(Khliehriat - IN)
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Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 03/07/2016

A 10 m wide and 3 m high cave entrance and seasonal sink, which occasionally takes surface water, faces east and gives access to an about 1.5 m high cave passage which leads west across a boulder strewn floor to a long and deep lake with low airspace. This continues to the vicinity of the –>Put Lyer Entrance where it joins the Um 'Thei Sotti (Virgin River) passage of Krem –>Umlawan.A short way in, a 200 m long and just about walking-sized inlet series from the north, provides pools with fish and somewhat wriggles along breakdown from the nearby surface and escarpment. The northern branch of the cave, reputedly collapsed in 1997, can be pushed via a dodgy looking choke followed by a relatively superb stream cave passage and a complicated area of rather low cave passages, avens etc, to the bottom of Krem –> Umtyongai = Krem –>Kotsati Entrance 02, dubbed Spindro's Backyard Entrance. ETYMOLOGY: The origin and meaning of the recorded Synteng Khasi (Pnar) cave name »Krem Umshor« (Spindro Dkhar, Lumshnong, 1996 personal communication) has not been identified (note 1). Years later, however, this cave was referred to as the Umskor Cave (Cave Turns Garbage Dump 2013.04.23) as if it were named after an "um" or stream (of water) associated with "skor" translated as to »outgrow« (SINGH, N 1920: 355) and an »overgrowth« (SINGH, N 1920: 355).SITUATION: The entrance to this cave lies in the village of Lumshnong at what had been in March 1996 the western rim of the playing field, and only a few metres below the Jowai - Sonapur road (National Highway NH44) that took a long bend around the western side of the populated area. EVALUATION: »As per information, the famous Umlawan cave is interconnected with two other caves – the Kot-sati and Umskor caves« (Cave Turns Garbage Dump 2013.04.23).

Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 03/07/2016

NOTE 1: SINGH, N (1906: 199) lists no Khasi word "shor" as such but "u kynja shor" (Khasi; noun) refers to a kind of »rug« (SINGH, N 1920: 447) and "ka shor-shor" (noun) signifies »the eaves« (SINGH, N 1920: 144) in the sense of "ki rmiang jong ka jingsop-ing" (SINGH, N 1920: 144); literally »a house roof''s rim« (hdg 2013.06.13), the part of a roof that meets or overhangs the walls of a building. "ka shár" (Khasi; noun) signifies rather »a funnel« (SINGH, N 1906: 191; SINGH, N 1920: 195; BLAH, E 2007: 112) than »a tunnel« (SINGH, N 1920: 544) as "shár" (Khasi; transitive verb) means »to overhang« (SINGH, N 1920: 357). "u (dieng soh) shur" (Khasi; noun) is the name of a wild kind of »a pear tree« (SINGH, N 1906: 69).


Bibliography 03/07/2016


EXPLORATION HISTORY: 1996.03.06: H. D. Gebauer (book, compass, clino) and Andre Abele (tape) surveyed Fish Inlet while Georg Bäumler (book), Franz Baumgartner, Brian D. Kharpran Daly, George Lyngdoh, Kyrmen 'Hope' C Hiwot Passah and Roiy Sayag (scouting) mapped the way to the lake and thereby explored it. Hence, »6-3-96 In the afternoon 290 m are mapped in Krem Um Shor« (Brooks, S J in: BROOKS, S J et al 1998: 24). 1997.02.15: Boycott, Antony 'Tony', Anthony R. Jarratt and Simon J. Brooks tied Krem Umshor into the Krem Kotsati system. 1997.02.16: Boycott, Antony 'Tony', Anthony 'Tony' R. Jarratt and Simon J. Brooks reached Virgin River in Krem Umlawan and established the Krem –>Kotsati - Umlawan cave system. Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 03/07/2016

Cavités proche

Distance (km)NomLongueur (m)Profondeur (m)
0.0UMSHOR 2 (Krem)
0.0UMSHOR 3 (Krem)
0.0AA CAVE, Lumshnong (Lindenmayr) 08
0.1LIAT HATI, Lumshnong (Krem)
0.1COALMINE CAVE, Lumshnong (aa -)
0.1DIENIUNG, Lumshnong, 1st (Krem)
0.1AA CAVE, Lumshnong (Lindenmayr) 09
0.2DIENIUNG, Lumshnong, 2nd (Krem)
0.2AA CAVE, Lumshnong (Scherzer), 5th