WAH LUKO 2 (Krem)

(Saipung - IN)
Grottocenter / carte


Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 06/01/2018

A cave entrance with an unidentified shape, unspecied dimensions and inexplicable characteristic peculiarities gives access to a pothole in which expeditions cevares descended down to sort of a cave passage, which was found to connect not only to Krem –>Wah Luko 3 but also to one of the cave passages in Krem –>Umthluh, Tongseng. SITUATION: At a apossibly not exactly inexplicable location somewhere in the Krang basin on the eastern flank of the Shnongrim ridge and at a spot which was understood to lie in an unknown spatial relations to each and every of all the other known cave entrances and prominent landmarks in this vicinity (note 1). SITUATION 2007a: The cave entrance Krem Wah Lukor 2 lies (ha, ha) without orientation 10 m from a so-called the first Krem Wah Lukor (Brooks, S J et al. 2007.03.01 Mss: Diary2007.doc). One problem is that the first Krem Wah Lukor does not exist and, in case it actually does, first has to be searched for and found before it can be identified or located.SITUATION 2007b: Members of a gang of expedition cavers, who were for the time being interned in a secluded reservate, were able to notice that the cave entrance to Krem Wah Luko lies exactly within walking distance of the camp (JARRATT, A R & DAWSON, H 2007). SITUATION 2008a: Wo der Jeep uns absetzte hatte es zufällig eine Gruppe Einheimische und fast wären wir zu schnell losgezottelt – sie wiesen uns sogleich zurecht: Hier wird zuerst Begrüsst und erklärt, was mach vorhat! Eigentlich ein logisches Gebot der Höflichkeit, das in der Aufregung über all das Neue vergessen ging. Wir entdeckten dann zuerst einen der alten Dolmenparks (und ich dachte, die Dolmen in der Ardèche seien etwas besonders -- im Vergleich zu denen in den Jaintia Hills eher unscheinbar!). Dann stellten sich die Eingangskoordinaten schon mal als falsch heraus. Dank einem freundlichen Bauern, der mit seiner Familie am Schwenten war, fanden wir den Eingang aber bald, und auch noch einige mehr. Ein Buschmesser sollte mn haben … (Siegenthaler, R 2008 Mss). SITUATION 5: Krem Wah Lukor 2 survey station 1/31 schliesst an bei Um Thlu [i.e. Krem Umthluh, Tongseng] 116/87 -- so plaziert sich Eingang Wa Lukor2 wohl von selbst dort wo er in etwa ist … Wah Lukor 1 gibts möglicherweise so nicht - die muss man erst mal wieder suchen / finden (Arbenz, T 2008.04.12 personal correspondence: Wah Luko 2) POSITION 2007: The evidently erroneous GPS position (note 2) N25°20'18.8”: E92°30'10.9” (unidentified precision error, anonymous Sheen R F, undated 2007 February) is another proof of the accuracy of GPS and the surveying teams (Jarratt, A R 2003.02.17 Mss: Cave Log 2003 entry 17/2/03; subscribed by Brooks, S J et al. 2003 Mss: Diary 2003.doc). POSITION 2008.02: N25°20'26.3”: E92°30'27.1”: 1111 m asl (Anonymous 2008 February Mss: Krem Wah Lukor 2_02.Text) is possibly the relevant GPS position for Krem Wah Luko 2 (no nickname) or Krem Wah Luko 3 (nicknamed -Daylight Shaft- in 2007 but advertised as -Scurion Ptch- in 2008). POSITION 2008b: 2008 ermittelte Position (Ludwig, Garmin HCx, 1/- 3m) ist