MAWTAPIEW, Lawbah village (Pung)
A stream without identified name and unspecified discharge rises and overflows from a headpool, which has been dived to blocking boulders an estimated underwater depth of 7 m, lies in a valley floor exposing unspecified rock, and is fed by an unidentified catchment area. ETYMOLOGY: The place name -Mawtapiew- appears to translate as something along the lines of a Rock [of the] Pan Leaf Market (note 1). Immigrants from foreign countries (Anonymous et al. 2010.03.29 Mss: Diary (current) 2010.doc) preferred to call this headpool Blue Hole (note 2). SITUATION 2010: 13 kms away (Anonymous et al. 2010.03.29 Mss: Diary (current) 2010.doc) or, more likely, at a travelling distance of 13 km along a road approximately south from the village of Mawsynram (±250 m N25°17'53”: E091°35'01”: 1401.5 m asl, WGS84 modified from N25°17'51.0”: E091°35'11.0”: 4598 feet, Everest 1830, Survey of India 78-O/11 edition 1974) towards Shella (N25°10'43”: E091°38'18”: 24 m asl WGS84 modified from N25°1'41”: E091°38'28”: 79 feet asl Everest 1830, Survey of India 78-O/12 edition 1912). SITUATION 2009: Kharpran Daly (2009.09.11 Mss) luckily tells me that the pond / river is in Mawtapiew at Lawbah but on the Survey of India sheet 78-O/12 (edition 1912) there is no Mawtapiew (or so) shown in the vicinity of the village of Lawbah (25°14'00”N: 91°33'55”E WGS84 modified from Everest 1830 25°14'00”N: 91°35'05”E). SITUATION 2006: DIRECTOR … (s.a. circa 2006) is a bit confusing but seems to locate Lawbah, 25 km from Mawsynram close to the Bangladesh border and … the source of river Mih-um not far about 3 Kms the plateau is the legendary place known as Animal market (note 3). The problems are that a) -Mih um- is not the name of a river (DIRECTOR … s.a. circa 2006) but signifies spring (of water) in Khasi; b) The populated place of Mawsynram, which I know (note 4), does not lie close to the Bangladesh border but high up on the Shillong Plateau. c) The village of Lawbah, which I know(note 5), does not lie 25 km but about 10 km approximately south of the village of Mawsynram (N25°17'50”: E091°35'10”: 1402 m asl WGS84). d) A travelling distance of 25 km from Mawsynram (the village) generally south-west and following the route via the village of Lawbah (25°14'00”N: 91°33'55”E) gets one into the area where the Khasimara river debouches onto the plains near N25°10': E091°09' in the Shella Confederacy and not far from the border of Bangladesh. POSITION: The modified GPS position N25°13'43.2”: E091°33'47.4” (unspecified precision error): 762.5 m (more than ±15 m) asl is averaged from the two readings N 25.22867: E 91.56316: 755 m asl (Ludwig P 2010.02.03 photo 668.jpg 10:28:22.47) N 25.22867: E 91.56300: 770 m asl (Ludwig P 2010.02.03 photo 682.jpg 10:29:21.87). SPRING DESCRIPTION 2006 (DIRECTOR of TOURISM s.a. circa 2006): Puzzling water bubbles spring up from underground, the source of river Mih-um (note 6). SPRING DESCRIPTION 2009: A hole (Anonymous e al. 2010.03.29 Mss: Diary (current) 2010.doc). CAVE POTENTIAL: In fact, quite a few caves are known in the area (Kharpran Daly 2009.09.11 Mss -Here are a few more caves- item 5).