Tham Phi Hua To - KR0019

Longueur 105m Profondeur 0m
Grottocenter / carte


This very well known tourist destination is only accessible by boat or canoe from Ban Tha Bo Tho. It is well signposted and can be reached by going 4.3 km south-west of Ao Luek on the H4039 then turning north for 2 km before another turning to the west which brings you to the car parking area, restaurants and boat rental firms at the end of the road. From the jetty paddle downstream past the creek with Tham Lot to the second creek on the left (south). The cave is just up this creek and has a large landing stage and signs. Martin Ellis - 15/10/2019


Martin Ellis - 15/10/2019

The cave is Krabi's preeminent pictograph site. There are three entrances and two main chambers each about 20m across. On the walls are some 238 rock paintings said to be about 2,000 to 3,000 years old, some in a frieze over 10m long. There has been confusion in the literature about the finds in the cave, with reports of large skulls being found. The large skull is a formation which gives the cave its name (Large Headed Ghost Cave). Archaeologists have also excavated normal sized skulls.


Martin Ellis - 15/10/2019

DEHARVENG, LOUIS ET AL. (1986) - UIS Grade 3 OCC/SMCC November 2009 - Grade UISAv2 6-3-EF


[Topo] Tham Phi Hua To 11/05/2019
[Topo] Tham Phi Hua To 11/05/2019
Bibliography 15/10/2019
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Tham Phi Hua To was discovered by Khun Son Keseelak, perhaps around 1930. 1985 The first recorded visit by speleologists was by the APS 2009-11-19 M. Ellis, S. Brooks, S. Ghazy, I. Hollis, Y. Sopha Martin Ellis - 15/10/2019

Cavités proche

Distance (km)NomLongueur (m)Profondeur (m)
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0.3Tham Lot Tai - KR00181260
0.4Tham Lagoon - KR0213200
1.5Tham Rot Tai - KR0060
1.7Song Phi Nong (Tham) [KR0221]
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1.8Tham Sua Nok - KR0180300
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2.0Orahan (Tham) [KR0115]1000