RAMAN 1 (Krem)

(Saipung - IN)
Grottocenter / carte


Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 06/01/2018

About three (note 1) or four (note 2) distinct but closely neighbouring cave entrances (potholes) are collectively called Krem Raman or Krem Rahman (note 3) and Krem Ryman or Krem Rmen.Connected underground, they give access to much collapsed cave chambers (Life is a Drama above Disappointment Hall) which allow expedition cavers to drop at least themselves into subsequent cave chambers (Black Spot Aven, Shrimp Pool Aven) vertically above what was dubbed the Captain Hook's Canyon and is known to form a part of Krem –>Umthluh, Tongseng. ETYMOLOGY: The Khasi noun -ka rám- is the word for a jungle which has been cleared for cultivation but the adverb -ramân- means fiercely (like a tiger) while -ka ram-ew- is the goddess of earth, the ground, terra firma and -u ramhah- is a giant while -ràm-ia- translates into dream, illusion, halluscination (SINGH, N 1906: 170-171). SITUATION: On the eastern side of the Shnongrim Ridge and high above the upstream of Krem –>Umthloo and in the approximatewest of Krem –>Ticha. The three or four pothole entrances lie in unidentified spatial relations to each other in an isolated grove and some 45 m south-west of a unique pair of V-shaped standing stones (monoliths, -duolith-) in the Lyngwa area of Shnongrim, and roughly 100 m south-south-east of Krem –>Myrliat. Geologically, the entrance to the first Krem Raman lies immediately below the Kopili Shales (caprock) and in Miocene Kopili Limestone (Upper Sylhet stage) merging with the underlying Eocene Umlatdoh Limestone (Middle Sylhet stage). POSITION: The elevation of 1084.75 m asl (original GPS reading: 1075 m) results from the cave survey based on the assumed altitude of 1000.00 m asl for the Krem –>Umthloo entrance 1. CAVE DESCRIPTION: Two shafts open to surface drop directly into the -Life Is A Drama- chamber above Black Spot Aven in Krem Umthloo (Tongseng). A third shaft drops into a bedding plane which also joins this chamber. A 3 m climb down from the surface leads to a 4th, undergrund shaft leading to the blind Disappointment Hall (Jarratt 2002.02.19 Mss: Krem Ryman 19/2/02). TACKLE: 40 m rope for belays and descent into -Life Is A Drama.- Four times 10 m ropes and a few handlines are necessary to reach the main Umthloo streamway and the horizontal through trip to Krem –>Ticha, the resurgence. PROSPECTS: Probably finished. Maybe small side passages not looked at. Unexplored bedding planes off Life Is A Drama. CULTURAL HISTORY - cave legend & fabulous tunnel: There was a time when the people of the two villages of Shnongrim [25°21'N: 92°31'E] and Kyndong Tuber [note 4] were on uneasy terms and skirmishes were the order of the day. It so happened that at that period of time there was a lady from Kyndong Tuber who was working and earning her livelihood in the Shnongrim area. When she went back to her village, she took back with her -flat stones- which were much prized by the Shnongrim people. The consequences of that one act was disastrous for the people of Kydong Tuber. Shnongrim was aflamed and a war erupted. The people of Shnongrim were determined to recover the stones. It was believed that a man from Shnongrim named Ryman, descended into the cave, went all the way underground [note 5] to Kyndong Tuber, retrieved the stones and brought them home (Brian D. Kharpran Daly 2002.03.20 after Larsing Sukhlain 2001.02.18, personal communication). Once a year the king invited all the ilaka to Jaintiapur (1882) [note 6]. It only took one night to reach Jaintiapur [note 7] through the cave [note 8]. Mr. Phyrngap says this is a very long tale which he knows -- take somebody good at shorthand to see him. Good potential for other tales also (Ware, F 2002.02.23 Mss after Carlyn Phyrngap, the Shnongrim Doloi). Carlyn Phyrngap informed us that the correct spelling [of Krem Ryman] is Raman -- a Dolloi clanwarrior and minister [note 9] of the Jaintia king who many years ago travelled to Jaintiapur via the cave (Jarratt, A R 2003.02.22 Mss: Cave Log 2003: 2/2/03 page 4).dong Tuber. Shnongrim was aflamed and a war erupted. The people of Shnongrim were determined to recover the stones. It was believed that a man from Shnongrim named Ryman, descended into the cave, went all the way underground [note 5] to Kyndong Tuber, retrieved the stones and brought them home (Brian D. Kharpran Daly 2002.03.20 after Larsing Sukhlain 2001.02.18, personal communication). Once a year the king invited all the ilaka to Jaintiapur (1882) [note 6]. It only took one night to reach Jaintiapur [note 7] through the cave [note 8]. Mr. Phyrngap says this is a very long tale which he knows -- take somebody good at shorthand to see him. Good potential for other tales also (Ware, F 2002.02.23 Mss after Carlyn Phyrngap, the Shnongrim Doloi). Carlyn Phyrngap informed us that the correct spelling [of Krem Ryman] is Raman -- a Dolloi clanwarrior and minister [note 9] of the Jaintia king who many years ago travelled to Jaintiapur via the cave (Jarratt, A R 2003.02.22 Mss: Cave Log 2003: dong Tuber. Shnongrim was aflamed and a war erupted. The people of Shnongrim were determined to recover the stones. It was believed that a man from Shnongrim named Ryman, descended into the cave, went all the way underground [note 5] to Kyndong Tuber, retrieved the stones and brought them home (Brian D. Kharpran Daly 2002.03.20 after Larsing Sukhlain 2001.02.18, personal communication). Once a year the king invited all the ilaka to Jaintiapur (1882) [note 6]. It only took one night to reach Jaintiapur [note 7] through the cave [note 8]. Mr. Phyrngap says this is a very long tale which he knows -- take somebody good at shorthand to see him. Good potential for other tales also (Ware, F 2002.02.23 Mss after Carlyn Phyrngap, the Shnongrim Doloi). Carlyn Phyrngap informed us that the correct spelling [of Krem Ryman] is Raman -- a Dolloi clanwarrior and minister [note 9] of the Jaintia king who many years ago travelled to Jaintiapur via the cave (Jarratt, A R 2003.02.22 Mss: Cave Log 2003: dong Tuber. Shnongrim was aflamed and a war erupted. The people of Shnongrim were determined to recover the stones. It was believed that a man from Shnongrim named Ryman, descended into the cave, went all the way underground [note 5] to Kyndong Tuber, retrieved the stones and brought them home (Brian D. Kharpran Daly 2002.03.20 after Larsing Sukhlain 2001.02.18, personal communication). Once a year the king invited all the ilaka to Jaintiapur (1882) [note 6]. It only took one night to reach Jaintiapur [note 7] through the cave [note 8]. Mr. Phyrngap says this is a very long tale which he knows -- take somebody good at shorthand to see him. Good potential for other tales also (Ware, F 2002.02.23 Mss after Carlyn Phyrngap, the Shnongrim Doloi). Carlyn Phyrngap informed us that the correct spelling [of Krem Ryman] is Raman -- a Dolloi clanwarrior and minister [note 9] of the Jaintia king who many years ago travelled to Jaintiapur via the cave (Jarratt, A R 2003.02.22 Mss: Cave Log 2003: dong Tuber. Shnongrim was aflamed and a war erupted. The people of Shnongrim were determined to recover the stones. It was believed that a man from Shnongrim named Ryman, descended into the cave, went all the way underground [note 5] to Kyndong Tuber, retrieved the stones and brought them home (Brian D. Kharpran Daly 2002.03.20 after Larsing Sukhlain 2001.02.18, personal communication). Once a year the king invited all the ilaka to Jaintiapur (1882) [note 6]. It only took one night to reach Jaintiapur [note 7] through the cave [note 8]. Mr. Phyrngap says this is a very long tale which he knows -- take somebody good at shorthand to see him. Good potential for other tales also (Ware, F 2002.02.23 Mss after Carlyn Phyrngap, the Shnongrim Doloi). Carlyn Phyrngap informed us that the correct spelling [of Krem Ryman] is Raman -- a Dolloi clanwarrior and minister [note 9] of the Jaintia king who many years ago travelled to Jaintiapur via the cave (Jarratt, A R 2003.02.22 Mss: Cave Log 2003: dong Tuber. Shnongrim was aflamed and a war erupted. The people of Shnongrim were determined to recover the stones. It was believed that a man from Shnongrim named Ryman, descended into the cave, went all the way underground [note 5] to Kyndong Tuber, retrieved the stones and brought them home (Brian D. Kharpran Daly 2002.03.20 after Larsing Sukhlain 2001.02.18, personal communication). Once a year the king invited all the ilaka to Jaintiapur (1882) [note 6]. It only took one night to reach Jaintiapur [note 7] through the cave [note 8]. Mr. Phyrngap says this is a very long tale which he knows -- take somebody good at shorthand to see him. Good potential for other tales also (Ware, F 2002.02.23 Mss after Carlyn Phyrngap, the Shnongrim Doloi). Carlyn Phyrngap informed us that the correct spelling [of Krem Ryman] is Raman -- a Dolloi clanwarrior and minister [note 9] of the Jaintia king who many years ago travelled to Jaintiapur via the cave (Jarratt, A R 2003.02.22 Mss: Cave Log 2003: 2/2/03 page 4).


