JINGTEP 1 (Krem poh)
Few has become known of one Cave Below [the] Grave (note 1) where a rift without identified dimensions or orientation drops (handline!) -- perhaps down -- into sort of a series of canyons and meandering streamways, which eventually are somehow connected in some way or another to Krem –>Shrieh (Khaidong). It may be the 1st or at the 2nd Krem poh Jingtep where a small stream trickles down into a doline (estimated 50 m wide and 25 m deep) providing an ongoing bouldery descent at bottom (Bayley 2002.02.24 Mss: Krem Poujingtet). ETYMOLOGY: The Khasi -poh- means low, less, short of (SINGH, N 1906: 162) and -jing- is either a prefix indicating an abstract noun or means supreme (colloquial), beyond comprehension (SINGH, N 1906: 102). The noun -ka jingtep- is a grave (SINGH, N 1920: 207) and the verb -tep- means to bury, to inter (SINGH, N 1906: 222). SINGH, N (1920: 207) translates the English -a grave- into the Khasi ka jingtep; ka thliw-tep and -a graveyard- as ka jaka tep-briew. BLAH (1966edited 2007: 120) translates -a grave- also as ka jingtep but -a graveyard- as ka lum jingtep. SITUATION: The cave entrance to Krem poh Jingtep 1 lies at an estimated distance of 10 m east from Krem poh –>Jingtep 3 (Whitaker 2008.02.19 Mss: Unamed Nr Krem Pohjintep) and at what must be for some an inexplicable location (note 2) somewhere in the vicinity of the village of Khaidong (WGS84 N25°21'25”: E92°31'10”: 1115 m asl). POSITION (modified after K. Janossy 2008.02.19 in: Whitaker 2008.02.19 Mss: Unamed Nr Krem Pohjintep): Possibly within 17 m (or so) from N25°21'36.3”: E92°30'47.9” (WGS): circa 1039 m asl (note 3). APPROACH 2008: From a green house [either a glass covered structure or a wooden / masonry house painted green] at the village of Khaidong, take a footpath > [more than?] west towards a mining camp. After circa 300 m, the path enters a pine grove about 50 m short of a shallow depression. Leave this path in a northerly direction to reach [for what had been in Februay 2005 or 2008] a clearing. This -jingpynksan- (clearing) or -ram- (jungle cleared for cultivation) is the starting point for altogether three distinct cave entrances, viz. 1) Distinct Entrance (30 m rope), 2) Easier Entrance (10 m ladder), 3) Further Entrance (squeeze). Straight ahead lies a small riverbed, dry in February. Follow this riverbed downstream to a distinct [conspicuous?] entrance canyon of Krem poh Jingtep. There is a natural belay (30 m rope) where the riverbed meets [the jump-off point?]. Another, easier entrance lies some 50 m north-west across the canyon (10 m ladder). A further entrance can be found on the south side of the canyon and opposite across from the NW entrance. This [either the -further- entrance or the -NW- entrance] is a small gryke underneath boulders that leads to a squeeze into the canyon. No tackle required but hard to find on the surface (Arbenz, T 2008 Mss -Fieldbook- page 29). APPROACH 2002: From Khaidong village, walk 5 minutes north-east along he road to a point without GPS position, where a track forks down north-west (300°). Bear right (without orientation) before limestone pinnacles and watch out for a dry streambed that leads to a 2 m wide rift or gryke (grike), canyon, etc. (Bayley 2002.02.24 Mss: Krem Poujingtet …). CAVE DESCRIPTION 1: CAVE DESCRIPTIONS 2002: Nicola Bayley (2002.02.24 Mss: Krem Poujingtet …) sommands to drop