SANG-e SURAKH, Alishang

(اليشنگ ولسوالۍ - AF)
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Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 06/01/2018

A modified natural temple cave (note 1) with rock art (inscriptions) spoiled by idiots (note 2) is sacred to (Sufi?) Muslims. SITUATION: In the face of a marble cliff opposite of Ghar –>Koh Chigui: Above the right bank of the torrent but only 15 or 20 m above the riverbed. The site lies at one hour's walking distance in an unspecified direction from Alishang (note 3) and several hundred metres from a winter-camp (without known name) used by nomads of an unrecognised tribe. CAVE DESCRIPTION: A high vaulted chamber with two cave entrances at its sides renders the cave a character reminiscent of a natural bridge. There are, however, many accessory cavities, generally roundish in shape, of which one descents for 3 or 4 m into darkness. CULTURAL HISTORY - rock art (epigraphy): A large inscription in Persian language and script commemorates the visit of Emir Habibollah Khan in 1329 A.D. LINDBERG (1958: 135, 1961a: 24) notes numerous other, ancient inscriptions (perhaps in Bengali), partlyerased (apparently by Muslim iconoclasts). TRIMMEL (1968: 266 after LINDBERG 1962b) confirms: Zahlreiche alte Inschriften --in Persisch und möglicherweise in Bengali -- enthält die Höhle Sri Tigheh im Distrikt Ali Cheng nördlich Djelalabad.CAVE LIFE: JUBERTHIE & DECU (2001: 1745, 1747) list Oligochaeta: Lumbrichidae: Allobophora caliginosa SAVIGNY; Arachnida: Pseudoscorpiones: Neobisiidae: Microcreagris herculea BEIER; Insecta: Orthoptera: Gryllidae: Eremogryllodes major CHOPARD.erased (apparently by Muslim iconoclasts). TRIMMEL (1968: 266 after LINDBERG 1962b) confirms: Zahlreiche alte Inschriften --in Persisch und möglicherweise in Bengali -- enthält die Höhle Sri Tigheh im Distrikt Ali Cheng nördlich Djelalabad.CAVE LIFE: JUBERTHIE & DECU (2001: 1745, 1747) list Oligochaeta: Lumbrichidae: Allobophora caliginosa SAVIGNY; Arachnida: Pseudoscorpiones: Neobisiidae: Microcreagris herculea BEIER; Insecta: Orthoptera: Gryllidae: Eremogryllodes major CHOPARD.


Bibliography 06/01/2018


EXPLORATION HISTORY: 1329 A.D.: Emir Habibollah Khan visited, leaving an inscription. 1958.01.30: Knut LINDBERG (1958: 135, 1961a: 24) visited, took altimeter readings, explored, and collected cave life. Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 06/01/2018

Cavités proche

Distance (km)NomLongueur (m)Profondeur (m)
0.0Kouh-Chigui, Alishang (Grotte)
25.9MANDRAH (Grotte)
29.5PIALEH (Grotte)
44.9Dara-i-Nur (Ma'dan)
50.9LAOUR PINDI (Grotte)
58.4QACHQAR ou LAÏDJÉH (Grotte)
62.8NURGAL (Cave at)
76.5SHAMUN (Samuch)
78.8Khapah, Badel (Samuch)