N 25° 20.263 , 092°30.217 alt 3623 feet [1104.3 m] >>> weiss der kucker was der da eingestellt hat ! (Arbenz, T 2008.04.12 Mss -position wah luko 2- e-mail). CAVE DESCRIPTION: An unspecified cave entrance with an unidentified shape and unspecified dimensions faces an unidentified direction and leads to an estimated 30 m shaft that drops down into a clean washed passage … followed for c100 m of distance and an about halfway up a 100 m daylight shaft, with a passage about 60 m high heading off at the bottom (Brooks, S J et al. 2007.03.01 Mss: Diary2007.doc) SPORTS DEVICE DESCRIPTION: Krem Wah Lukor 2 … [allowed to negotiate] a 30 m pot … into a series of horizontal passages intersecting a deep daylight shaft, Krem Wah Lukor 3, 17 m above the floor (JARRATT & DAWSON 2007). SPELEOMETRY 2008: This 123.01 m deep pothole cave contributes 429.14 m of accumulated survey length to the survey length ascibed o Krem –>Liat Prah (Arbenz, T 2007.12.29 undated Mss: Krem Wah Lukor 2.Text).. As soon as replacing the faulty original -survey- (Jarratt A R, Simpson F E & McNally D 2007.02.26) with a proper cave survey (Siegenthaler R, Ludwig & and Bartholeyns J-P 2008.02.05, 2008.02.10) yielded --along with Krem Wah Luko 2-- a vertical range of 123.01 m (+0.00 m/ -123.01 m) with a survey length of 492.20 m contributing to the cave system of Krem –>Umthluh (Tongseng). SPELEOMETRY 2007: Brooks, S J (2007 Mss: Survey Summary) mastered to record a dear length which was understood to reach within a bizarre survey length of 63.06 m a depth of 123.01 m.tch- in 2008). POSITION 2008b: 2008 ermittelte Position (Ludwig, Garmin HCx, 1/- 3m) ist N 25° 20.263 , 092°30.217 alt 3623 feet [1104.3 m] >>> weiss der kucker was der da eingestellt hat ! (Arbenz, T 2008.04.12 Mss -position wah luko 2- e-mail). CAVE DESCRIPTION: An unspecified cave entrance with an unidentified shape and unspecified dimensions faces an unidentified direction and leads to an estimated 30 m shaft that drops down into a clean washed passage … followed for c100 m of distance and an about halfway up a 100 m daylight shaft, with a passage about 60 m high heading off at the bottom (Brooks, S J et al. 2007.03.01 Mss: Diary2007.doc) SPORTS DEVICE DESCRIPTION: Krem Wah Lukor 2 … [allowed to negotiate] a 30 m pot … into a series of horizontal passages intersecting a deep daylight shaft, Krem Wah Lukor 3, 17 m above the floor (JARRATT & DAWSON 2007). SPELEOMETRY 2008: This 123.01 m deep pothole cave contributes 429.14 m of accumulated survey length to the survey length ascibed o Krem –>Liat Prah (Arbenz, T 2007.12.29 undated Mss: Krem Wah Lukor 2.Text).. As soon as replacing the faulty original -survey- (Jarratt A R, Simpson F E & McNally D 2007.02.26) with a proper cave survey (Siegenthaler R, Ludwig & and Bartholeyns J-P 2008.02.05, 2008.02.10) yielded --along with Krem Wah Luko 2-- a vertical range of 123.01 m (+0.00 m/ -123.01 m) with a survey length of 492.20 m contributing to the cave system of Krem –>Umthluh (Tongseng). SPELEOMETRY 2007: Brooks, S J (2007 Mss: Survey Summary) mastered to record a dear length which was understood to reach within a bizarre survey length of 63.06 m a depth of 123.01 m.


