(Saipung - IN)
Grottocenter / carte


Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 06/01/2018

A cave entrance without identified shape and orientation faces an inexplicable direction and is said to function as a seasonal sink consisting of canyon passage and pitches (Brooks & McNally 2007.02.20 Mss) that eventually lead via –>Um Im Cave 6 into the cave system of Krem –>Liat Prah. ETYMOLOGY: No authochtonous, indigenous or locally known name has been identified for this cave entrance and cave. SITUATION: According to the explorers, this so-called -Dragon Hole- lies in an unexplainable location somewhere on the Shnongrim ridge. APPROACH: Brooks & McNally (2007.02.20 Mss) recommend to refer to Krem Um Im 1 directions for help and explain that Dragon Hole is reached from N25°21'52.1”: E092°31'20.4” [note 1], where a track leads downhill towards the Big Tree [note 2] mentioned in Um Im directions. At N25°21'46.0”: E092°31'23.5” turn towards GPS point. A series of grykes connect into a walking passage. On a cold day (Liat Prah). CAVE CONTENTS: Brooks & McNally (2007.02.20 Mss) list mud, sediments, cobbles, and unspecified calcite deposits including gours (rimstone dams). TACKLE: One 10 m rope (traverse) and a 25 m rope for the 1st pitch; one 35 m rope (traverse) and a 52 m rope for the 2nd pitch. CAVE CLIMATE: The pothole cave entrance emits a comparatively warm and moist air current. Broos & Ludwig (2007.02.20 Mss): On a cold day (


Bibliography 06/01/2018


EXPLORATION HISTORY: 2007.02.17: On the way back from Krem Um Im 1, Neil Pacey identified a plume of steam from a nearby depression. The cold temperature due to rain had caused this and, on further investigation a walking passage with a good draught was found, named Dragon Hole (Brooks, S J et al. 2007.03.01 Mss: Diary2007.doc). JARRATT & DAWSON (2007) narrate how At last, on the 17th, … Neil, Robin and Mark B. … set off back to camp. Today the Gods were with them as a plume of warm air was noticed rising from a nearby doline – probably caused by the cold temperature following heavy rain. A draughting walking-sized passage was found and named Dragon Hole. It looked good. 2007.02.18, trip 1: Guided by Peter Ludwig and Mark W. Brown to the entrance, Fraser E. Simpson, Peter Glanvill, Barbara Anne am Ende and Brian D. Kharpran Daly surveyed 149 m of rift passage to the head of a 20 m pitch. They also took photos and shot some video footage (Brooks, S J et al. 2007.03.01 Mss: Diary2007.oc). According to Brooks & McNally (2007.02.20 Mss), FS, APG, BAE, BKd survey -149.14 m. According to JARRATT & DAWSON (2007), … Fraser, Peter G, Barbara and Brian K.D. surveyed 149 m to a 20 m pitch. 2007.02.19, trip 2: Peter Ludwig and Desmond 'Des' McNally rigged the first pitch (23 m) and continued down through a canyon passage until they rigged a traverse to a second pitch (circa 45 m), which Peter L descended to a large passage / chamber (Brooks, S J et al. 2007.03.01 Mss: Diary2007.doc). 2007.02.19, trip 3: Barbara Anne am Ende, Fraser E. Simpson and Peter Glanvill surveyed down the first pitch and the canyon passage stopping before the traverse, they also shot some video and took photos (Brooks, S J et al. 2007.03.01 Mss: Diary2007.doc). According to Brooks & McNally (2007.02.20 Mss), PL, DMc, FS, BAE APG survey 201-64. According to JARRATT & DAWSON (2007), Peter L, Des, Fraser, Barbara and Peter G. returned to Dragon Hole. A 23 m pitch, canyon, traverse and 45 m pith led to a large passage or chamber. Photos and video were taken away from the cave and carried back home. 2007.02.20, trip 4: Peter Glanvill, Neil Pacey and Brian Cullen dropped the 50 m pitch and completed the survey down through a small square hole that dropped from the top into the Grand Trunk Road in Krem Um Im 6 (Brooks, S J et al. 2007.03.01 Mss: Diary2007.doc). According to Brooks & McNally (2007.02.20 Mss), NP, DMc, BC, APG survey 245-63 & connect to Um Im 6. According to JARRATT & DAWSON (2007), Neil, Des, Brian C. and Pete G. dropped the 50 m pitch into the ceiling of the Grand Trunk Road in the Krem Um Im 6 section of Liat Prah. 2007.11.01: Arbenz, T (2007.11.01 personal correspondence) tells me map finished 10.2007. 2008.01.08: Arbenz, T (2008.01.05 Mss: Meghalaya Updated 5.1.08) contains a Toporobot file 'Dragon_02.Text' (dated 2007.12.03) where the survey length is 596.41 m at a vertical range of +0 m / -95.91 m (95.91 m). Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 06/01/2018

Cavités proche

Distance (km)NomLongueur (m)Profondeur (m)
0.2UM IM 01, Khaidong (Krem)
0.3Um Im Cave 04
0.3UM IM CAVE 07
0.3UM IM CAVE 05
0.4UM IM CAVE 15
0.5UM IM CAVE 08
0.5UM IM CAVE 09
0.5UM IM CAVE 12