Cave PL18 - CM0218

แม่นะ (TH)
Longueur 44m Profondeur 21m
Grottocenter / carte


On the western end of the Doi Luang Chiang Dao massif. The cave entrance is located on the southern slope of the ridge running west from the 2,175 m summit. It is visible from the path leading from the Dent Nyat Khat to the highest peak of the massif. It is reached via indistinct paths from the poppy field 100 m below the cave. From the field go straight up the tall grass slope to the cliff, then boulders to the large hole. Martin Ellis - 02/07/2019


Martin Ellis - 02/07/2019

The main part of the chamber is irregularly shaped and the floor is huge boulders. The far parts of the chamber (east and west) have a floor that is 6 m lower and covered in clay. There is a rift on a bearing of 035¦ that is a narrow, two level, passage that reaches a dead end after 10 m. There are traces of partly destroyed crystals on the walls of the chamber and there is nice travertine in the upper part of the room. There are bright orange and brown curtains, flowstone and stalactites. There is no water. A bat and spiders were observed.


[Topo] Cave PL18 01/05/2019
Bibliography 02/07/2019


The cave was explored by S. Miskowiec, T. Rojek and T. Swider on 10 February. Martin Ellis - 02/07/2019

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