Wah surok (Krem)

(Saipung - IN)
Grottocenter / carte


General descriptions

Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 06/01/2018

A stream drains via a culvert on the Shongrim-Litang road into a Cave on the Stream at the Road (Carlyn Phyrngap in Sheen 2005.03.01 Mss) or a Krem Heh U Reh (Barbara am Ende 2007.02.17 Mss) which Robin Sheen (2005.03.01 Mss, 2005.08.20 Mss) understood to represent a greedy looking swallet (note 1). ETYMOLOGY: The first recorded cave name Krem Wah Surok (Carlyn Phyrngap in Sheen 2005.03.01 Mss), which somehow deteriorated into a Krem Wah Sarok (note 2), is pretty descriptive as it translates into Cave on the Stream at the Road (note 3). Thomas Arbenz (note 4) confirms that the proper spelling is Krem Wah Surok which translates literally into -Cave on the stream at the Road- as this stream near the road drains into the cave. It is difficult to reconstruct what Barbara am Ende (2007.02.17 Mss) had been told before she arrived at stating the name is Krem Heh U Reh which is the name of the area as this translates into something along the lines of a Cave of Big Boss Fatbelly (note 5). SITUTION 1: On the eastern flank of the Shnongrim Ridge, a kilometer or so in a direct line west of Khaidong village, and on a gully once called -Wah Surok- or Road Stream (Carlyn Phyrngap in Sheen 2005.03.01 Mss). SITUATION 2: Sheen (2005.03.01 Mss: Krem Moolasngi / Krem Wah Surok, 2005.08.20 Mss) declared Krem Wah Surok located where the road first meets the limestone (note 6) and allegedly several water courses pass under the road to focus on a swallet. SITUATION 3: Ende (2007.02.17 Mss) had the impression her funny Krem Heh U Reh is found directly on the downhill side of the [Shnongrim - Nongkhlieh] road towards the teahouse [or dukan sha on the Litang]. There is a culvert that drains in. POSITION 1: N25°21'57.9”: E92°32'03.9” (±11 m, WGS84, Sheen 2005.03.01, Garmin Etrex). POSITION 2: N25°21'57.7”: E92°32'04.7” (±14 m, WGS84): 1007 m asl (Ende 2007.02.17, Garmin Etrex). POSITION 3: N25°21'57.8”: E92°32'04.3” (±14 m, WGS84, average after Sheen 2005.03.01 and Ende 2007.02.1): 1007 m asl (Ende 2007.02.17). CAVE DESCRIPTION 1 (after Sheen 2005.03.01 Mss: Krem Moolasngi / Krem Wah Surok; 2005.08.20 personal correspondence): A greedy looking swallet in 10 m deep grykes, which (seasonally?) sinks into a strongly draughting pothole that is estimated to be about 10 m deep and would require a ladder if anybody were inclined to enter. CAVE DESCRIPTION 2: Ende (2007.02.17 Mss) recorded a culvert that drains in … swallet and mentions a workable way down to the lip of a drop. PROSPECTS: Sheen (2005.08.20 personal correspondence) opts for assuming that this cave near the village of Mulesngi (N25°22'10: E92°32'20- WGS84) appears to continue and if it does so, drops into Krem –>Liat Prah. CAVE CLIMATE: Both Sheen (2005.03.01 Mss: Krem Moolasngi / Krem Wah Surok) and Sheen (2005.08.20 personal correspondence) draws attention to having observed an unspecified air current (without identified direction) as this pothole had been strongly draughting at an unspecified hour of the day on 1st March 2005.


Bibliography 06/01/2018


EXPLORATION HISTORY: 2005.03.01: Carlyn Pymgap (i.e. Carlyn Phyrngap), apparently forwarding a made-up impromptu name, guided Robin Sheen (2005.03.01 Mss: Krem Moolasngi / Krem Wah Surok) to the entrance of a sink called Krem Wah Surok (Sheen 2005.08.20 Mss) or Krem Wak Sarok (Arbenz, T 2005.02 Mss: Abstracts.xls; Arbenz ) near Moolasngi (Moolesngi N25°22'02”: E92°32'22”). 2007.02.06: Tuesday 6th Feb: Mark B [Mark W. Brown], Robin [Sheen], Brian C. [Cullen], Tony B. [Boycott, Antony 'Tony'] and Jane [Jayne Stead] went to try and relocate Krem Wah Sarok. A stream sink Krem Wah Sarok 2 was found (Brooks, S J et al. 2007.03.01 Mss: Diary2007.doc). 2007.02.17: Novell Bareh of Lumthari village guided Brian D. Kharpran Daly, Barbara Anne am Ende (2007.02.17 Mss) and Peter 'Pete' Glanvill to a Krem Heh U Reh where Peter [the first person ever to enter] worked his way down to the lip of the drop, found a survey mark, and retreated (Ende 2007.02.17 Mss: Krem Heh U Reh). According t Brooks, S J et al. (2007.03.01 Mss: Diary2007.doc), … they stopped at a road swallet which turned out to be Krem Wah Sarok 2 and discovered that the local name is now Krem Heh U Reh. The question remains what had been the local name before they stopped there. Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 06/01/2018

Cavités proche

Distance (km)NomLongueur (m)Profondeur (m)
0.0WAH SUROK 2 (Krem)
0.2WAH SUROK 3 (Krem)
0.3WAH SNING (Krem)
0.3AA CAVE B 2 (Sheen 2007)
0.6DNGIEM, Lumthymme, 2 (Krem)