(Saipung - IN)
Grottocenter / carte


Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 06/01/2018

In addition to a second cave entrance (see: Krem Wah Myntngam 2), which especially self centered sportsmen were capable of identifying as the exit (Brooks, S J 2009.06.07 anonymous Mss: Krem Wah Myntngam …) or the exits (Arbenz, T 2010.01.01 Mytngamplan_1000.ai), the somewhat -first- cave entrance to Krem Wah Myntngam is clearly mind-boggling as it is, on the one hand side, comparatively small (note 1), on the other hand obvious but then, on the third hand side, said to have collapsed and, on top of that, not only said to measure an estimated w3m x h1.8m (note 2) but also claimed to be a funny 3 by 1.8 m wide (note 3). For sure, however, this cave entrance faces south (Arbenz, T 2009 Mytngamplan_1000.ai forwarded 2010.01.01), which is, of course, an inexplicable direction (note 4), represents a seasonally active sinkhole, and leads to a true tunnel cave where the insurgence entrance communicates with a downstream entrance (note 5), the Krem Wah Myntngam 2. In one way or an other, someside passages were understood to give access to the Krem Wah Myntngam resurgence, the –>Salang Spring Cave, which some jokers happily christened Salang Resurgence (sic!). The cave is said to be mostly horizontal (Brooks 2009.03.10 Mss: Overview 2009) and inactive except for high water conditions in the wet season (Brooks 2009.06.07 Mss: Krem Wan Myhtngam) or now largely inactive except for high water conditions in wet season (Anonymous 2009.06.07 Mss: Krem Wah Myntngam …). ETYMOLOGY: The indigenous cave name is perhaps Krem Myn'ngam (Cave [on the] Sinking / Plunging Stream) or Krem Myn'ngam Um (Cave [on the] Stream [of the] Water-ordeal?) and the explosive sound -t- was only heard (or pronounced?) for the sake of emphazising the minute gap between -myn- and -ngam-. The Synteng (Khasi) -ka myn-, generally pronounced ”ka myng”, is the same as the standard Khasi -ka wah- and signifies a stream or a river (note 6) but the morphem -tngam- is difficult to interprete unless it a) derivesfrom the standard Khasi verb ”ngam” and translates as to sink, to plunge (SINGH, N 1906: 77), b) is an abbreviation of the standard Khasi verb -ngam um” and means not only to dive but also to decide by water ordeal (SINGH, N 1906: 77) as the noun -ka ngam um- signifies a water ordeal (note 7); b) -tngam- is a contraction of the standard Khasi noun ”ka tyng-am” or -ka t'ngam- and means the jawbone (SINGH, N 1906: 237). Little doubt remains that the cave is named after the stream. So far, I saw the name of this stream and the consecutive cave spelled or misspelled as (note 8) Krem Myntngam Brooks, S J (2014.04.05 Mss: Diary Meghalaya 2014 Second Edit: 4th February Tuesday); MAZUMDAR & DUTTA (2009) Wah Mitingam Anonymous et al. (2010.03.29 Mss: Diary (current) 2010.doc: 10th February) Wan Myhtngam (note 9) Brooks (2009.03.10 Mss: Overview 2009); Brooks (2009.06.07 Mss: Krem Wan Myhtngam) wah myhtNgam Rockcliff (2009.02.17 Mss: Krem Salang, resurgence) Wah Myntem Anonymous et al. (2010.3.29 Mss: Diary (current) 2010.doc: 10th February) Wah Myntgam Anonymous et al. (2010.03.29 Mss: Diary (current) 2010.doc) Wah Myntngam Anonymous (2009.06.07 Mss: Krem Wah Myntngam …); Brooks (2009.03.10 Mss: Overview 2009); Brooks (2009.06.07 Mss: Krem Salang Sink); Brooks (2009.06.07 Mss amendment to Rockcliff 2009.02.17 Mss: Krem Salang