Bibliography 06/01/2018


EXPLORATION HISTORY: 2001.02.18: Larsing Sukhlain indicated the pothole to B. D. Kharpran Daly in company with H. Daniel Gebauer, Betsy 'Betty' Chhakchhuak, Christine Jantschke, Herbert Jantschke and Vivian 'Bibi' Kharnaior. 2001.02.19: Thomas Matthalm, Anja Renner, Christian W. Fischer and Harald 'Harry' Kirsamer descended and mapped a vertical range of -26 m. 2002.02.15-17, 19 & 22: Anthony 'Tony' R Jarratt and Peter Ludwig connected Krem Raman (Ryman) to Krem –>Umthloo (Tongseng): 2002.02.15: The Sutnga team had pushed the far end of Umthloo to an aven after a mere 17 m but had failed to notice, in the book, the major inlet at the end of the stream passage. Peter [Ludwig] and I plumped for this and abseiled in via the ready rigged Krem Myrliat from where this lead was reached in only about 20 minutes. After various entertaining but futile attempts at lassoing and skyhooking ledges some 5 m up the aven we gave up and Peter used the Makita battery drill to put in thre bolts which he combined with two „Daniel ladders“ to gain the top some 6 m up. Technology hits Meghalaya! From the top a superb, potholed canyon passage some 10 m high bored off uphill -- the main way on in Umthloo. We surveyed 151 m of superb stuff until a 5 m climb and lack of time caused a halt. The climb out of Myrliat went very smoothly and then we got free tea and biscuits from a tea shop lady in Tongseng to celebrate our triumph. (Captain Hook‘s Canyon) (Jarratt 2002 Mss Cave Log 15/2/02). 2002.02.16: Today was planned as a gentle surveying trip along a kilometre or so of huge, roomy passage but we were soon to be sorely disappointed though not because of any lack of a way on! About ten metres from our last station the passage developed into a c. 10 m high aven which I partially free-climbed on the RH side. Peter then continue upwards using the Makita drill and gained the top after about an hour‘s hard work. Fiona [Ware] and I had stupidly left our SRT kit further downstream bt joined him after some devious etrier climbing. At the top was another huge aven, boulder floored and with a narrow chimney at one end –Black Spot Aven. Peter again manfully bolted his way up this for another 10 m or so to gain an airy ledge with a rift/aven at one end which Peter suggested I have a go at before we headed out for our jeep rendezvous as time was pressing. I free-climbed the rift for another c. 10 m to reach a huge, double level chamber with routes up through massive boulders where it was easy to lose the way. Leaves and debris indicated a nearby entrance and, on looking up, I suddenly saw daylight at the top of an inaccessible c. 15 m high aven. A further look around revealed another daylight aven which seemed to be climbable. I then made the stupid decision to call the others up and attempt to leave the cave by this route to save time. Eventually all were assembled in the chamber with all the available kit and I attempted a bolting / free-climb ascent of the aven untl defeated by a large overhang some 8 m up. By now I was mentally and physically exhausted, as were the others. We were now very late and forced to abseil back down and off single bolts to exit via Krem Myrliat where I emerged at 9 p.m. -- two hours after we were supposed to meet the jeep. Despite the effort involved this was actually a classic and enjoyable, hard caving trip for all. We had discovered the main passage through trip from what we later assumed to be the unexplored Krem Ryman to the resurgence at Krem Ticha -- arguably one of the world‘s finest caving excursions! (Jarratt 2002 Mss Cave Log 16/2/02). 