Tham Muang On [Tham Chom Muang] [Tham Myyd] [Tham Meud] [CM0053]

แม่โป่ง (TH)
Longueur 314m Profondeur 37m
Grottocenter / carte


The cave is a well known tourist attrcation and is signposted from the Chiang Mai ring road. Take the road to San Kamphaeng then continue along the H1317 to the 28 km marker. The turning is signed and a surfaced road winds up the side of the hill to a car park and food stalls. From here a flight of steps leads to the cave entrance about 100 m above. Martin Ellis - 26/06/2019


Martin Ellis - 26/06/2019

Tham Muang On was opened to the public in 1978. A small admission fee (10 baht for Thais, 20 baht for foreigners) is charged to maintain the lighting system and infrastructure. From the car park about 150 steps lead up to the gated entrance. The small entrance opens onto concrete steps that descend for 8m to the floor of the upper passage which is 8m high and 50m long. At the end of the upper passage there is a shrine and a flight of concrete stairs that descend about 30m to the main passage. The passage is dominated by a large stalagmite that is revered as it is said to contain a hair from the Buddha. Beyond the stalagmite the main passage is level, 200m long and typically 10m wide and high. The passage ends at a choke with some intermittently active rimstone pools. At the base of the stairs there is a large reclining Buddha, behind which the passage ascends and closes down.


Martin Ellis - 26/06/2019

DEHARVENG, LOUIS ET AL. (1986) - UIS Grade 4 Ellis & Bolger - UISv2 3-3-F September 2009


Martin Ellis - 26/06/2019

Belisana leclerci Huber, 2005 (Arthropoda, Arachnida, Araneae, Araneomorphae, Pholcidae) û type locality (Huber 2005) Troglopedetes maungonensis Deharveng et Gers, 1993 (Arthropoda, Entognatha, Entomobryomorpha, Entomobryoidea, Paronellidae) û type locality (Deharveng and Gers 1993)


[Topo] Tham Muang On 01/05/2019
Bibliography 26/06/2019


The cave was visited by the famous meditation monk Ajaan Lee. 1982-01 John Dunkley 1985 The cave was surveyed by the Association PyrÚnÚenne de SplÚologie, who also collected biological specimens. 2008-08-29 M. Ellis, T. Bolger 2009-09-19 M. Ellis, T. Bolger - cave surveyed Martin Ellis - 26/06/2019

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