resurgence); Brooks, S J et al. (2009 Mss: Diary 2009.doc Saturday 21st); Rockcliff (2009.02.17 Mss: Krem Salang resurgence) Wah Mytngam Arbenz, T (2009.06.01 Mss: total 2009.xls); Arbenz, T (2009.06.11 cave distribution map: Pala_Ridge_09-3.pdf); Brooks, S J et al. (2009 Mss: Diary 2009.doc Tuesday 17th); Anonymous et al. (2010.03.29 Mss: Diary (current) 2010.doc: 12th February); Sandford (2010.04.16 Mss: Caves 'n' Corals: 12th February). SITUATION: About 775 m in a direct line approximately south-east from the central road junction (25°26'04”N: 92°34'48”E: 782 m) in the village of Umkyrpong (note 10) and above the west (orographically left bank of a so-called the river valley (Brooks, S J et al. 2009 Mss: Diary 2009.doc: Tuesday 17th) without identified name (Umkyrpong?). APPROACH 2010 (circa 2010 March): Anonymous (2009.06.07 Mss: Krem Wah Myntngam …): From the direction of Umkhyrpong [sic!] cross the Footbal [sic! probabile qua: football] pitch [note 11] on southern [sic! qua: northern] side of [the] village follow the GPS [receiver] to N25°25'47.2”: E092°34'50.4” essentially diagonally across the field from the point of entry. At this point [of entry? no: opposite diagonally across!] the path forks --take the left branch [without identified direction]. Cross a seasonal streambed [without identified name at a point without identified GPS position]. Turn left [without identified direction] and follow right-hand bank (looking downstream) [without identified direction] to reach the obvious cave entrance [which lies] above [without identified distance and direction] the GPS position N25°25'27.4”: E092°35'01.0” [uspecified geodetic datum probably WGS84]. A further access is to cross [an unidentified] the stream bed [at a point without identified GPS position] and follow [an unspecified] path to reach [the entrance to the Salang Spring Cave) which is the exit [sic! qua: the second cave entrance] of Krem Wah Myntngam. APPROACH 2009 (circa 2009 March): Brooks (2009.06.07 Mss: Krem Wah Myntngam): From Umkyrpong village head south [sic! qua: north] to reach the village football pitch / field and head, essentially diagonally across the field, to point N25°25'47.2”: E092°34'50.4” where a path forks. Go left [sic! without orientation] and cross a seasonal streambed [without identified name] after which go left [sic! without orientation] and follow right-hand (looking downstream) bank to reach [the] obvious cave entrance at [sic! for: at it's best ±18 m near] above GPS point. CAVE DESCRIPTION 2010.03 (circa 2010 March): Anonymous (2009.06.07 Mss: Krem Wah Myntngam …): The [relatively] small, yet bvious collapsed stream sink entrance of w3m x h1.8m gives access to a [relatively] larger [cave] passage. The [relatively] large main passage (8m x 4m) runs generally NE / E for 45 m where it then turns to the east for 90 m. There is an un-pushed side passage on the east wall. The [main cave] passage turns south and then SE for 80 m. The final section of the [main cave] passage (100 m) is a fine 10 m x 5 m tube that runs SE to the Krem Salang Resurgence which is the exit [sic! qua: resurgence cave entrance] of Krem Wah Myntngam. The passage contains much flowstone and impressive stalactites and pillars, both of which fill [sic! qua: occur in] the [cave] passage. CAVE DESCRIPTION 2010.06: Arbenz, T (2010.06..29 Mss -Re: ML 2010 Krem Salang- personal correspondence) described the so-called Krem Wah Myntngam Extensions