Tham Thep Pratan [KR0243]

กระบี่น้อย (TH)
Longueur 214m Profondeur 15m
Grottocenter / carte


The small temple is on the south side of the large massif, to the south of Ban Thap Phrik. Access is by the back road that loops around the limestone hill from the centre of the village.There is a sign in Thai for the temple, but it isn't called Wat Tham Thep Pratan. The cave is a hundred metres north of the temple buildings and is not the large entrance up on the right as you enter the compound. This is possible the same site as KR0245 Wat Khao Nimit. Martin Ellis - 08/11/2019


Martin Ellis - 08/11/2019

The cave passes through the ridge with some very warm side passages which have elevated levels of carbon dioxide.


Martin Ellis - 08/11/2019

SMCC 23 January 2013 - Grade UISv2 6-3-BF Ellis, Martin (2015a)


Martin Ellis - 08/11/2019

Althepus tuqi Li et Li, 2017 (Arthropoda, Arachnida, Araneae, Araneomorphae, Ochyroceratidae) û type locality (Liu et al. 2017) Orthriophis taeniurus (Cope 1861) (Chordata, Reptilia, Squamata, Colubridae) (unpublished record) Leopoldamys sabanus Jentinck, 1879 (Chordata: Mammalia: Rodentia: Muridae) (Latinne et al. 2013) Sundamys muelleri (Jentink, 1879) (Chordata: Mammalia: Rodentia: Muridae) (Latinne et al. 2013)


[Topo] Tham Thep Pratan 11/05/2019
Bibliography 08/11/2019


The wat is set in a very scenic 30 rai of land and the abbot is in dispute with a high-ranking government official who wishes to develop the temple grounds as a tourist attraction. 2012 G. Washburn 2013-01-23 M. Ellis, P. Dummer, C. Dummer, P. Collett Martin Ellis - 08/11/2019

Cavités proche

Distance (km)NomLongueur (m)Profondeur (m)
0.1Cave KR0303400
0.2Khao Nimit (Tham) [KR0245]
0.4Khao Toh Chong Rock Shelter [KR0310]100
0.7Tham Na Sang Mian [KR0265]
0.8Tham Saeng Phet - KR0158200
1.0Khao Na Wang Mi Quarry Cave 19 [KR0264]
1.0Khao Na Wang Mi Quarry Cave 18 [KR0263]
1.1Khao Na Wang Mi Quarry Cave 17 [KR0262]
1.1Khao Na Wang Mi Quarry Cave 1 [KR0246]