2002.02.17: Despite being knackered and with a bad stomach and dose of the shits, I managed to stagger from Tongseng to the 'V' [note 10] megaliths on the valley side c. 60 m above Krem Myrliat [note 11]. Here Peter and I entered the adjacent patch of jungle in search of Krem Ryman, a pair of interconnected potholes investigated (but not descended) last year… Some of thes had produced a survey of the surface layout and of an underground chamber on the NW side. We eventually found a way down into this site which I rigged with a handline while Peter recovered our caving gear from Krem Myrliat. On his return he rigged 'Shaft N° 2' from a couple of natural belays and abseiled down for c. 6 m directly onto the last bolt I had put in the previous evening! We were that close to getting out -- very annoying but all part of the epic … (Jarratt (Mss Cave Log 2002: 17/2/02). 2002.02.19: Our jobs today were for Peter and I to survey from our last station in Umthloo up to the entrance(s) of Ryman [Peter: 'Rühmann'] and for the girls [Fiona Ware, Annie Audsley] to abseil through and derig Myrliat. For once all went to plan. After seeing the ladies off we surveyed a long and complicated loop around the huge 'Life is a Drama' chamber literally hanging over Black Spot Aven. Immense wedged boulders and flowstone banks made sketching this place a bit of a nihtmare. At one point I went through a bedding passage into the base of a daylight pot I assumed to be Thomas' Disappointment Hall entrance but later proved to be an unrecorded shaft to the NE of Shaft N° 2 and some 12 m above it's lip. This adds to the depth of the system but may have to be surveyed properly as the tape was not long enough to reach the underground station. A few bats were flying around here. After measuring Shaft N° 2 we met the girls who had just arrived laden with rope. Perfect timing… Back at Tongseng pick up point we provided entertainment for hordes of village girls by sticking bubble gum 'tattoos' on our foreheads -- 'little things please little minds'. A useful day's work but a change of scenery is now needed (Jarratt 2002 Mss Cave Log 19/2/02). 2002.02.22: Peter abseiled down and tied in to the Umthloo survey. The pot was exactly 40 m deep –46 m surveyed in all (Jarratt 2002 Mss Cave Log 22/2/02). 2002.02.23: Carlyn Phyrngap (note 12) told the cae name Krem Rahman to Fiona J. Ware (2002.02.23 Mss: Krem Rahman 23|2|02). Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 06/01/2018

Caves nearby

Distance (km)NameLength (m)Depth (m)
0.0RAMAN 2, Rahman, Rmen, Ryman (Krem)
0.0RAMAN 3, Rahman, Rmen, Ryman (Krem)
0.3MYRLIAT 3 (Krem)
0.3MUÏAP 2 (Krem)
0.3MUÏAP (Krem)
0.3KARMA (Krem)
0.3MYRLIAT 2 (Brown 2008) (Krem)
0.3MYRLIAT 1 (Krem)