down rift into series of canyons and a meandering streamway but Yorkshire Dave Hodgson (2002.02.25 Mss: SUTDIARY.WRI) goes even further and attemps to refer, literally quoted, to the Graveyard cave, Brian, Thomas, Peter. Entrance pitch 2x ladders. Surveyed [sic!] 140 m, until narrow pitch, ran out of taccle (sic!). (2002.02.26) Brian [Brian D. Kharpran Daly], Martin [Groves], Shelly [Shelley A. Diengdoh] entered Grave yard Cave from new entrance avoiding yesterdays entrance ladder pitch, went down pitch stopped at yesterday with 1x ladder, 6 m passage then 3-4 m drop on ladder, then small meanderig stream way passage 4 m wide x 12 m hiegh leading to very large passage approx. 60 m long to a 35 m pitch to be bottomed … CAVE DESCRIPTION 2008: An unspecified Distinct Entrance (1 m wide and 2 m high) at the dead end of a seasonally active canyon leads to about 100 m of down-sloping meander passage, which is initially man-sized but gradually gets wider and higher, contains a few -old- (inactive) speleothems and shallow running water. A free climbable 5 m drop (handline) down to the top of a 10 m pitch (bolt on the left-hand side of the ledge) descends to 30 m of high passage with a cobble floor leading to the head of a 35 m pitch down to the top of a large bouldery slope leading into Krem Shrieh, Khaidong (after Arbenz, T 2008 Mss -Fieldbook- page 29). TACKLE: Arbenz, T (2008 Mss -Fieldbook- page 29) suggests to to bring for one of the three possible cave entrances (the hazard is yours) two 10 m ladders, one or two slings and two -ovals- (carbines): To rig the cave, use 10 m of hanline, two hangers, a 20 m rope and a 40 m rope. CAVE LIFE: Hodgson (2002.02.25 Mss: SUTDIARY.WRI) recorded woodlice, spiders bats, millipedes (Arachnida: conf. Aranea, Chiroptera, Isopoda and Myriapodae: Diplopoda). Dr. Boycott, Antony 'Tony' (2008.03.20 Mss: Bat droppings) tells me to have collected (2008.02.20) in Krem Pohjingtep N 25deg 21’ 35.4- E 092deg 30’ 49.7- a bat guano sample (note 4).g stream way passage 4 m wide x 12 m hiegh leading to very large passage approx. 60 m long to a 35 m pitch to be bottomed … CAVE DESCRIPTION 2008: An unspecified Distinct Entrance (1 m wide and 2 m high) at the dead end of a seasonally active canyon leads to about 100 m of down-sloping meander passage, which is initially man-sized but gradually gets wider and higher, contains a few -old- (inactive) speleothems and shallow running water. A free climbable 5 m drop (handline) down to the top of a 10 m pitch (bolt on the left-hand side of the ledge) descends to 30 m of high passage with a cobble floor leading to the head of a 35 m pitch down to the top of a large bouldery slope leading into Krem Shrieh, Khaidong (after Arbenz, T 2008 Mss -Fieldbook- page 29). TACKLE: Arbenz, T (2008 Mss -Fieldbook- page 29) suggests to to bring for one of the three possible cave entrances (the hazard is yours) two 10 m ladders, one or two slings and two -ovals- (carbines): To rig the cave, use 10 m of hanline, two hangers, a 20 m rope and a 40 m rope. CAVE LIFE: Hodgson (2002.02.25 Mss: SUTDIARY.WRI) recorded woodlice, spiders bats, millipedes (Arachnida: conf. Aranea, Chiroptera, Isopoda and Myriapodae: Diplopoda). Dr. Boycott, Antony 'Tony' (2008.03.20 Mss: Bat droppings) tells me to have collected (2008.02.20) in Krem Pohjingtep N 25deg 21’ 35.4- E 092deg 30’ 49.7- a bat guano sample (note 4).
