Tham Than Lot Yai - KA0156
เขาโจด (TH)
Longueur 75m Profondeur 40m
In Chaloem Rattanakosin National Park. Access is either through Tham Than Lot Noi and up the valley or the easier route is from the wat which can be driven to. It is then a 10 minute walk to this large arch.
Short description
This is a 40 meters high by 60 meters wide cave remnant that is 75 meters long, with a skylight entrance.
DEHARVENG, LOUIS ET AL. (1986) - Grade UISv2 3-3-A (north arrow is pointing west). Reprinted in SMART, DEAN (1996) Chanchira Thatkuni 2001 - unknown grade
[Topo] Tham Than Lot Yai 28/04/2019Bibliography 22/08/2019
- +DEHARVENG, LOUIS ET AL. (1986) "ExpÚdition Tha´-Maros 85" Association PyrÚnÚenne de SplÚologie, Toulouse ISBN 2-906273-00-7 +DUNKLEY, JOHN ROBERT (1995) "The Caves of Thailand" Speleological Research Council, Sydney ISBN 0-9589253-9-9 +ELLIS, MARTIN (2005) "Some Caves in Thailand Part 2" Shepton Mallet Caving Club Journal Series 11 No. 8 pp342-357 +Kusch, Heinrich (1982a) "Ergebnisse spelaologischer forschungen in Thailand (Stand 1978)" Die Hohle Vol. 33 No. 2 pp59-69 +LANE, KAREN (2003) "Thailand/Laos November/December 2002" Craven Pothole Club Record No. 70 pp17-20 +MEKLOY, PONGPET (2007) "Cavernous Charms" Bangkok Post Horizons 31 May 2007 +NATIONAL PARK OFFICE (2006) "National Parks in Thailand" National park, Wildlife and Plant Conservation Department, Bangkok 280pp +OSTERMANN, JEAN-MICHEL (ED.) (1988) "Thailande 86: Expedition Speleologique" Groupe Speleo Scientifique et Sportif, Perigueux 144pp +PRICE, LIZ (1985) "Travels in Thailand" Cerberus Spelaeological Society Journal Vol. 15 No. 6 November/December 1985 pp143-145 +SMART, DEAN (1996) "Tham Than Lot & Tham Than Lot Yai. The Geology & Tourism - A Reconnaissance Survey" Royal Forest Department, Bangkok unpublished report 14pp +VOGT, NILS B. (2013) "Temple Caves & Grottoes in Thailand: A Picture-Guide Book" Booksmango, Bangkok ISBN 978-616-222-160-6 214pp
Cavités proche
Distance (km) | Nom | Longueur (m) | Profondeur (m) |
2.1 | Than Nam Lot (Tham) [KA0155] | 296 | 10 |
11.3 | Tham Khi Khang Khao - KA0157 | ||
12.7 | Tham Wang Hin - KA0436 | 50 | 0 |
16.9 | Tham Bua Lung - KA0170 | 170 | 0 |
20.5 | Tham Pha Phit Lum - KA0474 | 15 | 0 |
21.3 | Tham Sua - KA0159 | 180 | 15 |
21.6 | Tham Khao Musi Choet Chu Tham - KA0432 | ||
23.1 | Tham Air [KA0593] | 20 | 1 |
25.7 | Tham Ong Chu - KA0202 | 250 | 10 |