UM IM 01, Khaidong (Krem)
A pothole cave on the eastern side of the Shnongrim Ridge, and in the centre of the wide basin overlooking the Wah Shikar (approximately north-east of both Shnongrim and Khaidong, respectively). Looking through the lens of expedition cavers, Krem Um Im (also called Krem Um Im 1) was the first to be explored; it connects to Krem Liat Prah. Krem Um Im 2, 3 and 4 were found before the discovery of the Lost World Doline, but all turned out to be pitches into Krem Um Im 5, which is the major branch of the Liat Prah system to the south west (Anonymous [Arbenz, Thomas] 2015.05.22 Mss Um Im 5.doc). ETYMOLOGY: The Khasi -ka um im- (note 1) has been translated as the water of life (Brian D. Kharpran Daly, personal communication). SITUATION: The cave entrance to Krem Um Im (Khaidong) proper, the first of the –>Um Im caves, lies in an unexplainable spatial relation near (sic!) what had been in the years 2002 and 2003 a small but relatively large (an estimated 12 m high) and prominent, dry season-eciduous tree (Flame of the Forest, Butea monosperma (Lam.) Taub. ex B. frondosa Roxb. ex Wild), which is leaf-less (with shed leafes) in February (note 2) and, due to its size and whitish bark, visible from far away. The perceived organized whole of this tree is characterised by branches hanging in a wide arc (note 3). POSITION 2005.02.14: Near (horizontal precision error allegedly ±10 m) N25°21'43.6”: E092°31'25.9”: 1001 m asl (WGS84, Arbenz, T 2005.02.14 GPS Garmin 12). POSITION 2003.02.15: Near (±5.7 m) N25°21'37.0”: E092°31'24.2”: 1020 m asl (WGS84 Boycott 'Tony' A 2003.02.15, GPS Garmin 12XL). POSITION 2002.02.23: At an unexplainable distance somewhere south of the entrance is a spot near (horizontal precision error allegedly ±12 m) N25°21'43.3”: E092°31'27.1” (Hodgson 2002.02.23, GPS Garmin Etrex): 1009 m asl (barometric, Neumann A 2003 February). APPROACH 2002: The cave entrance to the first Krem Um Im was understood to be reached, literally quoted, from … N.2521-52.8 E.092-31-23.8 (Accuracy 6m) on RD to Litien vally travely N.E. along Tong Seng RIDGE. walk at 185° to curver on DiRt tRack (50m). Then take a 163° Bearing to left of Dominant (leafless tree) in valley. to above grid (Hodgson, -Yorkshire Dave- circa 2002.02.21 undated Mss -Krem Um Im- amended by Annie U. Audsley, circa 2002.02.22 undated). In other words, AAAGH! (Jarratt, Anthony 'Tony' R. 2005.07.27 Mss: Amendments to South Asia Cave Register 2002.04.18). . APPROACH 2005: Use this location description for all the Um Im Caves 2 to 12 as all are very close to each other and the best approach is to walk to Um Im 6 / 2-5 (Lost World) first [note 4]: Beyond side road beyond Shnongrim village (travelling along Shnongrim Ridge Road in direction of Liten Valley) by Medical Centre (2005) at point N25°21'40.5”: E092°31'09.6” ±6) take an obvious track SE. From road proceed downhill passing through small settlement to reach a wooded area after 200 m. Some 200 m further downhill wodland finishes and open countryside is reached. From this point the large, steep sided and wooded doline of -Lost World- can clearly be seen to the South East. Continuing downhill on well defined path for a further 500 m an obvious sandstone rock step is reached (N25°21'37.3”: E092°31'23.8” ±5.6). -- To right (SW) a well defined path through low scrub leads first to the narrow pot of Um Im 4, shortly (100 m) after this the large open pothole entrance of Um Im 3 is reached and shortly after this the 'Riverbed Entrance' of Um Im 2. -- To left (East) a path continues downhill for another 25 m to reach NNE side of Lost World Doline at N25°21'37”: 092°31'24.2” ± 5.7) where a path through bamboo leads down into the doline. This path gets steeper towards base of doline and a mid point path passes between rock wall and limestone [bedrock] pillar. At base of doline left leads after 15 m to Um Im 6 entrance --right leads to entrance of Um Im 5 that is below obvious window exit of UmIm 4 some 8 m above doline floor (Brooks, S. J. 2005.02.15 Mss: Um Im). APPROACH 2008: According to Arbenz, T (2008 Mss -Fieldbook- 100), most of the entrances to the Um Im caves 02 through to 12 are more or less close to each other (note 5). The general access is to walk to the -Lost World- first: Starting near N25°21'40.5”: