlang bis zu einem Nebengang, der die Verbindung hinüber in die Krem Synrang Labit darstellt: 100 m Dreckiger Schluf. CAVE LIFE: Mandie or Mandy had the impression of having seen Heteropoda [i.e. large spiders], Harvestmen [Opiliones], Crickets, small snake at bottom of 2nd shaft, 0.9 m in length about 2 cm in width, dark green & orange colouring to head (Edgworth 2001.02.21 Mss: Krem Myrliat 21/2/C1). Siegenthaler, R (2008 Mss) noticed at the end of a certain main in Krem Umthloo (Tongseng), which had been reached by entering Krem Myrliat 2 and strolling down this main drag, not only many interesting bugs but also what looked like a curious fungus (?) suspended by a thread from the ceiling and reminiscent of fluffy down (note 5).boulders, small window in SW corner about 0.5 m diameter drops about 2 m. The way on is a floor level flat out crawl & mud floor in opposite direction. This comes out in a calcite floor [speleothems?] of one of the side passages in upstream Umthloo -Cutting Edge- Passage surveys have been connected (Edgeworth 2001.02.21 Mss: Krem Myrliat 21/2/C1). CAVE DESCRIPTION 2009: 8.2.08, Freitag … Krem Myrliat 2, die einen extrem praktischen Schachteinstieg in diejenige Region der Um Thloo bietet, wo wir hinwollten. Wir durchwanderten genussvoll einen aktiven Flussgang, der ab und zu von Sinterwulsten und Staumauern verbarrikadiert wird, entlang bis zu einem Nebengang, der die Verbindung hinüber in die Krem Synrang Labit darstellt: 100 m Dreckiger Schluf. CAVE LIFE: Mandie or Mandy had the impression of having seen Heteropoda [i.e. large spiders], Harvestmen [Opiliones], Crickets, small snake at bottom of 2nd shaft, 0.9 m in length about 2 cm in width, dark green & orange colouring to head (Edgboulders, small window in SW corner about 0.5 m diameter drops about 2 m. The way on is a floor level flat out crawl & mud floor in opposite direction. This comes out in a calcite floor [speleothems?] of one of the side passages in upstream Umthloo -Cutting Edge- Passage surveys have been connected (Edgeworth 2001.02.21 Mss: Krem Myrliat 21/2/C1). CAVE DESCRIPTION 2009: 8.2.08, Freitag … Krem Myrliat 2, die einen extrem praktischen Schachteinstieg in diejenige Region der Um Thloo bietet, wo wir hinwollten. Wir durchwanderten genussvoll einen aktiven Flussgang, der ab und zu von Sinterwulsten und Staumauern verbarrikadiert wird, entlang bis zu einem Nebengang, der die Verbindung hinüber in die Krem Synrang Labit darstellt: 100 m Dreckiger Schluf. CAVE LIFE: Mandie or Mandy had the impression of having seen Heteropoda [i.e. large spiders], Harvestmen [Opiliones], Crickets, small snake at bottom of 2nd shaft, 0.9 m in length about 2 cm in width, dark green & orange colouring to head (Edgworth 2001.02.21 Mss: Krem Myrliat 21/2/C1). Siegenthaler, R (2008 Mss) noticed at the end of a certain main in Krem Umthloo (Tongseng), which had been reached by entering Krem Myrliat 2 and strolling down this main drag, not only many interesting bugs but also what looked like a curious fungus (?) suspended by a thread from the ceiling and reminiscent of fluffy down (note 5).