as cave passages [generally 5 m vertically below the level of the tunnel cave passage between Krem Wah Myntngam and Salang Spring cave] of smaller dimensions, leading towrds north-east, in addition to a cave passage off to the north-west (note 12). CAVE DESCRIPTION 2010.04.10: MAZUMDAR & DUTTA (2010.04.10): Krem Myntngam … turns out to be a difficult cave; we have to climb, jump, squeeze past and slither over rocks and boulders, and a green bamboo viper that David assures me (unconvincingly) is harmless. After half an hour of such arduous traversing, we reach a stretch that is a cave lake. Krem Myntngam, though not as beautiful as Krem Blang [i.e. Krem –>Blang, Umkyrpong], has some really mesmerising sights --apart from the usual stalactites, stalagmites and other enthralling formations, there was the element of adventure here. And the lake, under which lie more unexplored treasures. CAVE DESCRIPTION 2009.06: Arbenz, T (2009.06.06 Mss: Re Mühdngam): … grosser offener Schacht, wo in der Regenperiode das Wasser hinunterstürzt in den von oben sichtbaren Höhlenbach (A relatively large and comparatively wide open pothole with a stream cave passage visible rom above into which, during the rainy season, water falls down). CAVE DESCRIPTION 2009.03 (circa 2009 March): Brooks (2009.06.07 Mss: Krem Wan Myhtngam): Small yet obvious collapsed stream sink entrance 3 m by 1.8 m quickly opens to 8 or 9 m by 3.5 or 4.5 m passage that runs generally NE or E for 45 m where it then turns to the east for 90 m (unpushed side passage on left / east wall). The passage runs south and then SE for 80 m. The final section of the passage (100 m) is a fine 10 m by 5 m tube that runs SE to the Krem Salang 2 resurgence entrance. The passage contains much flowstone, stalagmites, and stalactites, particularly the final section that contains an impressive stalactite and pillar, both of which fill the passage. Brooks (2009.03.10 Mss: Overview 2009): Krem Wah Mytngam … proved to be a mix of large dry horizontal passage or river passage that required some significant swims to explore. CAVE CONTENTS (Brooks 2009.06.07 Mss: Krem Wan Myhtngam): Speleothems, flowstone, [rlatively] large [note 13] dry stalictites [probably stalactites], dry gours. [unspecified] Sediments; [relatively] large slabs, boulders without identified dimensions or comparison for scale. SPELEOMETRY 2010.07.03: The total survey length of the cave passages connecting Krem Wah Myntngam 1 (upper entrance), Krem Wah Myntngam 2 (lower entrance) and Krem Salang Spring is 865.85 m at a vertical range of ±11.84 m (+0.00 m / -11.84 m) (Arbenz, T 2010.07.03 -Krem Wah Myntngam_03.Text- survey data file). SPELEOMETRY 2010.02: Anonymous (2010 Meghalaya Cave Record -Krem Wah Myntngam (also Krem Salang Resurgence) alternative name: none known- dated [sic!] 07.06.2009) claims a survey length of 406.288 m at a space warping vertical range of ±10.23 m (-19.78 m / +0 m). SPELEOMETRY 2009.06.01: Arbenz, T (2009.06.01 Mss: total 2009.xls) lists from Wah Mytngam a survey length of 406.88 m (17.02.2009) at a vertical range of ±19.78 m (+19.78 m / -0.00 m) which can be expected to have been confused wit a vertical range of ±19.78 m (+0.00 m / -19.78 m). SPELEOMETRY 2009.03.10: Brooks (2009.03.10 Mss: Overview 2009): Krem Wah Mytngam 406 m. SPELEOMETRY 2009.02.17: H. Rockcliff confuses cave passage length with cave survey length when claiming 407 m of passage (Brooks, S J et