E92°31'09.6- (WGS84) on the Shnongrim ridge road, take an obvious track descending south-east via a small settlement to reach a forest some 200 m from the road. Proceed for another 200 m further downhill and emerge from the forest into open country, where the large, jungle-clad and steep sided -Lost World- doline is visible in the south-east. Continuing another 500 m downhill along a well defined path, one reaches the edge of a prominent sandstone step near (N25°21'37.3”: E92°31'23.8” WGS84 ±5.6). At the Sandstone edge on the right (SW), a well defined path through low scrub leads first to the narrow pot of Um Im 4, shortly (100 m) after this the large opn pothole entrance to Um Im 3 is reached and shortly after this the -Riverbed Entrance- of Um Im 2. At the Sandstone edge on the (East), a path 25 m downhill reaches the NNE side of the Lost World Doline near N25°21'37”: E92°31'24.2” ± 5.7 WGS84), where a path through bamboo continues down into the doline, gets steeper towards base of doline, and passes, halfway down, between the rock wall and a limestone pillar. At the base of the Lost World doline some 15 m on the left-hand side lies the entrance to Um Im 6 Cave. At the base of the Lost World doline on the right-hand side, the entrance to Um Im 5 Cave lies some 8 m vertically below the entrance to Um Im 4 Cave. CAVE DESCRIPTIONS 2002: Entrance Pitch L3, R 2.1; height 16.1 m. Battleship Pitch L3.6, R 2.1, up 6, down 50, direction 38°. Passage: Dimensions about 1m by 3m, veering round to NE + continuing for roughly 300 m, then joins passage with dimension 7m by 4m narrowing to about 2-3m x about 1m (often smaller) heading also NE or about 480m. Lake Passages @ 140° and 230°. Lots of water (Nicola Bailey & Roger Galloway, undated circa 2002.02.21 Mss, amended by Annie U. Audsley, undated, circa 2002.02.22 Mss). … entrance shaft via down climb and interesting traverese … Entered cave proper to discover large chamber covered in flowstone which produced rigging problems for the 2nd pitch, approximately 50 m deep. Large dimensions and v. v. v. v. promising because in a good location between the -Aircraft Hanger- [Krem –>Liat Prah], Shinrong Labbit [sic! qua: Krem Shynrong Labit, renamed Krem –>Shyien Khlieh] and Wahshikar [sic! for: Krem –>Wah Shikar] (Hodgson 2002.02.24 Mss: Meghalaya Diary). Dave, Annie, Paul and Peter laddered entrance shaft - this proved very popular with Dave (who rigged it, the -British way-) but maybe not so popular with all else, who verbally abused Dave for it. After much *uggering about dropped a 50 m pitch from a flow stone start. Passage at base trended east, averaging 1 m wide by 3 m hgh before turning into a gravel crawl to intercept a sizeable stream passage, now trending towards -Aircraft Hanger- [Krem –>Liat Prah], watch this space (Hodgson 2002.02.24 Mss: Meghalaya Diary). Dave, Nicky, Annie, drafting [note 6] strongly for approx. 100 m to base of large aven with day light showing in roof. Continued from yesterdays survey into sizeable stream passage (shaktiman highway) which soon closed down into -Semi Aquatic Small Folding Tricycle passage-. This varried from flat out crawl to flat out crawl to hands and knees crawl, prodominatlyon gravel and mostly in water, often up to the eye balls! The last survey station met a 'lake' with two (probably swimming) ways on, draughting. Over 700 m surveyed. The exciting [egg-citing?] outcome of the day was that it was a matter of meters [note 7] to a conection with -Air Craft Hanger-!!!! Bugger … (Hodgson 2002.02.24 Mss: Meghalaya Diary). CAVE DESCRIPTION 2003: Nicky, Annie and Roger returned to Um Im, surveying 100 m o swims downstream and 200 m upstream to a draughting boulder choke. Boats preferred for future surveying. Ongoing but cave derigged (Jarratt 2003.02.22 Mss: -Cave Log 2003- entry 22/2/03). SPELEOMETRY: BROOKS, S. J. (2004: 30) noticed that Krem Um Im was extended and connected to Krem Liat Prah … while Arbenz, T. (2008.01.20 Mss) tells us that Krem Um Im 1 contributed by March 2007 a survey length of 3'208.85 m to the Labit Cave System (Krem –>Liat Prah).CAVE CONTENTS: Calcite (speleothems), especially on Battleship Pitch. Passage mainly gravel + mud. Water, especially in crawls, warmish. TACKLE: 20 m ladder (if you really want it) and 30 m lifeline for entrance pitch also a handline into chamber towards head of Battleship Pitch. 