Chao Por Chin Lae (Tham) [Mongkhon Nimit] [LB0124]

โคกตูม (TH)
Length 635m Depth 23m
Grottocenter / carte


In Wat Tham Mongkhon Nimit walk to the gap between the second and third cottages past the wat buildings and then go straight up the hill for about 50 m. Where a level area traverse to the left to the cave entrance which is about 30 m west of the built over skylight entrance to Tham Mongkhon Nimit. Martin Ellis - 19/02/2020



Martin Ellis - 19/02/2020

Taphozous melanopogon Temminck, 1841 (Chordata, Mammalia, Chiroptera, Emballonuridae) (Yenbutra and Felton 1986) Rhinolophus thomasi Andersen, 1905 (Chordata, Mammalia, Chiroptera, Rhinolophidae) (Yenbutra and Felton 1986)

General description

Martin Ellis - 19/02/2020

The upper entrance has a built entrance arch and steel ladders which lead down into the cave. Behind the Buddha, the cave is about 2 m wide and 4 m high and it continues like this for about 50 m until it reduces in height and there is a short crawl or stoop before the roof rises again. This part of the cave is seasonally active with clastic deposits on the floor and various phreatic pockets. The low section may sump in very wet weather. Beyond this low section the cave becomes a high rift and there is an old wooden ladder to aid the descent of a 3 m pitch. An old light fitting indicates the approach to the lower entrance and it is necessary to climb up an old gour for a couple of metres and then back down before ascending 3 m up to the lower entrance which is about 2 m high and wide. The connection to Tham Mongkhon Nimit is near the lower entrance.


Martin Ellis - 19/02/2020

Alexander Thoma 2012-2013 - Grade UISv2 6-3-EF


Bibliography 19/02/2020


2011 A. Thoma explored cave 2011-12-20 M.Ellis 2012 A. Thoma surveyed cave. 2013-04-01 A. Thoma Further 240 m surveyed 2014-07-04 A. Thoma 2016-12-29 M. Ellis, T. Bolger, W. Vityarakunwong Martin Ellis - 19/02/2020

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