SASPOL (Caves of)

(Khalsi tehsil - IN)
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Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 18/05/2016

A high-altitude cave dwelling with about 22 southeast facing man-made rock chambers was excavated from semi-consolidated conglomerate. Four of the »caves« (note 1) were used by Tibetan Buddhist monks of the Kadampa and Gelugpa schools (note 2) till about 1850. Four of them contain rock art (wall paintings) dated on unspecified grounds to the »fourteenth-fifteenth century AD« (Indian Archaeology: A Review 1981-1982 / 1984: 92) or »12th century« (note 3). ETYMOLOGY: Resident people call the "caves" (man-made rock chambers) at Saspol, Saspola or Suspul (note 4) »Bhago marpo« (note 5). SITUATION: »Saspul is a village on the main road, over the river from Alchi« (LONELY PLANET, North India 2001: 381).About 62 km along the road or 42 km in a direct line approximately west of Leh (34°10'N: 77°35'E), some 2 km or 3 km north-west of Alchi (note 6) and on the hill slope (note 7) above the about 150 houses (note 8) of Saspola, which stand on the orographically left (locally north) bank of Indus River (HIRSCHBERG, H 1977: 139, 1987: 130) »or, as it is here called, the Attock. The noisy, dirty torrent, as it here appears, however, gives little promise of becoming, as it does in after life, one of the largest of the stately Indian rivers« (KNIGHT, W H 1863 Diary: 1860 August 9). CAVE DESCRIPTION 1984: »S. N. Kesarwani, A. K. Patel, Pramrod Singh and H. L. Raina noticed at Saspol (Leh district) a number of caves, of which one contains paintings of the Buddhist pantheon, datable to fourteenth-fifteenth century AD« (Indian Archaeology: A Review [IAR] 1981-1982 / 1984: 92). CAVE DESCRIPTION 1997: »Au Ladack [sic!], les cavités sont essentiellement religieuses : grottes de méditation dans des monastères : Taktak, Saspol, Lamayuru, Hemis … (régions non calcaires)« (DUCLUZAUX, B 1993d: 52). CAVE DESCRIPTION 1997: »Saspul … apparently there is a small cave temple nearby, but nobody seems to know much about it« (LONELY PLANET, India 1997: 351). CAVE DESCRIPTION 2001: A relatively »small white-and-red cave temple« of unidentified size is said to lie, at least in certain cases, which depend in a four-dimensional space-time continuum on the way in which one is looking, »on the left of the gompa« (LONELY PLANET, North India 2001: 381). CAVE DESCRIPTION 2015: »Der gesamte Berg besteht aus mächtigem Konglemeratgestein mit großen Geröllen, die vom Indus abgelagert wurden. Es gibt mehrere Höhlenkammern. Die Höhlen werden von den Einheimischen Bhago marpo genannt. Sie sind künstlich angelegt aber sehr eindrucksvoll. Die Wände sind teils verputzt. Die schönen farbigen Wandmalereien stammen aus dem 12. Jahrhundert. Die unteren Höhlen stellen die 1000 Miniatur-Buddhas sowie Padmasambhava und Avalokiteshvara dar. In der darüber liegenden linken Höhle findet man ein Mandala, den 1000-armigen Avalokiteshvara und Vairocana. Die höher gelegene mittlere Höhle stellt als zentrale Figuren Buddha Shakyamuni und die Schutzgottheit Heruka dar, während die rechte Höhle mit 1000 kleinen Buddhas und dem Buddha des unendlichen Lichtes, Amithaba, bemalt ist. In diesen Höhlen haben im 12. Jh. Yogis der Kadampa- und späteren Gelukpa-Schule meditiert, darunter der Gründer der Rizong Gompa, Tsultrim Nima« (Straub, R 2015.06.05 Mss). CULTURAL HISTORY - rock art: At »Saspola« in the vicinity of Alchi »lies an old cave temple, in which old wall-paintings are preserved due to the dry climate. They depict the detection and the lives of former Lamas of the neighboring Rizong monastery« (UHLIG, H 1987: 69-70). The frescoes in the lower cave show 1000 miniature Buddhas in five colours, Guru Rinpoche and Avalokiteshwara (Avlokiteshvara). The left upper cave contains paintings of a mandala, a thousand-armed Avlokiteshwara and Vairocana. The central upper cave contains frescoes depicting Buddha Shakiamuni, the benevolent Heruka, a historical scene with king and armed soldiers, Buddha's birth and a portrait of Rinchen Zangpo. The right upper cave contains paintings of thousand small Buddhas along with Amitabha, the Buddha of eternal light (HIRSCHBERG, H 1977, 1980, 1987: 131).

Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 18/05/2016

NOTE 1: NOT SEEN: GOEPPER, Roger with photographs by PONCAR, Jaroslav (1996): Alchi, Ladakh's hidden Buddhist sanctuary: The Sumtsek.- (London: Serindia Publications), 286 pages, illustrations, plates, bibliography, index ( accessed 2004.09.08). NOTE 2: One of the cave dwellers is said to have been Tsultim Nima, the founder of Rizong monastery (HIRSCHBERG, H 1977, 1980, 1987: 131). NOTE 3: Straub, R (2015.06.05 Mss), perhaps after (not seen): Mattausch, Jutta (8.Auflage 2013): Ladakh & Zanskar.- Reise Know-How (l.i.): 15-176.NOTE 4: Saspol DUCLUZAUX, B (1993d: 52); HIRSCHBERG, H (1977: 139, 1987: 130); Straub, R (2015.06.05 Mss: 2014_09_07_Saspol-Caves_straub.pdf: Caves of Saspol, Ladakh, Indien) Saspola HIRSCHBERG, H (1987: 69) Saspul Gompa 34°15'N: 77°09'E (accessed 16.11.2003) Saspul Gömpa AMS sheet NI43-08 Leh (U502 series, 1963 edition) Suspul KNIGHT, W H (1863). NOTE 5: »Die Höhlen werden von den Einheimischen "Bhago marpo" genannt« (Straub, R 2015.06.05 Mss). NOTE 6: Alchi Gompa 34°13'N: 77°10'E ( accessed 16.11.2003) on AMS sheet NI43-08. NOTE 7:… (accessed 2015.06.06) shows a full view of the south-east facing flank of the hill. Four out of the apparently 22 man-made rock chambers are numbered 1 through to 4 (with ground plans). (accessed 2005.10.12) had provided a tiny but useless photograph »Ladakh142(Saspol_caves21).jpg« (without scale), which shows the slope of a hill littered with fallen stones and crowned by what appears to represent sort of a cliff face that has seen better times. NOTE 8: HIRSCHBERG, H (1977: 139, 1987: 130). NOTE 9: »Our expeditionary force consisted … [of] the brother officer … F. … and myself« (KNIGHT, W H 1863 "Diary" Introduction).


Bibliography 18/05/2016
  • Ducluzaux, Bruno 1993d; Goepper, Roger 1966; Hirschberg, Helga 1977, 1980, 1987; Knight, William Henry 1863; Uhlig, Harald 1987; Lonely Planet, India 1997; Lonely Planet, North India 2001; Luczanits, Christian, Neuwirth, Holger & Auer, Carmen 2006.


EXPLORATION HISTORY: 1860.08.10-11: Captain William Henry KNIGHT (1863 Diary: 1860) and his acronymous, if not anonymous mate »F« (note 9) spent a night near »Suspul« (Saspol) without noticing any »caves« or wall paintings: 1860.08.10: »From Nurila we travelled along the Indus bank to Suspul, a distance of seven kos or thereabouts, stopping for breakfast at a village whose entire population consisted of one woman! The river being shut in by high and rocky mountains, our path took several most abrupt turns and startling ascents and descents in its meanderings, and proved altogether the worst for coolies to travel that we had as yet encountered. The greater part of our march, too, was under a burning sun, whose rays the rocks on either side of us reflected in anything but an agreeable way, giving thereby a considerable addition of colour to our already well-bronzed countenances. Near Suspul we had to take to the water, as a mass of overhanging rock jutted into the river and completely obstructed the path … Suspul we found situated in a half-moon shaped break of fertility among the barren mountains. The snow was within half an hour's climb, while at the same time the sun shone with such power as to blister our faces, and even to affect the black part of the expedition, rendered somewhat tender, no doubt, by the unusual mixture of heat and cold to which they had already been exposed. We encamped here under a grove of apricot and apple-trees, which resulted in the production of an apple-dumpling for dinner« (KNIGHT, W H 1863 Diary: 1860 August 10)1860.08.11: »Leaving Suspul, we ascended considerably to the village of Buzgo, another of the cloud-built little settlements so dear to the Lamas. The tenements were most picturesquely pitched upon the extreme tips of almost perpendicular rocks, and to many of them access seemed apparently impossible. Leaving this, we entered upon a desert of shifting sand and stones, in the midst of which there was an unusually long wall of the inscribed stones, one of which, although containing the same inscription, was of a different pattern from any I had hitherto discovered« (KNIGHT, W H 1863 Diary: 1860 August 11). 2014.09.07: »Von Leh aus machen wir einen Ausflug ins 62 km westlich entfernte Saspol. Hier oberhalb eines kleinen Dorfes, mit vielen Apfel- und Aprikosenbäumen befinden sich die Saspol Caves. Oben auf dem Hügel trohnt eine altes Fort mit Lehmwänden und einem super Blick hinunter ins Indus Tal. Das Fort stammt aus der Zeit des Königs Namgyal. An staunenden Dorfbewohnern und bellenden Hunden vorbei brauchen wir einige Zeit bis wir den richtigen Fußpfad zu den Höhlen finden« (Straub, R 2015.06.05 Mss). Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 18/05/2016

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