Bibliography 06/01/2018Histoire
EXPLORATION HISTORY: 2002.02.24: With Babha Kupar 'Dale' Mawlong as their interpreter and guided by Karmel Lyngdoh, Samson Lyngdoh, Wing Pajuh, Batskhem Rupon, Hanli Sukhlain, Skhem Sukhlain and Lynnad Sutnga visited Nicola 'Nicky' Bayley and Martin Groves the first estimated 100 m without surveying. 2002.02.25: Thomas Arbenz, Brian D. Kharpran Daly and Peter Ludwig mapped 153.18 m (-28.89 m). 2002.02.26: Martin Groves, Shelley A. Diengdoh and B. D. Kharpran Daly surveyed 169.71 m (tape spotter standards) to a degree yielding meterage (assumed total: length 329.87 m by a vertical range of about -61 m). 2002.04.02: M.W. Brown announced to have mastered printing the survey lines. 2002.04.10: M.W. Brown explained: … Martin will draw the Pohjingtep survey but I'll then send a copy with data to Thomas. 2002.04.14: T. Arbenz confirmed to incorporate M. Groves' 2nd day's data to the cave survey. 2002.05.03: H. D. Gebauer asked M.W. Brown, M. Groves, S J Brooks and T. Arbenz abot the 2nd day's survey data. 2002.05.04: T. Arbenz agreed to wait till the 2nd day's survey have arrived. 2002.05.08: M.W. Brown announced to send M. Groves' 2nd day's survey data.2002.05.08: H. D. Gebauer promised to forward M. Groves' 2nd day's survey data to T. Arbenz. 2002.05.10: T. Arbenz: Yjjjpyiyeah ! 2002.05.10: M. Groves explained: Mark has the original data on his person, I saw it the other day . 2002.05.14: T. Arbenz confirmed to have not received any data: Looks like system Michael Ende. 2002.05.19: H. D. Gebauer received M. Groves' 2nd day's survey data from M.W. Brown. 2002.05.19: H. D. Gebauer asked M. Groves how to interprete the mess of survey data but got no reply.2002.05.19: H. D. Gebauer told T. Arbenz that M. Groves's 2nd day survey is A) apparently not connected to the 1st day's survey, and B) that they are useless because their notation is messed up. 2002.05.21: T. Arbenz commented: I reckon its best I sort it out next year myself. Conclusion Isn't it better to invest some care in time instead of running into endless troubles? 2002.05.21: M. Groves asked H. D. Gebauer to send M. Groves' 2nd day's survey of the cave to M. Groves. 2002.05.24: H. D. Gebauer asked M. Groves for his postal address to send xerox copies of M. Groves' 2nd day's survey of the cave to M. Groves. 2002.06.01: T. Arbenz interpreted in which way M. Groves may have attached his 2nd day's survey: Hm, also probier's mal so : häng die Lumpen-daten bei Punkt 1.17 an. (1.18 war so ein Schuss ins blaue, oben auf einem Felssims) denn hier ist uns das Seilmaterial ausgegangen. vielleicht kannst du den Daten entnehmen was jetzt kommen müsste : Ein Absatz von 8-10 m runter (vielleicht siehst dus an einem steilen minuswinkel oder null grad?) Gangbreite ca 1.5 m, 'up' müsste dann etwa 12-15 m sein. Anschliessend sollte eine horizontale strecke und möglicherweise wieder eine Stufe kommen. Sein erster Punkt wäre dann also mein 1.17 und dann würd ichmit seinen Daten hier mit 2.0 anfangen. 