al. 2009 Mss: Diary 2009.doc: Tuesday 17th). CAVE LIFE: Brooks (2009.06.07 Mss: Krem Wan Myhtngam) mentions cave crickets but probably meant some crickets (Orthoptera) inside the cave. MAZUMDAR & DUTTA (2009) encountered in Krem Myntngam … a green bamboo viper that David assures me (unconvincingly) is harmless.latively] large [note 13] dry stalictites [probably stalactites], dry gours. [unspecified] Sediments; [relatively] large slabs, boulders without identified dimensions or comparison for scale. SPELEOMETRY 2010.07.03: The total survey length of the cave passages connecting Krem Wah Myntngam 1 (upper entrance), Krem Wah Myntngam 2 (lower entrance) and Krem Salang Spring is 865.85 m at a vertical range of ±11.84 m (+0.00 m / -11.84 m) (Arbenz, T 2010.07.03 -Krem Wah Myntngam_03.Text- survey data file). SPELEOMETRY 2010.02: Anonymous (2010 Meghalaya Cave Record -Krem Wah Myntngam (also Krem Salang Resurgence) alternative name: none known- dated [sic!] 07.06.2009) claims a survey length of 406.288 m at a space warping vertical range of ±10.23 m (-19.78 m / +0 m). SPELEOMETRY 2009.06.01: Arbenz, T (2009.06.01 Mss: total 2009.xls) lists from Wah Mytngam a survey length of 406.88 m (17.02.2009) at a vertical range of ±19.78 m (+19.78 m / -0.00 m) which can be expected to have been confused witlatively] large [note 13] dry stalictites [probably stalactites], dry gours. [unspecified] Sediments; [relatively] large slabs, boulders without identified dimensions or comparison for scale. SPELEOMETRY 2010.07.03: The total survey length of the cave passages connecting Krem Wah Myntngam 1 (upper entrance), Krem Wah Myntngam 2 (lower entrance) and Krem Salang Spring is 865.85 m at a vertical range of ±11.84 m (+0.00 m / -11.84 m) (Arbenz, T 2010.07.03 -Krem Wah Myntngam_03.Text- survey data file). SPELEOMETRY 2010.02: Anonymous (2010 Meghalaya Cave Record -Krem Wah Myntngam (also Krem Salang Resurgence) alternative name: none known- dated [sic!] 07.06.2009) claims a survey length of 406.288 m at a space warping vertical range of ±10.23 m (-19.78 m / +0 m). SPELEOMETRY 2009.06.01: Arbenz, T (2009.06.01 Mss: total 2009.xls) lists from Wah Mytngam a survey length of 406.88 m (17.02.2009) at a vertical range of ±19.78 m (+19.78 m / -0.00 m) which can be expected to have been confused witlatively] large [note 13] dry stalictites [probably stalactites], dry gours. [unspecified] Sediments; [relatively] large slabs, boulders without identified dimensions or comparison for scale. SPELEOMETRY 2010.07.03: The total survey length of the cave passages connecting Krem Wah Myntngam 1 (upper entrance), Krem Wah Myntngam 2 (lower entrance) and Krem Salang Spring is 865.85 m at a vertical range of ±11.84 m (+0.00 m / -11.84 m) (Arbenz, T 2010.07.03 -Krem Wah Myntngam_03.Text- survey data file). SPELEOMETRY 2010.02: Anonymous (2010 Meghalaya Cave Record -Krem Wah Myntngam (also Krem Salang Resurgence) alternative name: none known- dated [sic!] 07.06.2009) claims a survey length of 406.288 m at a space warping vertical range of ±10.23 m (-19.78 m / +0 m). SPELEOMETRY 2009.06.01: Arbenz, T (2009.06.01 Mss: total 2009.xls) lists from Wah Mytngam a survey length of 406.88 m (17.02.2009) at a vertical range of ±19.78 m (+19.78 m / -0.00 m) which can be expected to have been confused witlatively] large [note 13] dry stalictites [probably stalactites], dry gours. [unspecified] Sediments; [relatively] large slabs, boulders