Tham Ngam - CM0029

หนองบัว (TH)
Length 110m Depth 50m
Grottocenter / carte


Tham Ngam is 2 km south-west of Tham Tab Tao. It is reached via a small surfaced road which branches off to the south just before Wat Tab Tao. The cave entrance is 10 minutes walk up a flight of steps from the end of the road. Martin Ellis - 26/06/2019


Martin Ellis - 26/06/2019

A 5 m high, 20 m wide entrance leads to a single large well decorated chamber about 60 m wide, sloping to the south and west and strewn with large boulders. Just inside the entrance a platform has been built over the boulders on which there is a shrine.


Martin Ellis - 26/06/2019

Troglopedetes microps Deharveng et Gers, 1993 (Arthropoda, Entognatha, Entomobryomorpha, Entomobryoidea, Paronellidae) û type locality (Deharveng and Gers 1993) Miniopterus magnater (Sanborn, 1931) (Chordata, Mammalia, Chiroptera, Vespertilionidae) (Yenbutra and Felton 1986)


[Topo] Tham Ngam (CM0029) 05/05/2019
Bibliography 26/06/2019
  • DEHARVENG, LOUIS, ET AL. (1986) "ExpÚdition Tha´-Maros 85" Association PyrÚnÚenne de SplÚologie, Toulouse ISBN 2-906273-00-7 DEHARVENG, LOUIS; GERS, CHARLES (1993) "Ten new species of Troglopedetes Absolon 1907, from caves of Thailand (Collembola Paronellidae)" Bijdragen tot de Dierkunde Vol. 63 No.2 pp103-113 DUNKLEY, JOHN ROBERT (1995) "The Caves of Thailand" Speleological Research Council, Sydney ISBN 0-9589253-9-9 ELLIS, MARTIN (2004a) "SAM in Siam" Shepton Mallet Caving Club Newsletter Vol. 40 No. 6 pp140-146 ELLIS, MARTIN (2005) "Some Caves in Thailand Part 1" Shepton Mallet Caving Club Journal Series 11 No. 7 pp294-321 FARRANT, ANDREW; FLOWER, SIMON; LEE, SIMON (2001) "UBSS Expedition to Northern Thailand" University of Bristol Spelaeological Society Proceedings Vol. 22 No. 2 pp125-156 SIDISUNTHORN, PINDAR; GARDNER, SIMON; SMART, DEAN (2006) "Caves of Northern Thailand" River Books, Thailand, ISBN 9749863135 VOGT, NILS B. (2013) "Temple Caves & Grottoes in Thailand: A Picture-Guide Book" Booksmango, Bangkok ISBN 978-616-222-160-6 214pp WHITE, TONY (1988) "Zen and The Art of Umbrella Pointing" Caves and Caving No. 40 pp14-17 YENBUTRA, SONGSAKDI; FELTON, HEINZ (1986) "Bat Species and Their Distribution in Thailand According to the Collections in TISTR and SMF" in FELTON, HEINZ (ED.) "Contributions to the Knowledge of the Bats of Thailand" Courier Forschungsinstitut Senckenberg, Frankfurt Vol. 87 pp9-45


1985 explored and surveyed by the APS in 1985. 2003-12-22 SMCC (M. Ellis, I. Hollis) resurveyed Martin Ellis - 26/06/2019

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