Bibliography 06/01/2018


EXPLORATION HISTORY: 2001.02.18, trip 1: Larsing Sukhlain guided to Brian D. Kharpran Daly in company with Herbert 'Daniel' Gebauer, Betsy 'Betty' Chhakchhuak, Christine Jantschke, Herbert Jantschke and Vivian 'Bibi' Kharnaior to the entrance to Krem Myrliat. 2001.02.21, trip 2: Tom Chapman, Simon J. Brooks and Amanda 'Mandie / Mandy' Edgeworth descended, explored, 'surveyed' estimated 52 m, and connected to Krem Umthloo of Tongseng. 2002.02.13, trip 3: Paul A. Edmunds, Andrew Harp and Nicola 'Nicky' Bayley rigged the first two pitches in preparation for continuing the Umthloo exploration. 2002.02.14, trip 4: Kremm [sic!] Umthloo Myriat [sic!] entrance, Nicky, Andy, Mark. Returned to continue up stream [sic!] survey. 17 m of freatic [sic!] passage gained from last survey station to choke. Rift at end free climable [sic!] for 10 m, could see black space in aven above but not hopeful. Bats seen here (Hodgson, D 2002 Mss: SUTDIARY.WRI, literally quoted). 2007.02.2, trip 5: Anthony 'Tony' R Jarratt, Amanda 'Mandie / Mandy' Edgeworth and Neil Pacey rebolted down the shaft into Krem Umthloo and went upstream in Letter C Gallery to push a flatout crawl in mud to a calcited aven containing some mushrooms. They continued the crawl to muddy aven, then entered the side of a passage in the west end of Krem Synrang Labbit. They derigged on the way out. This combined 'Southern ridge system” is now 18 km long and thus the third longest cave in India (Brooks, S J et al. 2007.03.01 Mss: Diary2007.doc). According to JARRATT & DAWSON (2007), The writer, Neil and Mandy took the chance to carry on a project attempted last year but foiled by poor route finding. [on 2007.02.24] Krem Myrliat 1 was dropped (after confusing it with the undescended and adjacent Krem Myrliat 2) into the far reaches of the 14 km long Krem Umthloo (part of the Southern System) and a couple of inlets leading north from one of the main upstream feeders were checked. Your scribe ad noticed the proximity of these inlets to the 4 km long stream cave of Krem Synrang Labbit (part of the Central System theoretically feeding the Krem Iawe resurgence at the far eastern edge of the Ridge and with a potential length of over 20 kms) and had a wild idea that they may be connected. After a couple of blind passages we reached Letter C Gallery, explored and surveyed to an apparently too low crawl by Thomas Matthalm and team some years ago. A strong outward draught was followed through a roomy but muddy low section to reach two fine avens, which were not on Tom's survey and with a dearth of survey stations. Beyond these, and at a total distance of only 134m from known passage a sluggish streamway was met flowing from left to right in a rather complicated area of chambers, chokes and low, muddy passages. Here an obviously differently marked survey station was found and tied into. Confusion then reigned as the explorers argued as to where the Hell they were! After a snack o Britannia coconut biscuits they headed out – filthy, wet and tired but keen to compute the survey figures. Mandy got this job and all were soon admiring the perfect fit of the Expedition's tenth and most important link. Umthloo and Synrang Labbit were now India's 3rd longest cave at 18kms and part of the revised Southern System – the Central System now being redundant! A link with the Northern System of Krem Liat Prah and its satellites is now the project for next year and would be well on the way towards the creation of a 100km + Meghasystem. As German Tom and Austrian Peter L. had failed to push low passages from both sides this new link was named (with tongue in cheek) after our biscuits – the Britannia Connection! Suitable celebrations were held that evening. 2008.02.06, trip 6: Mark W. Brown, Peter Ludwig, Jean-Pierre Bartholeyns, Alys Mendus and Rowena M. Sheen went to look for Krem Myrliat 1 and 2 but failed to find them. JP nearly fell down a promising shaft nearby. They ound a wide 10 m deep pothole which they rigged into a chamber with a calcite squeeze and a tight pitch leading off. JP enlarged the squeeze enough for Rowena to get through to a bouldery chamber and the head of another pitch (Brown, M.W. et al. 2008 Mss: 'Meghalaya 2008 diary' entry Wednesday 6th February). 