Christmas (Tham) [MH0109]

Length 475m Depth 50m
Grottocenter / carte


South of the dirt track between Ban Tham Lod and Ban Huai Haeng. Park at 47Q 423110 2165220, head north on the track for 60 m before going west off the road. After 150 m pass to the south of the Tham Hued and follow the path west up the valley for 400 m. Take the northern branch at the valley junction and the cave is close to the path slightly over 750 m from the road. Martin Ellis - 22/05/2020


Martin Ellis - 22/05/2020

A superbly decorated main chamber with three entrance windows, beautifully lit by the afternoon sun.The main chamber is V-shaped, involving a steep scramble down over boulders to reach the inner passage. A 5 m vertical drop (rope or bamboo pole required) leads down to the stream, which is usually dry except during the rainy season.The stream passage is only passable for a short distance before meeting a sump. In 1997 this was passed as a low-airspace duck or free-dive (2 m). Beyond the duck the cave opens up. It is possible to climb down a couple of drops before reaching a 20 m pitch.Below the pitch the passage is narrower and descends to a pool with cave fish. This pool may be a sump, but there is a bit of a draught and the air is good. The stream probably connects with the northern tributray in Tham Hued before resurging at Tham Nam Hu. Blind cave fish are present


Martin Ellis - 22/05/2020

FOAKES, MARTIN (1998) - Sketch survey (Grade 2) - no north arrow, but survey appears to be orientated with north up.


Martin Ellis - 22/05/2020

Paratachycines (Paratachycines) thailandensis Gorochov, 2002 (Arthropoda, Insecta, Orthoptera, Rhaphidophoroidea, Raphidophoridae) (Gorochov 2002)


Bibliography 22/05/2020


1991-12-25 Benoit Stinglhamber, Magnus Bj÷rkman found cave 1997-02 Martin Foakes, Paul Harries, Julie Harries, Andrew Foakes, Rachel Foakes, Gareth extended the cave to 20 m pitch. Next day Martin Foakes and Bill dropped the pitch to the blind fish pool. 2019-02-27 J. Brush, M. Coggan, N. Anderson Martin Ellis - 22/05/2020

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