KRANG MU 0 (Neumann 2003) (Krem)

(Saipung - IN)
Grottocenter / carte


Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 06/01/2018

A vertical walled doline; 44 m long, 10 m deep (Neumann 2003.02.23 Mss: krem_krang_moo_1.Text) has been interpreteded as a shaft starting with a 30 m visible drop to soil and rubble floor (Ware & Bayley 2002.02.23 Mss: Krem Krang III), which descends to speleothems in a calcite choked chamber at 57 m depth after a length of 115 m (Jarratt 2003.02.09 Mss: Cave Log 2003: 9/2/03).SITUATION 1: Ware & Bayley (2002.02.23: Mss: Krem Krang III) understood Krem Krang III — Robin's No 9? (Krem Krang Maw 1 lies exactly where it is reached From Shnongrim ridge. SITUATION 2: Neumann (2003.02.23: krem_krang_moo_1.Text) places Krem Krang Moo 0 somewhere in the vicinity of Coordinate: 25°20'38.4-; 92°30'25.4-; Altitude Etrex Robin: 1102, Altimeter: 1070 . CAVE DESCRIPTION 1: Ware & Bayley (2002.02.23 Mss: Krem Krang III) had the impression of a 30 m visible drop to soil & rubble floor but possible leads off along rift (but overhanging so not easy to see. CAVE DESCRIPTION 2: Neumann (2003.02.23:krem_krang_moo_1.Text) came across vertical walled doline; 44 m long, 10 m deep, easy access at each end. CAVE DESCRIPTION 3: Jarratt (2003.02.09 Mss: Cave Log 2003: 9/2/03) was told that Annie & Co. (Annie U. Audsley, Andreas -Andy- Neumann, Peter Ludwig, Shelley A. Diengdoh and Robin Sheen) rigged Krang Moo 0 reaching a calcite choked chamber at 57 m depth after a length of 115 m. JARRATT (2003): On Feb. 9th Annie, Andreas, Peter and Shelley rigged Krem Krang Moo 0 (cave of the rock or monolith in the sloping ground) to a calcite choke at 57 m depth and l34.55 m length. Robin and I, meanwhile, pushed a 30 m deep draughting boulder choke in the nearby Krem Krang Moo 1 to the head of the 5 m deep Beast Pot --named after a survey leg of 6.66 metres. Returning with a ladder we had to extend the name to cover the 45 m deep black void just beyond! Next day Peter and Andreas dropped this into 80 m of ongoing, crab-infested streamway which was pushed another 200 m on the 11th. 300 m more wa added next day while the Mendip/Clare trio clocked up 250 m of well decorated inlet and a 100 m oxbow.


Bibliography 06/01/2018


EXPLORATION HISTORY: 2002.02.23: U Carlyn Phyrngap and Paheb (Respected Father) Shor Pajuh guided Fiona J. Ware and Nicola Bayley, assisted by Babha Kupar 'Dale' Mawlong to the entrance of an un-named cave, which they recorded under the title Krem Krang III. (Ware & Bayley 2002.02.23 Mss: Krem Krang III). 2003.02.09: Andreas 'Andi' Neumann, Peter Ludwig, Shelley A. Diengdoh, Robin F. Sheen and Annie U. Audsley descended 'Krem Krang Moo N°0' and commenced measuring survey lengths. 2002.02.13: JARRATT (2003) … pressed on in Krang Moo 1 on the 13th but soon reached a deep canal. To avoid this I doffed my slippery wellies and pioneered the 'hairy socks technique' to free climb up a calcite wall into a large, high level series with a long muddy inlet and eventual route back to the stream after several hundred metres. Here we were prevented from rushing along a 20 m high river passage by a large, fallen boulder needing a ladder to descend but we expected big finds next day. obin, Nigel, Dan and Fiona had that day rigged down to a fine streamway in nearby Krem Synrang (shelter) Krang but were stopped upstream by a large fallen boulder needing a maypole to ascend. We had missed each other by half an hour or so but now had a connected system later surveyed to 2.668kms and ending in a sump. This major success proved both the accuracy of the GPS entrance positions [sic!] and the survey teams [sic!] … Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 06/01/2018

Caves nearby

Distance (km)NameLength (m)Depth (m)
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0.0YNROIN 3 (Krem)
0.0YNROIN 1 (Krem)
0.1AA CAVE (Ware & Bayley) 3rd
0.1KRANG 4 (Ware & Bailey 2000) (Krem)
0.1SOHNIRIANG 1 (Krem)
0.1AA CAVE (Cowper 2007), 3rd