Tham Kun Mung - CP0015

นาโพธิ์พัฒนา (TH)
Length 50m Depth 5m
Grottocenter / carte


The temple is 500 m west of the H41, 1.5 km south-west of Sawi railway station. Martin Ellis - 12/07/2019


Martin Ellis - 12/07/2019

The cave opens as a narrow pitch and unfortunately doesn't get any larger. It is of little speleological interest except for numerous bats.


Martin Ellis - 12/07/2019

Trachyjulus phylloides Golovatch, Geoffroy, Mauries et VandenSpiegel, 2012 (Arthropoda, Diplopoda, Spirostreptida, Cambalopsidae) (Golovatch et al. 2012) Rhinolophus affinis superans K. Andersen, 1905 (Chordata, Mammalia, Chiroptera, Rhinolophidae) (Yenbutra and Felton 1986) Hipposideros larvatus (Horsfield, 1823) (Chordata, Mammalia, Chiroptera, Hipposideridae) (Yenbutra and Felton 1986)


Bibliography 12/07/2019

Caves nearby

Distance (km)NameLength (m)Depth (m)
1.0Khao Tham - CP0030
3.1Tham Wat Fan Mun - CP0009
8.3Ban Na Tham - CP0045
8.8Tham Khao Pip - CP0066
9.6Tham Huai Luk - CP0083
9.6Khao Noi (Tham) [CP0084]
9.7Tham Pramong [CP0142]
9.7Tham Khao Lan - CP0043
11.3Tham Ta Chi - CP0079700