TICHA (Krem)

(Saipung - IN)
Grottocenter / carte


Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 06/01/2018

An exsurgence cave and spring at the foot of the eastern flank of the Shnongrim - Tangnub ridge and below Shnongrim village. ETYMOLOGY: The Khasi -ka tihar- is an evil spirit who is believed to cause a severe colic pain; severe colic (SINGH, N 1906: 233). Since the catchment area of the cave is dotted with villages and pastures, the presence of choliformae seems to be likely in the water rising from the cave and spring. Popular etymology correlates the cave name -Krem Ticha- to the story of an Englishman who, having just eaten Amla fruits (Phyllanthus acidus, extremely sour due to a high ascorbic / hexuronic acid content), praised the water rising at Krem Ticha to be as sweet as tea (the syllable -ti- is assumed to correspond to the English noun -tea-, the Synteng -cha- or Khasi -sha-). SITUATION 2001a: Direct footpath from Tong Seng (Tongseng) village. Local guide almost essential (Jarratt, A R 2001.02.16 Mss -Krem [deleted: Tichar, Tisha] Ticha (Tea Cave)- dated 16/2/1). SITUATION 201b: Walk down from the pass at the northern end of Tongseng (N25°19'28-: E092°30'05” WGS84) towards east and descending straight to the Litien Valley along the -shortcut- to the caves of Umthloo. Before having reached the -tree-line- (upper rim of the jungle covered limestone terrain), turn to the approximate north (left) and contour across grassland. Skirt the first -jungle bay- (a forested pocket valley cutting into the scarp of the ridge) of Umthluh, then the second one (Umlang / Um Lang) and the third (Krem Wiarbru). Reaching the fourth jungle bay, a rather wide valley, descend about 150 vertical metres to the right / east through forest (in spring 2001 with trail) and down to the floor of the valley of the Letein (Litang, Litien). Turn to the left (north) and proceed -- skirting the jungle -- across paddy fields. Watch out for a pair of 5 inch diameter waterpipes: these are mostly covered but tap water from the cave. Where the Um Ticha stream (here flowing in a channel roughy 5 m wide and 1 m deep) issues from the forest, follow this upstream, possibly against a downhill flow of relatively cold air, to reach the cave entrance at the head of a partially tufa covered cascade, and about 10 or 15 m vertically above the Litang valley floor (Gebauer, H D 2001.02.16 Mss amendment to Jarratt, A R 2001.02.16 Mss -Krem [deleted: Tichar, Tisha] Ticha (Tea Cave)- dated 16/2/1). POSITION: The elevation of 896.87 m asl (original GPS reading: 923 m) results from the cave survey based on the assumed altitude of 1000.00 m asl for the 1st entrance of Krem –>Umthluh, Tongseng. CAVE DESCRIPTION: The cave entrance (4 m wide, 6 m high) at the head of a partially tufa covered cascade leads to 40 m of walking passage which runs into a massive, penetrable boulder choke. The lower level consists of about 200 m of smallish maze passages (on average less than 1 m wide and 2 m high). The second / upper / collapse entrance (see Krem –>Ticha 2) is reached by climbing up through bouldes and / or joint controlled rift passages to the downstream section of Krem –>Umthluh, Tongseng. The cave functions as a resurgence (estimated flow rate on 16.02.2001 less than 1 ltr/sec, water temperature 12°C), contains calcite deposits (speleothems, mostly flowstone masses) and occurrences of something like manganese (?) caliche. Thumbnail sized scallops and the absence of decomposing vegetable matter indicate high velocity flow flood events (spates). TACKLE: None required, except, after exiting, bisquits, hot tea and a bonfire or two. CAVE CLIMATE: In the water flowing from the entrance, I measured (2001.02.16) a temperature of 12°C.CAVE LIFE: Bats (Chiroptera), -Snot Gobblers- (larval stage of fungus gnats, Diptera: Mycetophilidae).


Bibliography 06/01/2018


EXPLORATION HISTORY: 2001.02.16: Larsing Sukhlain guided Brian D. Kharpran Daly, H. Daniel Gebauer and Anthony 'Tony' R Jarratt to the entrance of Krem Ticha where they commenced mapping the first 374.33 m. 2001.02.17: Amanda 'Mandy / Mandie' Edgeworth, Alan Lawrence 'Goon' Jeffreys, Julie Hesketh and Roger Galloway connected Krem Umthloo to Krem Ticha. 2003.02.22: At Krem Ticha …the five of us [Anthony 'Tony' R. Jarratt & Robin Sheen plus T. Matthalm, Andreas Neumann & Michael Laumanns] donned neoprene and went into survey various side passages in the first part of the cave. Robin and I got the Mendip sized one [Jarratt 2003.02.22: Mss Cave Log 22/2/03]. Jarratt (2003.02.22 Mss: Cave Log 22/2/03) confirms: At Krem Ticha …the five of us [Anthony 'Tony' R. Jarratt & Robin Sheen plus T. Matthalm, Andreas Neumann & Michael Laumanns] donned neoprene and went into survey various side passages in the first part of the cave. Robin and I got the Mendip sized one! Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 06/01/2018

Cavités proche

Distance (km)NomLongueur (m)Profondeur (m)
0.2TICHA 2 (Krem)
0.4DONG UM SNOR (Krem)
0.5WAH RALO, 1st
0.5AA CAVE D (Brown 2002), 3rd
0.6SWIFTLET POT, Tongseng
0.6AA CAVE D (Brown 2002), 2nd
0.7AA CAVE D (Brown 2002), 1st
0.7MUÏAP 2 (Krem)