Knee-Wrecker Pot 2

(Saipung - IN)
Grottocenter / carte


Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 06/01/2018

According to stunted records a pothole cave without identified locally known name might exist at a difficult to reconstruct location somewhere above Krem Liat Prah (note 1). SITUATION: 50 m East of Waypoint (note 2) where an unexpected stream without identified name or character flows along an unidentified course till it eventually sinks under base of cliff (Sheen 2003.02.15 Mss: Knee Wreck Pot / Cave 2 / Cave 3). APPROACH: Turn off from paved road north of Bangla N25°21'46.9”: E92°31'10.7” ±11m: 1075 m. Just south of pine-topped peak, turn NW on trail bearing about 350° N25°21'50.5”: E92°31'10.8” ±12 m: 1092 m. Trail curves more to west. Continue following ridge down to rock pinnacles and cliffs. Turn right and curve around into the valley to the north. Head back up to the E to cave entrance several 10s of meters (Ende 2007.02.11 Mss: Knee-Wrecker Pot 2). CAVE DESCRIPTION 2003: Crawl leads to head of draughting pot — 5M pitch (Sheen, r f 2003.02.15 Mss: Knee-Wreck Pot Cave 2) CAVE DESCRIPTION 2006: Three [expedition cavers] dropped Kneewrecker Pot 2 in an attempt at a connection (JARRATT, A R 2006: 11) to Krem Labit (Khaidong) and a daylight shaft connected to Kneewrecker Pot 2. This cave ended in an impassable downstream boulder choke before a connection with Labbit could be made (JARRATT, A R 2006: 12). SPELEOMETRY: Knee Wrecker Pot 2 had ontributed by March 2007 a survey length of 215.18 m to Krem –>Liat Prah / Labit Cave System (Arbenz, T 2008.01.20 Mss). PALAEONTOLOGY: There was fossil bone, probably marine mammal, weathering out of the cave wall in an unidentified location (Barbara am Ende 2007.02.11 Mss: Knee-Wrecker Pot 2). CAVE DESCRIPTION 2006: Three [expedition cavers] dropped Kneewrecker Pot 2 in an attempt at a connection (JARRATT, A R 2006: 11) to Krem Labit (Khaidong) and a daylight shaft connected to Kneewrecker Pot 2. This cave ended in an impassable downstream boulder choke before a connection with Labbit could be made (JARRATT, A R 2006: 12). SPELEOMETRY: Knee Wrecker Pot 2 had ontributed by March 2007 a survey length of 215.18 m to Krem –>Liat Prah / Labit Cave System (Arbenz, T 2008.01.20 Mss). PALAEONTOLOGY: There was fossil bone, probably marine mammal, weathering out of the cave wall in an unidentified location (Barbara am Ende 2007.02.11 Mss: Knee-Wrecker Pot 2).


Bibliography 06/01/2018


EXPLORATION HISTORY: 2003.02.15, trip 1: Robin Sheen and Roger Galloway recorded a GPS position read somewhere in the vicinity of the entrance. 2006.02.18, trip 2: Saturday 18th February saw … three [JARRATT 2006: 20 table): Roger Galloway, Imogen Furlong, Derek Pettiglio] dropping Kneewrecker Pot 2 in an attempt at a connection (JARRATT 2006: 11). Anthony 'Tony' R. Jarratt (2006.03.04 Mss: Cave Log, vol. XIII: 18/2/06): One of the other teams connected Kneewrecker Pot 2 to the downstream end of the ongoing Krem Labbit (Khaidong) to provide one more way in and an easier entrance for pushing the system further. 2006.02.20, trip 3: Roger Galloway, Henry Rockcliff and Imogen Furlong were dodging falling trees in a daylight shaft connected to Kneewrecker Pot 2 (JARRATT 2006: 12). 2007.02.11, trip 4: Barbara am Ende (2007.02.11 Mss) and Jayne Stead record a sub-standard GPS position (precision error allegedly ±10 m) and notice a fossil bone, probably marine mammal. Brooks, S J et al. (007.03.01 Mss: Diary2007.doc), Barbara and Jayne went on surface recce starting between the villages of Lumthymme and Bangla locating four [except one already recorded] pots in the area of Knee Wrecker. JARRATT & DAWSON (2007), Barbara and Robin recced in the area of the Knee Wrecker Pots finding six new shafts. 2007.02.12, trip 5: Jayne Stead and Boycott, Antony 'Tony' went to Knee Wrecker 2 to photograph some bones they found. They then effected a calf rescue from nearby (which showed no ill effects), after this they returned to camp (Brooks, S J et al. 2007.03.01 Mss: Diary2007.doc). According to JARRATT & DAWSON (2007), Tony B. [Boycott, Antony 'Tony'] and Jayne photographed bones and rescued a calf at the nearby Knee Wrecker 2. Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 06/01/2018

Cavités proche

Distance (km)NomLongueur (m)Profondeur (m)
0.1Knee-Wrecker Pot 5
0.1Knee-Wrecker Pot 4
0.1Knee-Wrecker Pot 3
0.2Knee-Wrecker Pot 1
0.2AA CAVE B 1 (Sheen 2007)
0.5DRAGON HOLE (aa -)
0.7UM IM 01, Khaidong (Krem)
0.7Um Im Cave 04
0.7UM IM CAVE 07