Lek Lek (Tham) [KR0334]

Longueur 1332m Profondeur 17m
Grottocenter / carte


Brief description

Martin Ellis - 01/12/2019

Resurgence: Stooping entrance leads to 130 meters of walking passage with some crawling to a sump. Water looks to sink down approx 8 meters muddy pit. Bailing sump leads to further 1 km + of varied stream passage. Some side passages. Eventually exits in the Lek Lek sink. Upstream entrance: Stream sinks in boulders. Leads to 1.3 km of varied stream passage.


[Topo] Tham Lek Lek 07/05/2019
Bibliography 01/12/2019
  • +Ellis, Martin; Laumanns, Michael (2017) "Thailand" in Laumanns, Michael; Price, Liz (eds.) (2017) "Atlas of the Great Caves and Karst of Southeast Asia: Part 2 Myanmar - Vietnam" second edition, Berliner Hohlenkundliche Berichte Band 67 pp241-292 +Furlong, Imogen (2017) "GSG Family Caving Expedition to Krabi, Thailand January 2016" The Grampian Speleological Group Bulletin Fifth Series Vol. 2 No. 2 March 2017 pp14-17 +Furlong, Imogen; Shade, Bev (2018) "Recent family expeditions to the caves of Krabi" expediton report to Ghar Pharau Foundation, 5pp +Nix, Bill (2016) "Families underground" Decsent No. 248 February/March 2016 pp24-25

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