Bibliography 06/01/2018


EXPLORATION HISTORY: 2007.02.19, trip 1: Robin Sheen and Anthony 'Tony' R Jarratt descended a 2nd pot 10 m from the first Krem Wah Lukor 2 where they dropped a 30 m shaft into a clean washed passage which was followed for circa100 m and arrived about halfway up a 100 m daylight shaft [note 3], with a passage about 60 m high heading off at the bottom (Brooks, S J 2007.03.01 Mss: Diary2007.doc). 2007.02.20, trip 2: Henry Rockcliff accompanied the Krem Wah Lukor team to the entrance and located with the aid of Pa Heh [note 4] what they believe to be the daylight shaft (Brooks, S J 2007.03.01 Mss: Diary2007.doc). 2007.02.20, trip 3: R. Sheen, Anthony 'Tony' R. Jarratt, Rhys Williams and Amanda 'Mandie / Mandy' Edgeworth rigged pitches down till the rope run out while surveying (Brooks, S J 2007.03.01 Mss: Diary2007.doc). According to JARRATT & DAWSON (2007), On 20th February local stars Pa Heh and Kores, accompanied by Henry R, joined Robin, Mandy, Rhys, Joe and the writer at rem Wah Lukor 2 in order to identify the daylight shaft located in a patch of jungle. In the cave more rigging and surveying was done until the rope ran out at a 10 m pitch into a large passage at right angles. 2007.02.21, trip 4: R. Sheen, Anthony 'Tony' R. Jarratt and Peter Ludwig went to Krem Lukor 2 [sic!]. Robin rerigged the pitchs to reach the bottom of the shaft and connected it to the boulder choke at the end of The Aquarium in Krem Umthloo (i.e. Krem –>Umthluh, Tongseng). 2007.02.26, trip 5: Anthony 'Tony' R. Jarratt, Fraser E. Simpson and Desmond 'Des' McNally went down Krem Wah Lukor 2 to the ledge on the daylight shaft to video and photograph Henry R [H. Rockcliff] and Peter L [Peter Ludwig], who went to rig Krem Wah Lukor 3 (The daylight shaft). Unfortunately Henry R and Peter L went down the wrong pot but they did connect the new pot ( Krem Wah Lukor 4) into the roof of the aven below the daylight shaft. Fraser and Des left early while Jrat, Henry R and PeterL de-rigged and surveyed [Krem Wah Lukor 4], the new pot (Brooks, S J 2007.03.01 Mss: Diary2007.doc). JARRATT & DAWSON (2007) clearly points out how Fraser, Des and the writer [Anthony 'Tony' R. Jarratt] descended Krem Wah Lukor 2 to the ledge with a stunning view of the Pinetree Pot daylight shaft, Krem Wah Lukor 3, in order to video Henry R. and Peter L. abseiling in from the open shaft in the jungle where a 1.5 m long snake had earlier been seen. After almost two hours of waiting and listening to Henry drilling and whistling somewhere above the cameramen got fed up and mutinied. The writer descended the next pitch to suddenly see Henry appear high in the ceiling of a towering aven offset from the daylight shaft. The 'Snake Shaft” was not the correct one but had also connected (Expedition link number twelve) via a window reached by a desperately exposed traverse above a blind, 40 m deep shaft. It thus became Krem Wah Lukor 4. With some very imaginative rigging Henry reached th floor, followed by Peter who de-rigged Krem Wah Lukor 2 while Henry and your scribe surveyed out and de-rigged 4, at one point pausing to admire a small, black and deadly-looking scorpion resting on the cave wall. The aven became 'Tubular Bells Pot” after the tunes played on the superb formations decorating its walls, and the views from the window --40 m above the floor and with a 40 m drop only some 4 m away on the other side-- were spectacular. Crossing the traverse scared the shit out of one particular old Mendip git with a headache! 2008.02.05, trip 6: An unackowledged friendly farmer (unidentified), who stepped out of preparing a bri (note 5), guided Rolf Siegenthaler (book), Peter Ludwig (instruments) and Jean-Pierre Bartholeyns (rigger) to … Krem Wah Lukor 3 to rig the new shaft, Scurion Pitch c50m was surveyed and connected to Krem Umthloo (Anonymous 2008 Mss 'Meghalaya 2008 diary' entry Tuesday 5th February): Jean-Pierre richtet den Tageslichtschacht Wah Lukor 2 ein, dr in etwa 50 m Tiefe den Hauptgang der Höhle Wah Lukor anschneidet und damit zum Um Thloo System gehört (aktuell über 18 km lang). Ich zeichnete und Peter bediente die Messgeräte. Wir konnten den wunderschönen, neuen Eingang problemlos an einem bekannten Punkt anhängen. JP ist schon mal sehr happy, da ihm die Einrichtung gut geglückt ist. Unten schauen wir uns noch um, während Peter bereits wieder aussteigt, und wir finden prompt einen kapitalen 100g- Messfehler … Um ca. 17:00 waren wir wieder draussen und gingen gemütlich zurück zum Camp. Wir waren bei den ersten Rückkehrern also hatte ich bis zum Nachtessen füglich Zeit, die 'Duschen' auszuprobieren. Wunderbarer Luxus, so ein Kübel warmes Wasser – douche à la Berbere! Beim Nachtessen bin ich gleich nochmals begeistert vom Koch. Ich lernte die Pekoras [pakora] kennen (im Einbackteig frittierte Appetithappen), und es gab als Fleischmenu wahrscheinlich das erste Mal Ziege – was typisch ist für die dortige Küche, mjam!! Der Koch (Mykassim Swer) und seine crew sind wirklich gut! 2008.02.10, trip 7: Peter and Jean-Pierre went to de-rig Krem Wah Lukor 3 then [sic!] J-P drew up surveys (Brown et al. 2008 Mss: 'Meghalaya 2008 diary' Sunday 10th February). Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 06/01/2018

Caves nearby

Distance (km)NameLength (m)Depth (m)
0.0WAH LUKO 2b (Krem)
0.1AA CAVE B (Sheen 2002)
0.1KRANG 1 (Sheen 2002) (Krem)
0.2WAH LUKO 1 (Krem)
0.2KRANG 2 (Sheen 2002) (Krem)
0.2No Name Cave (Ware and Bayley 2002) 2nd
0.2AA CAVE (Ware & Bayley) 1st
0.2KRANG 1 (Ware & Bayley) (Krem)
0.2RATAP (Krem poh)