20 m rope for traverse at head of pitch. 60 m rope for Battleship Pitch. PROSPECTS 2002: Ongoing. Upstream: nasty boulder choke: minimal chances. Downstream: two ways on at lake. [According to GPS readings] V.v. close to Krem Liat Prah: Lots of chances! (Mehalaya Cave Record, undated, circa 2002.02.21, amended by Annie Audsley, undated, circa 2002.02.22) PROSPECTS 2003: Downstream are two ways on at lake likely to connect to nearby Krem –>Liat Prah. Upstream is ongoing at water level and boats preferred for future surveying. The upstream boulder choke is blowing but climbs back to surface (Bailey, Galloway & Audsley 2003.02.21 Mss). CAVE LIFE: Snot gobblers (larval stage of fungus gnats, Diptera: Mycetophilidae), pale or unpigmented fish, crabs, shrimps. swims downstream and 200 m upstream to a draughting boulder choke. Boats preferred for future surveying. Ongoing but cave derigged (Jarratt 2003.02.22 Mss: -Cave Log 2003- entry 22/2/03). SPELEOMETRY: BROOKS, S. J. (2004: 30) noticed that Krem Um Im was extended and connected to Krem Liat Prah … while Arbenz, T. (2008.01.20 Mss) tells us that Krem Um Im 1 contributed by March 2007 a survey length of 3'208.85 m to the Labit Cave System (Krem –>Liat Prah).CAVE CONTENTS: Calcite (speleothems), especially on Battleship Pitch. Passage mainly gravel + mud. Water, especially in crawls, warmish. TACKLE: 20 m ladder (if you really want it) and 30 m lifeline for entrance pitch also a handline into chamber towards head of Battleship Pitch. 20 m rope for traverse at head of pitch. 60 m rope for Battleship Pitch. PROSPECTS 2002: Ongoing. Upstream: nasty boulder choke: minimal chances. Downstream: two ways on at lake. [According to GPS readings] V.v. close to Krem Liat Prah: Lots of chances! (Me swims downstream and 200 m upstream to a draughting boulder choke. Boats preferred for future surveying. Ongoing but cave derigged (Jarratt 2003.02.22 Mss: -Cave Log 2003- entry 22/2/03). SPELEOMETRY: BROOKS, S. J. (2004: 30) noticed that Krem Um Im was extended and connected to Krem Liat Prah … while Arbenz, T. (2008.01.20 Mss) tells us that Krem Um Im 1 contributed by March 2007 a survey length of 3'208.85 m to the Labit Cave System (Krem –>Liat Prah).CAVE CONTENTS: Calcite (speleothems), especially on Battleship Pitch. Passage mainly gravel + mud. Water, especially in crawls, warmish. TACKLE: 20 m ladder (if you really want it) and 30 m lifeline for entrance pitch also a handline into chamber towards head of Battleship Pitch. 20 m rope for traverse at head of pitch. 60 m rope for Battleship Pitch. PROSPECTS 2002: Ongoing. Upstream: nasty boulder choke: minimal chances. Downstream: two ways on at lake. [According to GPS readings] V.v. close to Krem Liat Prah: Lots of chances! (Me swims downstream and 200 m upstream to a draughting boulder choke. Boats preferred for future surveying. Ongoing but cave derigged (Jarratt 2003.02.22 Mss: -Cave Log 2003- entry 22/2/03). SPELEOMETRY: BROOKS, S. J. (2004: 30) noticed that Krem Um Im was extended and connected to Krem Liat Prah … while Arbenz, T. (2008.01.20 Mss) tells us that Krem Um Im 1 contributed by March 2007 a survey length of 3'208.85 m to the Labit Cave System (Krem –>Liat Prah).CAVE CONTENTS: Calcite (speleothems), especially on Battleship Pitch. Passage mainly gravel + mud. Water, especially in crawls, warmish. TACKLE: 20 m ladder (if you really want it) and 30 m lifeline for entrance pitch also a handline into chamber towards head of Battleship Pitch. 20 m rope for traverse at head of pitch. 60 m rope for Battleship Pitch. PROSPECTS 2002: Ongoing. Upstream: nasty boulder choke: minimal chances. Downstream: two ways on at lake. [According to GPS readings] V.v. close to Krem Liat Prah: Lots of chances! (Mehalaya Cave Record, undated, circa 2002.02.21, amended by Annie Audsley, undated, circa 2002.02.22) PROSPECTS 2003: Downstream are two ways on at lake likely to connect to nearby Krem –>Liat Prah. Upstream is ongoing at water level and boats preferred for future surveying. The upstream boulder choke is blowing but climbs back to surface (Bailey, Galloway & Audsley 2003.02.21 Mss). CAVE LIFE: Snot gobblers (larval stage of fungus gnats, Diptera: Mycetophilidae), pale or unpigmented fish, crabs, shrimps.
