Tham Khao Ngoen - CP0016

ท่ามะพลา (TH)
Longueur 15m Profondeur 0m
Grottocenter / carte


On the river bank 3 km west of the H41 and Lang Suan in Somdej Phra Srinakarin Chumphon Park. This is in moo 8, tambon Tha Phla. It is about 4 km from amphoe Lang Suan. Martin Ellis - 12/07/2019


Martin Ellis - 12/07/2019

A small cave with a paved floor and daylight hole about 10 m high, a seated Buddha, several smaller Buddhas and a highly respected footprint. King Chulalongkorn visited the cave in 1884 and his initials may be seen.


Martin Ellis - 12/07/2019

Rousettus leschenaulti (Desmarest, 1820) (Chordata, Mammalia, Chiroptera, Pteropodidae) (Yenbutra and Felton 1986) Hipposideros armiger (Hodgson, 1835) (Chordata, Mammalia, Chiroptera, Hipposideridae) (Yenbutra and Felton 1986)


Bibliography 12/07/2019
  • +DUNKLEY, JOHN ROBERT (1995) "The Caves of Thailand" Speleological Research Council, Sydney ISBN 0-9589253-9-9 +Kusch, Heinrich (1982a) "Ergebnisse spelaologischer forschungen in Thailand (Stand 1978)" Die Hohle Vol. 33 No. 2 pp59-69 +Liamthong, Sumalee (2014) "Antimicrobial activities of fungi isolated from cave soils in southern region of Thailand" Thesis, Nakhon Si Thammarat Rajabhat University, 201pp +MUNIER, CHRISTOPHE (1998) "Sacred Rocks and Buddhist Caves in Thailand" White Lotus Co. Ltd, Bangkok ISBN 974-8434-19-2 266pp +PRICE, LIZ (1985) "Travels in Thailand" Cerberus Spelaeological Society Journal Vol. 15 No. 6 November/December 1985 pp143-145 +VOGT, NILS B. (2013) "Temple Caves & Grottoes in Thailand: A Picture-Guide Book" Booksmango, Bangkok ISBN 978-616-222-160-6 214pp +YENBUTRA, SONGSAKDI; FELTON, HEINZ (1986) "Bat Species and Their Distribution in Thailand According to the Collections in TISTR and SMF" in FELTON, HEINZ (ED.) "Contributions to the Knowledge of the Bats of Thailand" Courier Forschungsinstitut Senckenberg, Frankfurt Vol. 87 pp9-45

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