(note 5), does not lie 25 km but about 10 km approximately south of the village of Mawsynram (N25°17'50”: E091°35'10”: 1402 m asl WGS84). d) A travelling distance of 25 km from Mawsynram (the village) generally south-west and following the route via the village of Lawbah (25°14'00”N: 91°33'55”E) gets one into the area where the Khasimara river debouches onto the plains near N25°10': E091°09' in the Shella Confederacy and not far from the border of Bangladesh. POSITION: The modified GPS position N25°13'43.2”: E091°33'47.4” (unspecified precision error): 762.5 m (more than ±15 m) asl is averaged from the two readings N 25.22867: E 91.56316: 755 m asl (Ludwig P 2010.02.03 photo 668.jpg 10:28:22.47) N 25.22867: E 91.56300: 770 m asl (Ludwig P 2010.02.03 photo 682.jpg 10:29:21.87). SPRING DESCRIPTION 2006 (DIRECTOR of TOURISM s.a. circa 2006): Puzzling water bubbles spring up from underground, the source of river Mih-um (note 6). SPRING DESCRIPTION 2009: A hole (Anonymous e(note 5), does not lie 25 km but about 10 km approximately south of the village of Mawsynram (N25°17'50”: E091°35'10”: 1402 m asl WGS84). d) A travelling distance of 25 km from Mawsynram (the village) generally south-west and following the route via the village of Lawbah (25°14'00”N: 91°33'55”E) gets one into the area where the Khasimara river debouches onto the plains near N25°10': E091°09' in the Shella Confederacy and not far from the border of Bangladesh. POSITION: The modified GPS position N25°13'43.2”: E091°33'47.4” (unspecified precision error): 762.5 m (more than ±15 m) asl is averaged from the two readings N 25.22867: E 91.56316: 755 m asl (Ludwig P 2010.02.03 photo 668.jpg 10:28:22.47) N 25.22867: E 91.56300: 770 m asl (Ludwig P 2010.02.03 photo 682.jpg 10:29:21.87). SPRING DESCRIPTION 2006 (DIRECTOR of TOURISM s.a. circa 2006): Puzzling water bubbles spring up from underground, the source of river Mih-um (note 6). SPRING DESCRIPTION 2009: A hole (Anonymous e al. 2010.03.29 Mss: Diary (current) 2010.doc). CAVE POTENTIAL: In fact, quite a few caves are known in the area (Kharpran Daly 2009.09.11 Mss -Here are a few more caves- item 5).
EXPLORATION HISTORY: 2006: An anonymous DIRECTOR of TOURISM (s.a. circa 2006) edited the wish to see tourists seeing the sight of the source of river Mih-um located at Lawbah, 25 km from Mawsynram close to the Bangladesh border. 2009.09.11: Brian D. Kharpran Daly (2009.09.11 Mss) draws attention to pond / river in Mawtapiew at Lawbah. 2010.02.03: Brian D. Kharpran Daly, Phrang Kupar “Teddy” Mawlong, Peter Ludwig, Cdr. Vijay Chhikara (Commander, Indian Navy) and the mariners Vikrant Shukla, Amulya Prasad Parihar, Prakash Bishnoi (Leading Seaman), Karma Choki Bhutia (Leading Store Assistant), Vikram Singh Kirola (Leading Seaman), Pankaj Rai (Seaman 1st Class), Roshan Singh Yengkhom (Medical Assistant) and Vinklo Sumi … went over to Lawbah, 13 kms away and had a look at the Blue hole. Vijay and Amulya dived into the hole with the help of a weighted rope to confirm what the villagers had been saying that it is 7 m deep (Anonymous et al. 2010.03.29 Mss: Diary (current) 2010.doc).
Cavités proche
Distance (km) | Nom | Longueur (m) | Profondeur (m) |
0.6 | DIKUBIN (Krem) | ||
0.8 | LAWBAH SINK, Mawsynram (Sink near) | ||
0.8 | UMTYLLUN / UMSNIONG (Krem) | ||
2.8 | JYNNIAW CAVE 3c »Pothole« | ||
3.1 | PAMSKEI (Krem) | ||
3.5 | Mawpun(Krem) | ||
4.3 | LAWADONG, 1st (Krem) | ||
4.6 | JYNNIAW CAVE 2a | ||
4.6 | JYNNIAW CAVE 1st |