Tham Glom - KR0208

Grottocenter / carte


In the sea cliffs at the southern end of Ao Railey East, 10m above water level. Martin Ellis - 03/11/2019


Martin Ellis - 03/11/2019

The 6m diameter plreatic tube has not been entered.


Bibliography 03/11/2019

Cavités proche

Distance (km)NomLongueur (m)Profondeur (m)
0.3Sra Phra Nang - KR0052500
0.3Rayawadee Resort Caves - KR0116300
0.4Tham Phra Nang - KR0051300
0.5Tham Nam Bo - KR0207
0.6Bpeen Keun (Tham) [KR0348]4012
0.6Tham Angun [KR0349]403
0.6Ao Nang North Cave [KR0111]600
0.7Ko Nok Sea Cave 1 - KR0106240
0.7Tham Phet Fa - KR007918520