without identified dimensions or comparison for scale. SPELEOMETRY 2010.07.03: The total survey length of the cave passages connecting Krem Wah Myntngam 1 (upper entrance), Krem Wah Myntngam 2 (lower entrance) and Krem Salang Spring is 865.85 m at a vertical range of ±11.84 m (+0.00 m / -11.84 m) (Arbenz, T 2010.07.03 -Krem Wah Myntngam_03.Text- survey data file). SPELEOMETRY 2010.02: Anonymous (2010 Meghalaya Cave Record -Krem Wah Myntngam (also Krem Salang Resurgence) alternative name: none known- dated [sic!] 07.06.2009) claims a survey length of 406.288 m at a space warping vertical range of ±10.23 m (-19.78 m / +0 m). SPELEOMETRY 2009.06.01: Arbenz, T (2009.06.01 Mss: total 2009.xls) lists from Wah Mytngam a survey length of 406.88 m (17.02.2009) at a vertical range of ±19.78 m (+19.78 m / -0.00 m) which can be expected to have been confused witlatively] large [note 13] dry stalictites [probably stalactites], dry gours. [unspecified] Sediments; [relatively] large slabs, boulders without identified dimensions or comparison for scale. SPELEOMETRY 2010.07.03: The total survey length of the cave passages connecting Krem Wah Myntngam 1 (upper entrance), Krem Wah Myntngam 2 (lower entrance) and Krem Salang Spring is 865.85 m at a vertical range of ±11.84 m (+0.00 m / -11.84 m) (Arbenz, T 2010.07.03 -Krem Wah Myntngam_03.Text- survey data file). SPELEOMETRY 2010.02: Anonymous (2010 Meghalaya Cave Record -Krem Wah Myntngam (also Krem Salang Resurgence) alternative name: none known- dated [sic!] 07.06.2009) claims a survey length of 406.288 m at a space warping vertical range of ±10.23 m (-19.78 m / +0 m). SPELEOMETRY 2009.06.01: Arbenz, T (2009.06.01 Mss: total 2009.xls) lists from Wah Mytngam a survey length of 406.88 m (17.02.2009) at a vertical range of ±19.78 m (+19.78 m / -0.00 m) which can be expected to have been confused witlatively] large [note 13] dry stalictites [probably stalactites], dry gours. [unspecified] Sediments; [relatively] large slabs, boulders without identified dimensions or comparison for scale. SPELEOMETRY 2010.07.03: The total survey length of the cave passages connecting Krem Wah Myntngam 1 (upper entrance), Krem Wah Myntngam 2 (lower entrance) and Krem Salang Spring is 865.85 m at a vertical range of ±11.84 m (+0.00 m / -11.84 m) (Arbenz, T 2010.07.03 -Krem Wah Myntngam_03.Text- survey data file). SPELEOMETRY 2010.02: Anonymous (2010 Meghalaya Cave Record -Krem Wah Myntngam (also Krem Salang Resurgence) alternative name: none known- dated [sic!] 07.06.2009) claims a survey length of 406.288 m at a space warping vertical range of ±10.23 m (-19.78 m / +0 m). SPELEOMETRY 2009.06.01: Arbenz, T (2009.06.01 Mss: total 2009.xls) lists from Wah Mytngam a survey length of 406.88 m (17.02.2009) at a vertical range of ±19.78 m (+19.78 m / -0.00 m) which can be expected to have been confused wit a vertical range of ±19.78 m (+0.00 m / -19.78 m). SPELEOMETRY 2009.03.10: Brooks (2009.03.10 Mss: Overview 2009): Krem Wah Mytngam 406 m. SPELEOMETRY 2009.02.17: H. Rockcliff confuses cave passage length with cave survey length when claiming 407 m of passage (Brooks, S J et al. 2009 Mss: Diary 2009.doc: Tuesday 17th). CAVE LIFE: Brooks (2009.06.07 Mss: Krem Wan Myhtngam) mentions cave crickets but probably meant some crickets (Orthoptera) inside the cave. MAZUMDAR & DUTTA (2009) encountered in Krem Myntngam … a green bamboo viper that David assures me (unconvincingly) is harmless.


