MAWJYMBUIÑ, Laitkynsew (Krem)
An elusive cave entrance, probably in a kind of sandstone (Jarratt, Tony [Anthony] R 2003 Meghalaya Cave Log) or, more likely, in Upper cretaceous to Lower Palaeocene (Khasi Group) glauconitic Mahadek Arkose, is reputed to contain a -stone breast- (see: etymology below) that has been interpreted as one or several stalactites (speleothems). The exterior, daylight-lit part of the entrance to this item -- in case it actually had been identified -- once was superficially looked at by an adventurer, who was unfamiliar with caves. Simply relying on a disputable judgment, the Krem Mawjymbuiñ near Laitkynsew was declared to have no entrance and no prospects (Jarratt, Tony [Anthony] R 2003 Meghalaya Cave Log 2003 entry for 3rd February). IDENTITY: Compare Krem –>Synrang, Laitkynsew. ETYMOLOGY: The cave name Krem Mawjymbuiñ has been translated by Stone Breast Cave as -u maw- is the Khasi word for a stone and -ka jymbuiñ- signifies a breast, the paps (SINGH, N 1906: 106, 1930). SITUATION: The Krm Mawymbuiñ near Laitkynsew has been identified with a kind of open sandstone cleft near (±13 m) N25°13'20.4”: E091°40'11.2”: 977 m asl (WGS84, Sheen, R F 2003.03.02 GPS Garmin Etrex). This position indicates a spot that lies 776 m in a direct line approximately ENE from Denis P. Rayen's Cherrapunjee Resorts (note 1).SITUATION 2003a: A pre-breakfast recce [i.e. in a not yet sober state] with five small boys from Laitkynsew, two barefooted [note 2], failed to reveal the location of Krem Mawjymbuin (breast stone cave) near a steep gully in the jungle above the road c. 600 m east of Cherra Resort (Jarratt 2003.03.02 Mss -Cave Log 2003- entry 2/3/03). SITUATION 2003b: After breakfast [in a no more sober state] Angeline Kharkongor, Kduplang's mother, joined us and we walked c. 500 m back down the road to find this -cave- just over the edge on the opposite side! An open cleft in sandstone was descended by Toki, life-lined by Gary, to reveal no cave entrance and no prospects (Jarratt2003.03.02 Mss -Cave Log 2003- entry 2/3/03).2003.03.02 Mss -Cave Log 2003- entry 2/3/03).
Bibliography 06/01/2018History
EXPLORATION HISTORY: 2003.03.02: Franklyn 'Toki' Dkhar descended and investigated, life-lined by Gareth William Lyngwa, guided by Angeline Kharkongor and in company with Kduplang Kharkongor, Francis AA, Bashanskem Kharsawian and Baniengstem Kharsawian, Tiplang Synrem, Annie U. Audsley, Anthony 'Tony' R Jarratt, Denis P. Rayen and Robin F. Sheen.
Caves nearby
Distance (km) | Name | Length (m) | Depth (m) |
0.7 | RIAT KROH, Maw Siang | ||
0.8 | Synrang, Laitkynsew (Krem) | ||
1.0 | WAH RIT (Krem) | ||
1.0 | THEP MAWBAH (Krem) | ||
1.0 | BRED BSEIÑ (Krem) | ||
1.2 | Laitkynsew Halfway Sink | ||
1.4 | JYLLIP (Krem) | ||
1.6 | WAH SANG (Krem) |