Khao Noi (Tham) [KA0441]

ท่าขนุน (TH)
Longueur 75m Profondeur 25m
Grottocenter / carte


The cave is located in an isolated tower in the grounds of the Uthum Phon Wanaram Monk's Campsite, on the east side of the H3272, 1km south of Ban Rai. From the wat, a short steep walk up concrete steps reaches the entrance to the cave where a statue is situated. Martin Ellis - 22/09/2019



Martin Ellis - 22/09/2019

SMART, DEAN (1996) - BCRA Grade 3b

General description

Martin Ellis - 22/09/2019

The entrance is small, 2 meters high by 2 meters wide and cannot be seen from the wat as it is sited in a corner of the tower. Inside the cave ascends steeply on a sandy floor to a sudden enlargement. Here the rift type passage is 15 meters high and daylight enters from the roof. A chamber follows with some large boulders, a wooden sleeping platform and some active flowstone cascades. This chamber is formed off the line of the main cave. Past the chamber, a 4 meters climb up a ladder reaches a second, smaller room which also contains a sleeping platform as well as a Buddha. Up the steep slope to the left, a skylight enters a small chamber. From here, a 3 meters climb leads into a passage which opens out after a further 2 meters climb into the final chamber. The floor of this room is 24 meters above the entrance. Another two skylight entrances are found here along with many large, breakdown boulders and a 10 meters deep hole back into the cave. This is possibly Duangkhae's Cave D39.


Bibliography 22/09/2019


The Buddha image is honoured by the local villagers. Martin Ellis - 22/09/2019

Cavités proche

Distance (km)NomLongueur (m)Profondeur (m)
0.1Khao Noi 2 (Tham) [KA0467]200
1.1Nar Tang (Tham) [KA0468]742
5.4Tham Pong Chang [KA0598]
7.4Tham Nam Khao Tha Khanun - KA02351250
7.7Nam Khao Tha Khanum (Tham)
9.3Tham Phra - KA035410025
10.2Spring KA355 - KA035533
10.3Tham Lek Lek - KA0105
11.5Tham Chet Mit Resurgence Cave - KA0351100