2002.06.01: H. D. Gebauer agreed to a certain degree with T. Arbenz' interpretation of Dr. Martin Groves bullshit but had to point to the problems of A) an aparent side-leg hidden in a consecutive series and B) the unknowable association of survey leg data with their LRUD-values.2002.06.02: T. Arbenz attempted to interprete the way in which M. Groves could have linked his 2nd day's survey legs with the LRUD-values he recorded: … wenn der Martin eines dieser Messbücher mit den versetzten zeilen benutzt hat (was er gewöhnlich tut) müsste seine erste Zeile LRUD mit meinen LRUD werten von Pt1.17 übereinstimen (ungefähr,weil schätzwerte). Die Leseart für die weiteren Zeilen wäre dann die folgende: zweite Zeile LRUD gehört zu erster Zeile Dist/Mag.Bear/Vert.Ang/Vert.Range (im Büchle schräg rechts obendran ;-) Für seinen Seitenzug stell ich's mir dann so vor: die erste LRUD Zeile mitder neuen Station Number ist dann identisch mit der abzweigstell (aber nurwenn er unkorrekt gehandelt hat - was in diesem Fall ein segen wär >> sonst sind wohl nur up/down gleich). Nachher würde es dann so weitergehen wie oben beschrieben. 2002.06.09: Gebauer asked M. Groves a second time (see: 2002.05.24) for his postal address to send xerox copies of M. Groves' 2nd day's survey of the cave to M. Groves. 2002.06.16 M. Groves mailed his postal address.2002.06.17 H. D. Gebauer sent M. Groves' 2nd day's survey of the cave to M. Groves and explained the notation of cave survey data. 2001.07.19: Already 32 days later M. Groves arrived at understanding that … the prudent cause [sic! for: course] of action may well be to resurvey this section on the next visit. 2008.02.14: Torben Redder, Imogen Furlong, Terrence 'Terry' M. Whitaker and Louise Korsgaard … walked towards Krem Shrieh and found a draughting entrance – probably Krem Pohjingtep – and a nice viewpoint (Brown, M.W. et al. 2008 Mss: 'Meghalaya 2008 diary' Thursday 14th February).2008.02.16: Anthony 'Tony' R Jarratt, I. Furlong, Joel Beauchamp and Ksan Kupar 'Ronnie' Mawlong or Tony Jarratt, Imogen, Joel and Ronnie went to Krem Shrieh (Upper Cliff Series) and rigged a 20 m pot, which entered Krem Pohjingtep, thus connecting it to Krem Shrieh properly (Brown, M.W. et al. 2008 Mss: 'Meghalaya 2008 diary' Saturday 16th February). 2008.02.18: Thomas Arbenz and T.M. Whitaker … went to Krem Pohjingtep to GPS and begin resurveying (Brown, M.W. et al. 2008 Mss: 'Meghalaya 2008 diary' Monday 18th February). 2008.02.19: Katharina 'Kate' Janossy and Louise Korsgaard … joined Terry and Pete G [Peter Glanvill] in Pohjingtep, where they rigged the pitches while Terry and Pete G surveyed (Brown, M.W. et al. 2008 Mss: 'Meghalaya 2008 diary' Tuesday 19th February). 2008.02.20: Kate, Pete, Terry and Ronnie did a trip to Pohjingtep. The intention [pretext] was to survey and take photographs. Surveying and rigging were prevented due to the [wise?] lack of orethought to take rigging or surveying gear. They did, however, take a lot of photographs (Brown, M.W. et al. 2008 Mss: 'Meghalaya 2008 diary' Wednesday 20th February). 2008.02.20: Boycott, Antony 'Tony' (2008.03.20 personal correspondence: Bat droppings) collected in Krem Pohjingtep N 25deg 21’ 35.4' E 092deg 30’ 49.7' the bat guano sample no. 8. 2008.02.21: Louise Korsgard, Torben Redder and Jean-Pierre Bartholeyns alias Louise, Kate and J-P went to complete the survey of Krem Pohjingtep (Brown, Mark W. et al. 2008 Mss: 'Meghalaya 2008 diary' Thursday 21th February).
Cavités proche
Distance (km) | Nom | Longueur (m) | Profondeur (m) |
0.0 | NO NAME CAVE, Khaidong (Groves 2002), 1st (aa -) | ||
0.1 | JINGTEP 3 (Krem poh) | ||
0.1 | NO NAME CAVE, Khaidong (Groves 2002), 2nd (aa -) | ||
0.1 | Shrieh, Khaidong Uppercliff (Krem) | ||
0.1 | SHRIEH, Khaidong (Krem) | ||
0.1 | SHRIEH, Khaidong 1 (Krem) | ||
0.1 | SHRIEH, Khaidong 2 (Krem) | ||
0.1 | SHRIEH, Khaidong 3 (Krem) | ||
0.1 | SOH LEWE (Krem) |