2008.02.07, trip 7: Anthony 'Tony' R Jarratt, Ksan Kupar 'Ronnie' Mawlong, Mark W. Brown, Alys Mendus, Henry Rockcliff, Anne Vanderplank and Rowena M. Sheen … made another attempt at finding Krem Myrliat. … after much thrashing through dense vegetation, Henry found Krem Myrliat. … Henry ran out of rope when rigging Krem Myrliat (100 m rope required for whole thing!) so they rejoined the Krem Myrliat 2 team. Henry enlarged the squeeze into Rowena’s chamber, whilst Mark exited and took some more rope down Krem Myrliat (Brown, Mark W. et al. 2008 Mss: 'Meghalaya 2008 diary' Thursday 7th February). 2008.02.08, trip 8: M.W. Brown (2008.02.08 Mss: Krem Myrliat) retraced ither Krem Myrliat 1 or Krem Myrliat 2 without bothering to tell them apart but anyhow reported to have confirmed HDG GPS [without coordinates] today with ±6.7 m. Anthony 'Tony' R Jarratt guided Rolf Siegenthaler, Guillaume Pelletier and Anne Vanderplank to … Krem Myrliat 1 where Guillaume rigged the last pitch. They went through the connection from Krem Um Thloo to Krem Synrang Labbit to check the survey. Rolf pushed the upstream boulder choke 20 m but found no way on. A phreatic chimney nearby was pushed by Guillaume and Jrat to a constriction needing hammer and chisel (Brown, Mark W. et al. 2008 Mss: 'Meghalaya 2008 diary' Friday 8th February). Siegenthaler (2008 Mss): 8.2.08, Freitag … J.Rat führte uns zur Krem Myrliat 2 [sic! for: Krem Myrliat 1], die einen extrem praktischen Schachteinstieg in diejenige Region der Um Thloo [i.e. Krem Umthloo, Tongseng] bietet, wo wir hinwollten. Wir durchwanderten genussvoll einen aktiven Flussgang, der ab und zu von Sinterwulsten und Stumauern verbarrikadiert wird, entlang bis zu einem Nebengang, der die Verbindung hinüber in die Krem Synrang Labbit [i.e. Krem Synrang Labit] darstellt: 100 m Dreckiger Schluf. Unser Ziel war die Überprüfung des Verbindungspunktes und das Ende des dortigen Hauptganges, ein grosser Versturz. Der Versturz liess sich auch nicht knacken aber wenigstens konnten wir die Verbindung aussortieren, die war nämlich kreuzfalsch im Computer [note 6]. Wir merkten dann sogar, dass noch mehr nicht stimmen kann als nur der Anschlusspunkt, es fehlte ein ganzes Gangzwischenstück [note 7]. Wir kamen noch bei Tageslicht wieder raus und es war eine easy tour gewesen. Nach dem Nachtessen installierte ich Thomas und Mark noch GEO3D und besprach mich mit Jeff für den nächsten Tag – es sollte etwas zu Schlossern sein in einer Höhle, wo Peter heute unfreiwillig einige Meter „geflogen“ ist. Zum Glück „nur“ blaue Flecken!.2008.02.17, trip 9: Rolf Siegenthaler, Shary Ghazi (Sharareh Ghazy), Axel Rosen and Jean-Piere Batholeyns derigged Krem Myrliat 1 (Brown, Mark W. et al. 2008 Mss: 'Meghalaya 2008 diary' Sunday 17th February) after they had surveyed what fore-runners presumed to have surveyed. Siegenthaler (2008 Mss): 17.2.08, Sonntag … machte mich dann fertig, um nochmals die Um Thloo - Labitt Verbindung vermessen zu gehen. Axel, Shary und Jean-Pierre kamen mit und die Tour wurde ganz gut. Der Start war allerdings etwas mühsam. Nachdem ich die Höhle nur mit dem GPS gefunden hatte, bemerkte Axel, dass er keinen Descendeur mitgenommen hatte. Ich gab ihm also meinen und stieg mit den Klemmen die etwa 40m runter. Dann ging’s gut weiter und ihnen gefielen die Wasserpassagen der Um Thloo. Auch die lehmige Verbindung liess sie nicht murren und wir vermassen relativ flott alles nötige. Das Shetland Pony tut schon gute Dienste! Dann machten wir einen Wackel bis ans Ende des Hauptganges der Um Thloo und sahen dort einen sehr interessanten Pilz und viele Viecher. Der Pilz hing an einem Faden von de Decke und sah aus wie Flaumfedern. Beim Ausstieg richtete ich die Myrliat 2 [sic! for: Krem Myrliat 1] gleich aus. Im Camp zurück versuchte ich dann sogleich, die zwei Höhlen zusammenzuhängen, was nach einigen Wirrungen auch funktionierte. Aber da man noch keine Fixpunkte hat, steht das alles auf wackligen Beinen. Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 06/01/2018

Cavités proche

Distance (km)NomLongueur (m)Profondeur (m)
0.0MYRLIAT 2 (Brown 2008) (Krem)
0.1MYRLIAT 3 (Krem)
0.3MUÏAP 2 (Krem)
0.3MUÏAP (Krem)
0.3RAMAN 2, Rahman, Rmen, Ryman (Krem)
0.3RAMAN 3, Rahman, Rmen, Ryman (Krem)
0.3RAMAN 1 (Krem)
0.4KARMA (Krem)