(Saipung - IN)
Grottocenter / carte


Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 30/03/2016

An about 2 m by 4 m wide pothole drops 51.5 m (needs 75 m-rope to tackle) to a boulder floor at base (5 m by 7 m wide) with no air draught (Simpson. F E 2000.02.15 Mss: [deleted: Shaft A] "(Snakeskin Pot) Krem Kdongmoomair) but contained »rocks, old shoes and one jacket thrown down from above« (Brooks, S J 2000.05.30 personal correspondence). ETYMOLOGY: The standard Khasi "maw lieh" and Synteng Khasi (Pnar) "mu liar" (literally: white stone) is a word for limestone and "ka kdong" signifies a corner, area, or region. The outsiders Fraser E. Simpson and Tom Chapman (2000.02.14) decided all on their own to christen this item »Snakeskin Pot« (fieldname). SITUATION: According to GPS records, Krem Kdong Muliar lies at a distance of about 8 km in a direct line on bearing 128° (approximately south-east) of the Sutnga P.W.D. Inspection Bungalow, and in the back of a limestone quarry on what had been rather an eastern than a »left« (sic!) side of the road (note 1) from Sutnga to Shnongrim and beyond. This quarry lies about 500 m along the road downhill from the Y-fork where the roads connecting Sutnga, Nongkhlieh and Tangnub meet. The entrance itself was understood to lie an estimated 10 m vertically above the road and at what had been in February 2000 the upper edge of the limestone quarry. CAVE DESCRIPTION: At least one high velocity expedition caver achived rapidly not only to master recording Station 1 Left 2 Right 0 Up 0 Down 1" 2 " 6 " 3 " 6 " 0" 3 " 2 " 3 " 1 " 6 but also observed very fast not only what looked like a relatively »large pothole« with dimensions and narrated how he had understood all on his own a comparatively »large pot with boulder choke at furthest wall no draught at boulders« but also draws the attention of gentlemen with a taste for serpentophobia to what looked like an unidentified »snakeskin found at top of pitch« (Simpson, F E 2000.02.15 Mss: [deleted] Shaft A (Snakeskin Pot) Krem Kdongmoomair). CAVE CLIMATE: At an unspecified time on 15th February 2000 occurred apparently »no draught« (Simpson, F E 2000.02.15 Mss: [deleted] Shaft A] Snakeskin Pot /Krem Kdongmoomair) resulting from a constricted air space.

Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 30/03/2016

NOTE 1: Road below quarry near N25°19'41”: E92°29'33” (±10 m, WGS84, Gebauer 1999.03.29, 10:17): 1020 m asl (wobbly 4-channel GPS Garmin 4).


EXPLORATION HISTORY: 1999.03.29: B. D. Kharpran Daly, Paul Edmunds, H. Daniel Gebauer, Gregory D. Diengdoh and 10 senior students of Wells Cathedral School are guided to the entrance by Kyrshan Dhar under the auspices of the Sutnga VIPs Shanglang Bamon and Thiklang Chyrmang. 2000.02.15: Tom Chapman and Fraser E. Simpson descended, explored and claimed to have surveyed but failed to produce a cave plan. Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 30/03/2016

Caves nearby

Distance (km)NameLength (m)Depth (m)
0.2PTHAR (Krem)
0.2CRAB CLAW CAVE (aa -)
0.3CHURCHILL CAVE, 1st (aa -)
0.4CHURCHILL CAVE, 2nd (aa -)
0.4UMSO, Sutnga (Krem)
0.5U LIEH (Krem)
0.8SOIDA (Krem)