Tham Phaya Nak - KR0048

Longueur 170m Profondeur 92m
Grottocenter / carte


This is the best known cave in Krabi province. The large entrance is located at the northern end of the sheer eastern face of Ko Phi Phi Le. It is a very popular tourist spot and many boats visit it every day during the season. Martin Ellis - 15/10/2019



Martin Ellis - 15/10/2019

Aerodramus fuciphagus (Thunberg, 1812) (Chordata, Aves, Passeriformes, Apodidae) (Odell 1986)


Martin Ellis - 15/10/2019

KUSCH, HEINRICH (1977) GILLI (2010) Sukkham, Atthasit; Taþon, Paul S.C.; Tan, Noel Hidalgo; Muhamad, Asyaari bin (2017)

Martin Ellis - 15/10/2019

The entrance is a few metres up a precipitous cliff, rapidly opening into a huge, partly day lit chamber which is 60m deep and 80m wide, with bamboo ladders disappearing into the darkness of rifts more than 90m high.


Bibliography 15/10/2019
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Graffitti, in Jawi and associated with the famous ship drawings, is dated 1900 AD. The cave was originally known as Viking Cave or Tham Rimau, but was renamed Tham Phaya Nak at the time of a visit by the King and Queen of Thailand in 1973. The earlier English name of the cave derives from wall paintings of sailing ships, likened to Viking ships, but more probably Chinese junks. This is the archetypal swallows' nest cave and a truly spectacular sight. Visitors are able to see the nest gatherers at work in a dangerous vocation almost unchanged for hundreds of years and celebrated with superb photographs in the books by Valli and Summers. 1975-03-21 H. Kusch & I. Staber - surveyed cave 2005-01-24 E. Gilli & C, Darrian - survey and observations on the effect of the tsunami. 2007-12 D. Brison & A. Brison 2009 & 2010 Martin Ellis - 15/10/2019

Cavités proche

Distance (km)NomLongueur (m)Profondeur (m)
1.8Tham Maya [KR0350]142
3.6Wang Long 2 (Tham) [KR0214]83043
3.7Tham Wang Long 3 [KR0345]507
3.8Tham Wang Long 1 - KR0084200
4.3Ko Phi Phi (Tham) [Grotte des Hirondelles] [KR0202]35033
13.5Ko Ma Submarine Cave [KR0212]5019
28.4Ko Ya Wa Bon Submarine Cave [KR0215]500
35.3Tham Nam Bo - KR0207
35.4Ko Nok Sea Cave 5 - KR0117