Bibliography 06/01/2018


EXPLORATION HISTORY: 2009.02.17, trip 1 [Krem Wan Myhtngam]: An unidentified Headman (Umkyrpong village, perhaps one Halding So-and-so) shows not only the small yet obvious collapsed stream sink entrance of Krem Wan Myhtngam (sic! probabile qua: Krem Wah Myntngam) but also the cave entrance to a so-called Krem Salang (resurgence) to Brian D. Kharpran Daly, Cdr. Vijay Chhikara (Commander, Indian Navy) and Henry Rockcliff: Team survey from Wah Myhtngam [sic!] entrance through to (resurgence) Krem Salang 2 entrance (Brooks 2009.06.07 Mss: Krem Wan Myhtngam). Brooks, S J et al. (2009.02 Mss 'Diary 2009.doc' Tuesday 17th) confirm that the unidentified Umkyrpong village headman (no name mentioned) guided Brian D. Kharpran Daly, Cdr Vijay Chhikara (Commander, Indian Navy) and Henry Rockcliff to altogether five cave entrances in the valley (without identified name) south of Umkyrpong: One cave, Krem Wah Mytngam was surveyed to yeild [sic!] 407 m. The survey needs to be checked and update on site - sketches available are very poor. ta.12.2009 (Arbenz, T 2010.01.01 Mytngamplan_1000.ai). 2009.02.21, trip 2 [Krem Wah Myntngam]: Simon J. Brooks, Robert Winkler, and Biranchi Narayan Bhola (Leading Store Assistant, Indian Navy) … went to the resurgence exit [i.e. Salang Spring Cave] of Krem Wah Myntngam where they took some photographs. Attempts to survey the wet leads near the entrance were halted due to the survey instruments having misted up … (Brooks, S J et al. 2009.02 Mss 'Diary 2009.doc' Saturday 21st). Brooks (2009.06.07 Mss amendment to Rockcliff 2009.02.17 Mss: Krem Salang resurgence) narrates how 21/2/2009 - Simon Brooks, Robert Winkler, and Biranchi Narayan Bhola revisit entrance, take photos and put two survey legs into wet lead - compass fogged up. According to Brooks, S J (2009.06.07 Mss: Krem Wah Myhtngam), however, it was only on 22-2-2009 (2009.02.22) that Brooks, Winkler & Bhola … take photographs in cave and survey two legs into wet lead / passage atresurgence entrance [Krem –>Salang Spring Cave, which, as it is one and the same cave, is] likely to be a separate cave [full stop. A] wet and fogged up compass stops further surveying. 2009.02.21, trip 3: Brooks, Simon J (2009.06.07 Mss amendment to Rockcliff, H 2009.02.17 Mss: Krem Salang resurgence), Robert Winkler, and Biranchi Narayan Bhola (Leading Store Assistant, Indian Navy) 21/2/2009 … revisit entrance, take photos and put two survey legs into wet lead - compass fogged up. Brooks, S J et al. (2009.02 Mss 'Diary 2009.doc' Saturday 21st) confirm that Brooks, Winkler and Bhola … went to the resurgence exit of Krem Wah Myntngam where they took some photographs. Attempts to survey the wet leads near the entrance were halted due to the survey instruments having misted up … According to Brooks (2009.06.07 Mss: Krem Wah Myhtngam), however, it was on the following day 22-2-2009 (2009.02.22) when Brooks, Winkler & Bhola went that far to … take photographs in cave and survey two les into wet lead / passage at resurgence entrance [Krem –>Salang 3, which is] likely to be a separate cave [full stop. A] wet and fogged up compass stops further surveying. 2010.02.09, trip 4: Derek Pettiglio along with Cdr. Vijay Chhikara (Commander, Indian Navy) and Vikrant (Vikrant Shukla, another guest soldier) turned up with the awkward expression Krem Wah Myntgam Extensions simply to increase confusion with introducing one more new name for Krem Salang resurgence and fully arrived in believing to have surveyed downstream for approx. 