Bibliography 06/01/2018History
EXPLORATION HISTORY: 2002.02.17: Larsing Sukhlain pointed out a prominent tree to Brian D. Kharpran Daly and H. D. Gebauer as the landmark for Krem Um Im (Krem Umim). 2002.02.21: Larsing Sukhlain guided Brian D. Kharpran Daly, Thomas Arbenz and Peter Ludwig to the entrance of Krem Um Im. 2002.02.23: Annie U. Audsley and 'Yorkshire' Dave Hodgson reconnoitered.2002.02.24: A. U. Audsley, D. Hodgson rigged, Paul A. Edmunds and Peter Ludwig measured about 200 m of accumulated survey leg lengths. 2002.02.25: Annie U. Audsley, Nicola Bayley and D. Hodgson measured more than 700 m of accumulated survey leg lengths (total: 1046.95 m / -82.52 m). 2003.02.21: A. U. Audsley, Nicola Bayley and Roger Galloway measured 220.14 m of accumulated survey leg lengths (claimed total: 1267.1 m). 2004.02.17: JHD, BMc, RFS measured 177.21 m. 2004.02.18: JHD, BMc, RFS measured 492.6 m. 2004.02.19: JHD, BMc, RFS measured 312.88 m. 2004.02.23: IFu, BMc, RFS measured 208.52 m. 2004.02.24: SJB, BMc, RFS measurd 432.22 m. 2004.02.25: BMc, RFS measured 327.72 m. 2004 total: 1267.11 m + 1951.15m = 3218.26 m. 2004.10.13: Robin F. Sheen (2004.10.13 Mss 'Re: Plans etc' personal correspondence with Thomas Arbenz) forwarded the good news to have, sitting in an armchair, conjured a possible connection simply by deciding to have … definitely identified the point of entry of the Umim survey into Liat Prah. The survey station that I designated LP/4 is infact L/P 12/21 on the L/P master survey. This L/P4 is surveyed in one leg to my UmIm 250/15. 2004.12.09: Robin F. Sheen (2004.12.09 personal correspondence with Arbenz, T.: Re Liathprah - Umim System) noticed that right now I am done. My survey looks good and I am happy with it but failed to comprehend that it will eventually take another four years and several caving trips to reconstruct in which quick and easy way he had connected Krem Um Im with Krem Liat Prah. 2007.02.17: Neil Pacey, Robin F. Sheen and Mark W. Brown re-rigged Krem Um Im 1 and sarted to resurvey the passage. After a couple of hundred metres, they were stopped by a new sump (Brooks, S J 2007.03.01 Mss: Diary2007.doc). According to JARRATT & DAWSON (2007), Neil, Robin and Mark B. rigged Krem Um Im 1 which needed resurveying. A fresh sump stopped progress after a couple of hundred metres so they de-rigged the cave and set off back to camp. 2008.02.18: It took Peter Ludwig and Rolf Siegenthaler … went to Umim 7 and rigged and surveyed the final pitch. Then they tied in the survey to Um lm 1, caught a fish, derigged and hitched a Shakti lift back (Brown et al. 2008 Mss 'Meghalaya 2008 diary' Monday 18th February).
Caves nearby
Distance (km) | Name | Length (m) | Depth (m) |
0.2 | DRAGON HOLE (aa -) | ||
0.2 | Um Im Cave 04 | ||
0.2 | UM IM CAVE 07 | ||
0.3 | UM IM CAVE 05 | ||
0.3 | UM IM CAVE 15 | ||
0.3 | UM IM CAVE 08 | ||
0.3 | UM IM CAVE 09 | ||
0.4 | UM IM CAVE 12 |