MUID (Krem)

(Saipung - IN)
Grottocenter / carte


Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 06/01/2018

A pothole cave entrance without specified shape or dimensions descends in one way or another the usual 100 m (or so) into one or two kilometres of cave passages in which sports cavers exercised futility, accumulated survey lengths and identified little except obstacles that can be negotiated in search of recreational adventure tourism. ETYMOLOGY: The forwarded cave name -Krem Muid- (Brown 2001.02.08 Mss) had been believed to be called after a buffalo named -Muid- (note 1). It may be worth noticing that -krem muid- (Brown 2001.02.08 Mss) is possibly a mis-read -krem rnuid- (Krem Rnuid) and thus a Cave [of] Grikes / Grykes (note 2). On the other hand, the Khasi -Muid- is short for -Dkhar Muid- and is the name of an exogamous clan (GURDON 1906: 216 appendix A). SITUATION (after Pyntyngen Bamon 2001.02.21 personal communication): On on the eastern side of the Shnongrim ridge and about a kilometre without orientation from the village of Tongseng (N25°19'28-: E092°30'05” WGS84). Jarratt Anthony 'Tony' R. (2001.02.22 Mss) noticed that the entrance to Krem Muid is, just like Krem –>Sar, in line with Krem Mooliar . CAVE DESCRIPTION: What looks like an estimated 60 m (?) shaft (Brown, Mark W. 2001.02.08 Mss) consists, literally quoted (note 3), of a 45 m entrance pitch, then 20 m pitch to head of 3rd pitch … good inward draft [sic!], -cool shaft- big window to parellel [sic!] shaft half way down 1st pitch… [2002.02.16] …15 m and 5 m pitch into main streamway … upstream ongoing, down stream blocked at -swamp- sump. [2002.02.17] … One [of the visited passages is] 150 m and still going -strong- varied from -horrible crawl- to stading [sic!] size keyhole passage (Hodgson, -Yorkshire- Dave 2002.02.15-17 Mss: Sutdiary.wri). PROSPECTS: Jarratt (2005.07.27 Mss: Amendments to South Asia Cave Registry) suggested that Krem Muid may connect via unknown ways with the Downstream to Mawshun, upstream to Umhtloo (i.e. Krem –>Umthluh). JARRATT (2005) mentions an upstream sump in Kre Wah Ser (Krem –>Wah Sier), which possibly connects with the 1.8 km long Krem Muid, itself being adjacent to the 13.5 km+ of the Krem Umthloo system. CAVE CLIMATE: Hodgson, -Yorkshire Dave- (2002.02.15-17 Mss: Sutdiary.wri) recorded a good inward draft (sic!) or air current. CAVE LIFE: On 2002.02.19 Martin W. Groves, -Yorkshire Dave- Hodgson and Robin F. Sheen … acquired an example of what is thought to be a new (to us) species of cat fish (Hodgson 2002 Mss: Sutdiary.wri entry 2002.02.19). Wah Ser (Krem –>Wah Sier), which possibly connects with the 1.8 km long Krem Muid, itself being adjacent to the 13.5 km+ of the Krem Umthloo system. CAVE CLIMATE: Hodgson, -Yorkshire Dave- (2002.02.15-17 Mss: Sutdiary.wri) recorded a good inward draft (sic!) or air current. CAVE LIFE: On 2002.02.19 Martin W. Groves, -Yorkshire Dave- Hodgson and Robin F. Sheen … acquired an example of what is thought to be a new (to us) species of cat fish (Hodgson 2002 Mss: Sutdiary.wri entry 2002.02.19).


Bibliography 06/01/2018


EXPLORATION HISTORY: 2001.02.08: Holding Bamon, Wesley Rupon and Churchill Sukhlain guided Brian D. Kharpran Daly, Mark W. Brown and Tom Chapman to the entrance of Krem Muid. 2001.02.21: Pyntyngen Bamon, brother of the Tongseng village headman, reported the cave name Krem Muid to Anthony 'Tony' R Jarratt. 2002.02.15, trip 1: Mark W. Brown and Nicola 'Nicky' Bayley commenced exploration but … ran out of rope. 240 m surveyed (Hodgson Mss 'Sutdiary.wri' entry 2002.02.15). 2002.02.16, trip 2: N. Bayley, Martin 'Lump' Groves and Jörg Dreybrodt: York, Martin, Nicky … surveyed 700 m. Photos taken of people sat on a sofa shaped boulder in streamway (Hodgson 2002 Mss 'Sutdiary.wri' entry 2002.02.16). 2002.02.17, trip 3: N. Bayley, M. Groves and J. Dreybrodt … finished off surveying side passages. Annie (permission to be named ascertained !) put a survey station on a boulder at the centre of the lake at a junction. This highly impressed Martin who had to lay in this to surve (Hodgson 2002 Mss 'Sutdiary.wri' entry 2002.02.17) as he is a person far too silly to consider inverse readings. 2002.02.18, trip 4: Martin 'The Lump' Groves, Christophe Deblaere and Dorien Verboven surveyed 327 m in the upstream (Hodgson 2002 Mss 'Sutdiary.wri' entry 2002.02.19). 2002.02.19, trip 5: Martin W. Groves, 'Yorkshire Dave' Hodgson and Robin F. Sheen Continued from last survey station thru muddy hands and knees crawls finishing in a large aven to wrap up the cave [failure!] adding aprrox a further 100m. Also took photos of one of the large avens and acquired an example of what is thought to be a new (to us) species of cat fish. Derigged on way out (Hodgson 2002 Mss 'Sutdiary.wri' entry 2002.02.19). 2009.02.22, trip 6: Steve Whitlock, Bishnoi Prakash (Leading Seaman, Indian Navy), Vikram Singh Kirola (Leading Seaman, Indian Navy), Phrang Kupar “Teddy” Mawlong, and Joanne 'Jo' Hardy … went to the Krem Mura area and descended a cave close to Krem Muid.No bolts nor survey points were discovered during the decent nor did the cave match the description of Krem Muid. Exploration finished above the 6th pitch due to a lack of bolts and rope. It is thought likely that the passage will connect with Krem Muid (Brooks, S J et al. 2009 Mss 'Diary 2009.doc' Sunday 22nd).2009.02.23, trip 7: Steve Whitlock, Joanne 'Jo' Hardy, Vikram Singh Kirola, and Phrang Kupar “Teddy” Mawlong … returned to the cave near Krem Muid (which is now believed to be Krem Muid) to descend the final pitches. At the top of the sixth pitch, Steve found two spits from a previous trip and it was realised the cave was not 'new' (Brooks, S J et al. 2009 Mss 'Diary 2009.doc' Monday 23rd). 2009.02.23, trip 8: Jean-Pierre Bartholeyns, Robert Winkler and Cdr Vijay Chhikara (Commander, Indian Navy) … descended the fossil [sic! qua: relic] pitch of the cave now realised to be Krem Muid. They found a number of survey marks (Brooks, S J et al. 2009 Mss 'Diary 2009.oc' Monday 23rd). Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 06/01/2018

Caves nearby

Distance (km)NameLength (m)Depth (m)
0.0Mura 4
0.2Mura 3b (Krem)
0.2Mura 2 (Krem)
0.2Mura 1 (Krem)
0.2UMKIT (Krem poh)
0.2WAH SIER, Tongseng (Krem)
0.2Mura 3 (Krem)
0.2KHUNG, Shnongrim (Krem)
0.4MUPSIN 2 (Thlu)