150 m muddy stream passage but quickly resorted to ignore each and every of all the side leads still ongoing (Anonymous et al. 2010.03.29 Mss: Diary (current) 2010.doc). 2010.02.10, trip 5: Derek Pettiglio along with Cdr. Vijay Chhikara (Commander, Indian Navy), today helped along by Ksan Kupar 'Ronnie' Mawlong and Melquire Laitphlang created the newest cave name Krem Wah Myntem [sic!] Extensions and attempted surveying down the main passage, but rogress was slow due to the nature of the passages (Anonymous et al. 2010.03.29 Mss: Diary (current) 2010.doc). 2010.02.10, trip 6: Vikram Singh Kirola (Leading Seaman), Peter Ludwig, and Roger Galloway created the even more newest cave name Krem Wah Mitingam (sic!) and narrated having surveyed upstream/side passages, ended up connecting to a cave found last year called Krem Wah Mitingam, exited near to camp, collected Annie and went back into KWM and did the through trip (Anonymous et al. 2010.03.29 Mss: Diary (current) 2010.doc). 2010.02.12, trip 7: Hellen Brooke, one unspecified Tom out of two possible (Thomas Arbenz or Thomas Chapman), Estelle Sandford, Sarah Louise Payne and Erfan Fekri successfully exercised a lot of futility when they not only checked the previous survey from last year which was found to be correct (ha, ha ha) but, on top of that, also inspected some side passages which [however] … were not surveyed. Cave next to the resurgence entrance was found to be already urveyed (Anonymous et al. 2010.03.29 Mss: Diary (current) 2010.doc). Sandford, E (2010.04.16 Mss: Caves 'n' Corals: 12th February) took this as a Bit of an easier day, surface recce near the village and checking out a survey of a cave previously discovered called Krem Wah Mytngam [sic!] with Sarah, Tom, Hellie and Erfan. 2010.02.15, trip 8: Brian D. Kharpran Daly, Peter Ludwig, Fraser E. Simpson and three young cavers from Shillong (MAZUMDAR & DUTTA 2010), viz. Phrang Kupar “Teddy” Mawlong, David Cooke and Melquire Laitphlang or Mel (Anonymous et al. 2010.03.29 Mss: Diary (current) 2010.doc) and Malquire (MAZUMDAR & DUTTA 2010), took Jaideep Mazumdar (journalist) and Nilayan Dutta (photographer), who immigrant sportsmen did away as not further noteworthy the Mumbai journalists (Anonymous et al. 2010.03.29 Mss: Diary (current) 2010.doc), to Krem Myntngam (MAZUMDAR & DUTTA 2010) to take photos and movie footage (Anonymous et al. 2010.03.29 Mss: Diary (current) 2010.doc) where the $zphotos' were made by Nilayan Dutta, a professional, while the impressive sounding 'movie footage' were video shots taken by a layman. 2014.02.04, notrip: After a slightly chilly night, the sun soon came up and the weather got nice and warm. Peter looked for Krem Myntngam to calibrate Thomas’ and Simon’s DistoXs, but couldn’t find the entrance and therefore calibrated them in a 2m short cave and the forest and did more work like this (Brooks, S J et al. 2014.04.05 Mss: Diary Meghalaya 2014 Second Edit: 4th February Tuesday). Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 06/01/2018

Caves nearby

Distance (km)NameLength (m)Depth (m)
0.2SALANG 3b (Krem)
0.2SALANG 3a (Krem)
0.2Salang Spring Cave
0.3SALANG 2 (Rockcliff 2009) (Krem)
0.3FIFTH TIME LUCKY CAVE, 1st (aa -)
0.3FIFTH TIME LUCKY CAVE, 3rd (aa -)
0.4FIFTH TIME LUCKY CAVE, 2nd (aa -)