Tham Kaew [KA0075]
In Sai Yok National Park headquarters, near the Sai Yok Yai and Sai Yok Lek waterfalls.
The entrance is 2 m wide and 10 m high and divides into two narrow passages. To the left and down a 5 m drop is a moderate chamber 10 to 12 m in diameter, to the right a tight passage rejoining it in a moderate sized chamber with a daylight hole. Directly across this chamber another narrow passage can be followed along a stream bed to a third chamber with several tight rifts lit by daylight holes. There was no evidence of human occupation. Fossils:- Squirrel:- Type locality for Belomys thamkaewi Chimanee & Jaeger, 2000
NZSS (1989) - Grade UISv2 3-3-A
Psiloderces albostictus Deeleman-Reinhold, 1995 (Arthropoda, Arachnida, Araneae, Ochyroceratidae) (Deeleman-Reinhold 1995) Uthina luzonica Simon, 1893 (Arthropoda, Arachnida, Araneae, Pholcidae) (Huber 2011) Troglopedetes dispersus Deharveng et Gers, 1993 (Arthropoda, Entognatha, Entomobryomorpha, Entomobryoidea, Paronellidae) û type locality (Deharveng and Gers 1993)
Bibliography 16/08/2019- +ANON. (2004a) "Kanchanburi Mountains: PM Urged To Stop Quarry Operations" The Nation 15 January 2004 +BOROWSKY, RICHARD (1998) "Survey of the Cave Fishes of South-Western and Peninsular Thailand, March 1998" Unpublished report for Royal Forest Department 16pp +Chaimanee, Yaowalak (2013) "Vertebrate Records. Late Pleistocene of Southeast Asia" in Elias, Scott A.; Mock, Cary (eds.) "Encyclopedia of Quaternary Science", Second Edition, ISBN 9780444536433 pp693-699 +CHAIMANEE, YAOWALAK; JAEGER, JEAN-JACQUES (2000) "A New Flying Squirrel Belomys thamkaewi n. sp. (Mammalia: Rodentia) from the Pleistocene of West Thailand and its Biogeography" Mammalia Vol. 64 No. 3 pp307-318 +Chaimanee, Yaowalak; Jaeger, Jean-Jacques (2000) "Occurrence of Hadromys humei (Rodentia: Muridae) During The Pleistocene In Thailand" Journal of Mammalogy Vol. 81 No. 3 pp659-665 +DEELEMAN-REINHOLD, CHRISTA L. (1995) "The Ochyroceratidae of the Indo-Pacific Region (Araneae)" Raffles Bulletin of Zoology Suppliment No. 2 pp1-103 +DEHARVENG, LOUIS; GERS, CHARLES (1993) "Ten new species of Troglopedetes Absolon 1907, from caves of Thailand (Collembola Paronellidae)" Bijdragen tot de Dierkunde Vol. 63 No.2 pp103-113 +DUNKLEY, JOHN ROBERT (1995) "The Caves of Thailand" Speleological Research Council, Sydney ISBN 0-9589253-9-9 +HUBER, BERNHARD, A. (2011) "Revision and Cladistic Analysis of Pholcus and Closely Related Taxa (Araneae, Pholcidae)ö Bonner Zoologische Monographien No. 58/2011, Zoologisches Forschungsmuseum Alexander Koenig, Bonn. 511pp +Pearch, Malcolm J.; Bumrungsri, Sara; Schwenninger, J.-L.; Ward, D.J.; Harrison, David L. (2013) "A review of the Cainozoic small mammal fauna of Thailand with new records (Chiroptera; Scandentia; Eulipotyphla)" Cainozoic Research Vol. 10 Nos.1-2 pp59-98 +SHELTON, TROY (2000b) "Karst Paradise Part II. More Spicy Thai-style Caving" The Maverick Bull, Fort Worth Maverick Grotto, Vol. 13 Issue 9 pp4-8 reprinted as "Caving in Paradise Part II" The Texas Caver Vol. 45 No. 6 pp149-150 +SUZUKI, S.; STONE, FRED D. (1986) "The Fauna of Thai Caves I: Three Phalangides from Thailand (Arachnida)" Bishop Museum Occasional Papers No. 26 pp123-127 +SÏRENSEN, P. (1988) "Archaeological Excavations In Thailand: Surface Finds and Minor Excavations" Scandinavian Institue of Asian studies
1981-07-22 F. Stone collected biological specimens 1989-12-13 NZSS expedition surveyed cave.
Cavités proche
Distance (km) | Nom | Longueur (m) | Profondeur (m) |
0.3 | Tham Khang Khao [KA0511] | ||
0.3 | Sai Yok Rock Shelter [KA0073] | ||
0.3 | Yai (Tham) [KA0072] | ||
0.4 | Sai Yok Noi (Tham) | ||
2.7 | Phra Sai Yok (Tham) [KA0076] | 30 | 0 |
2.7 | Tham Wang Phra [KA0514] | 60 | 0 |
3.0 | Cave KA0600 | ||
3.1 | Cave KA0603 | ||
4.2 | Dao Duang (Tham) [KA0069] | 239 | 20 |