(Hnahthial - IN)
Grottocenter / carte


Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 06/01/2018

A gravitational rift cave at 1680 m asl and, at the current state of knowledge (27th April 2001), the cave at the highest location in Mizoram. SITUATION: Near the top of the ridge rising from the upper part of South Lungleng village (ca. 1400 m asl) to the south-west and towards the Lunghmingthang Tlang (Famous Rock). CAVE DESCRIPTION: Entry is gained by descending through fallen boulders to a 20 m long and east - west (100° - 280°) running rift passage (on average 1.1 m wide and 5 m high) which provides most the cave's volume. Both ends of the rift lead to boulders clogging collapsed ends: The distal end in the west descends to a sandy mud floor, and the eastern one ascends free climbable into a steep rock pile with several more or less impenetrable cracks and voids between slidden and fallen boulders. A secondary rift at right angles, again of gravitational origin, adds a few metres of tight shoulders crawls at two converging levels. CAVE POTENTIAL: Alfred Vanchhawng, Tlau Laltanpia and K. Lalengzuala spent another hour hunting for caves in the vicinity. They found some 10 distinct cracks and crawls but none of considerable size: Some 5 or 10 m long, other 3 m or … 1 foot. CAVE LIFE: Bats (Chiroptera) in addition to a few trogloxene cave guests: numerous spiders (3 cm in diameter) with strong legs, a few Harvestman (Arachnida: Opiliones) and a short legged mite, some tiny flies (Diptera?) and several empty snail shells.


Bibliography 06/01/2018


EXPLORATION HISTORY: 2001.04.27: A strong team of 28 persons joined the jolly excursion, including the village council president Jongte Lalrinawna and two girls carrying a mobile tea kitchen. Neil Sootinck, Betsy 'Betty' Chhakchhuak and H. D. Gebauer mapped while Vanlalruata, Gregory D. Diengdoh, Tlau Laltanpuia, Alfred Vanchhawng, Ngurthansanga Sailo, David Lalhimpuia and numerous men and boys from the village explored and tried their best to push all possible crawls to a conclusion of the pushing. Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 06/01/2018

Cavités proche

Distance (km)NomLongueur (m)Profondeur (m)
20.0PUKPUI, peak 5857
25.5PUKPUIA PUK, Serkawn
27.7MILU PUK, Sazatlang
29.8BAK PUK, Arbai