RIAT KROH, Maw Siang

(Shella Bholaganj - IN)
Grottocenter / carte


Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 06/01/2018

Altogether five closed depressions and / or sinks (note 1) have been noticed in a terrain characterised by enormous, gravitationally dislocated sandstone boulders, where the longest had about 20 m of talus cave passage but Jarratt (2003.03.02 Mss: Cave Log 2/3/03) preferred to consider as not worth surveying (sic!). ETYMOLOGY: The Khasi -ka riat kroh- signifies a cliff crevice (note 2) and -u mawsiang- is the word for a rock (SINGH, N 1920: 445; BLAH, E 2007: 257) in the sense of a large piece of solid mineral material that is projecting above the earth's surface or has become detached from a cliff or mountain. SITUATION: At an unknown location an in an unidentified spatial relation to the solitary GPS position, which Jarratt (2003.03.02 Mss -Cave Log 2003- entry 2/3/03) recorded not only with an interesting precision error of ±18 m but also collectively for the eight distinct cave entrances of Krem –>Bred Bseiñ, the five distinct caves at the –>Riat Kroh, Krem Thepuit (Krem –>Thep uid), and the so-called Krem –>Wah Rit. Thus, the whole lot of these eight distinct cave entrances are said to occupy one and the same place and space. This is possibly not the case. APPROACH: Jarratt (2003.03.02 Mss: Cave Log 2/3/03) reached had reached this item by walking from the Cherrapunjee Resorts (note 3) in an unspecified direction uphill and past two relatively small graveyards to the Riat Krot (sic! qua: Riat Kroh) in the area allegedly called Maw Syiangkrot (note 4).Altogether five closed depressions and / or sinks (note 1) have been noticed in a terrain characterised by enormous, gravitationally dislocated sandstone boulders, where the longest had about 20 m of talus cave passage but Jarratt (2003.03.02 Mss: Cave Log 2/3/03) preferred to consider as not worth surveying (sic!). ETYMOLOGY: The Khasi -ka riat kroh- signifies a cliff crevice (note 2) and -u mawsiang- is the word for a rock (SINGH, N 1920: 445; BLAH, E 2007: 257) in the sense of a large piece of solid mineral material that is projecting above the earth's surface or has become detached from a cliff or mountain. SITUATION: At an unknown location an in an unidentified spatial relation to the solitary GPS position, which Jarratt (2003.03.02 Mss -Cave Log 2003- entry 2/3/03) recorded not only with an interesting precision error of ±18 m but also collectively for the eight distinct cave entrances of Krem –>Bred Bseiñ, the five distinct caves at the –>Riat Kroh, Krem Thepuit (Krem –>Thep uid), and the so-called Krem –>Wah Rit. Thus, the whole lot of these eight distinct cave entrances are said to occupy one and the same place and space. This is possibly not the case. APPROACH: Jarratt (2003.03.02 Mss: Cave Log 2/3/03) reached had reached this item by walking from the Cherrapunjee Resorts (note 3) in an unspecified direction uphill and past two relatively small graveyards to the Riat Krot (sic! qua: Riat Kroh) in the area allegedly called Maw Syiangkrot (note 4).


Bibliography 06/01/2018


EXPLORATION HISTORY: 2003.03.02: Angeline Kharkongor, possibly accompanied Kduplang Kharkongor, Tiplang Synrem, Francis, Bashanskem, and Baniengstem Kharsawian, guided Anthony 'Tony' R Jarratt, Denis P. Rayen, Annie U. Audsley, Gareth William Lyngwa and Franklyn 'Toki' Dkhar to what was recorded as Riat Kroh (Jarratt, Tony [Anthony] R 2003 Meghalaya Cave Log). Since Robin F. Sheen, the strong cave adventure team's GPS expert stood back No GPS fix was available. Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 06/01/2018

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Distance (km)NameLength (m)Depth (m)
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