STANGHAR (Rastom Manar 2010) (Krem)

(Saipung - IN)
Grottocenter / carte


Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 06/01/2018

Apart from a ceiling window (compare: Krem –>Stanghar 2), a relatively low (without comparison for scale) but otherwise unspecified cave entrance (unidentified shape, unidentified dimensions, unidentified orientation, unidentified characteristics) and spring of water is said to give access to what is probably a crawl-sized cave passage which must have been designed to induce pity insofar as even hard core sportsmen in search of adventurous training devices were led to nourish uncontrollable feelings according to which this rock is poor (Dawson 2010.02.19 undated Mss: Krem Stanghar / Very Narrow). ETYMOLOGY: Obviously in an attempt to christen a Low Cave (note 1) or a Shallow Cave (note 2), somebody (allegedly Dawson 2010.02.19 undated Mss: Krem Stanghar) picked up -stanghar- (note 3) in the sense of Very Narrow! (note 4) but probably was told -stang 'iar- which is a typical Khasi binomial imitative, double word or word-collocation (note 5) for thin (note 6). SITUATION: Arbenz, T (200.03.31 cave distribution map: Pala_Ridge_4-10.pdf), who should know it (note 7), indicates the location of the cave entrance to a certain Krem Stanghar (sic!) adjacent and just above the orographically left (locally south-east) bank of the Kopili River at a spot about 2.5 km in a direct line approximately ESE (-605 m north, 2155 m east) from the central road junction at the village of Kseh (St. Joseph church near 25°25’24.0”N: 92°35’32.9”E: circa 880 m).APPROACH: Dawson, H. B. (2010.02.16 undated Mss: Krem Stanghar) commands to follow [a] Shaktiman track [note 8] from [deleted: Pala] Kseh [note 9] down [note 10] to the river Kopili. Near Krem Labbit [note 11] get a boat [note 12] and paddle upstream for approximately one hour to G.P.S. co-ordinates. Look out for [a relatively] low inlet [outlet?] with water trickling out. [The] cave [entrance] is on right hand bank as you face upstream (note 13). DEVICE DESCRIPTION: Concerning the cave as such, little except rock is poor and water filed section has been noticed. As matters aspects of a sports training device, however, cave watchers in search of recreational adventure sports can execrcise the negotiation of [a relatively] low ceiling with crawling from the start. Rock is poor. Start by going round a rubble and mud embankment then enter water filled section. Wet cave. Skylight passed approximately 40 m from [the cave] entrance (Dawson, H B 2010.02.16 undated Mss: Krem Stanghar).0.03.31 cave distribution map: Pala_Ridge_4-10.pdf), who should know it (note 7), indicates the location of the cave entrance to a certain Krem Stanghar (sic!) adjacent and just above the orographically left (locally south-east) bank of the Kopili River at a spot about 2.5 km in a direct line approximately ESE (-605 m north, 2155 m east) from the central road junction at the village of Kseh (St. Joseph church near 25°25’24.0”N: 92°35’32.9”E: circa 880 m).APPROACH: Dawson, H. B. (2010.02.16 undated Mss: Krem Stanghar) commands to follow [a] Shaktiman track [note 8] from [deleted: Pala] Kseh [note 9] down [note 10] to the river Kopili. Near Krem Labbit [note 11] get a boat [note 12] and paddle upstream for approximately one hour to G.P.S. co-ordinates. Look out for [a relatively] low inlet [outlet?] with water trickling out. [The] cave [entrance] is on right hand bank as you face upstream (note 13). DEVICE DESCRIPTION: Concerning the cave as such, little except rock is poor and water fi0.03.31 cave distribution map: Pala_Ridge_4-10.pdf), who should know it (note 7), indicates the location of the cave entrance to a certain Krem Stanghar (sic!) adjacent and just above the orographically left (locally south-east) bank of the Kopili River at a spot about 2.5 km in a direct line approximately ESE (-605 m north, 2155 m east) from the central road junction at the village of Kseh (St. Joseph church near 25°25’24.0”N: 92°35’32.9”E: circa 880 m).APPROACH: Dawson, H. B. (2010.02.16 undated Mss: Krem Stanghar) commands to follow [a] Shaktiman track [note 8] from [deleted: Pala] Kseh [note 9] down [note 10] to the river Kopili. Near Krem Labbit [note 11] get a boat [note 12] and paddle upstream for approximately one hour to G.P.S. co-ordinates. Look out for [a relatively] low inlet [outlet?] with water trickling out. [The] cave [entrance] is on right hand bank as you face upstream (note 13). DEVICE DESCRIPTION: Concerning the cave as such, little except rock is poor and water fi0.03.31 cave distribution map: Pala_Ridge_4-10.pdf), who should know it (note 7), indicates the location of the cave entrance to a certain Krem Stanghar (sic!) adjacent and just above the orographically left (locally south-east) bank of the Kopili River at a spot about 2.5 km in a direct line approximately ESE (-605 m north, 2155 m east) from the central road junction at the village of Kseh (St. Joseph church near 25°25’24.0”N: 92°35’32.9”E: circa 880 m).APPROACH: Dawson, H. B. (2010.02.16 undated Mss: Krem Stanghar) commands to follow [a] Shaktiman track [note 8] from [deleted: Pala] Kseh [note 9] down [note 10] to the river Kopili. Near Krem Labbit [note 11] get a boat [note 12] and paddle upstream for approximately one hour to G.P.S. co-ordinates. Look out for [a relatively] low inlet [outlet?] with water trickling out. [The] cave [entrance] is on right hand bank as you face upstream (note 13). DEVICE DESCRIPTION: Concerning the cave as such, little except rock is poor and water fi0.03.31 cave distribution map: Pala_Ridge_4-10.pdf), who should know it (note 7), indicates the location of the cave entrance to a certain Krem Stanghar (sic!) adjacent and just above the orographically left (locally south-east) bank of the Kopili River at a spot about 2.5 km in a direct line approximately ESE (-605 m north, 2155 m east) from the central road junction at the village of Kseh (St. Joseph church near 25°25’24.0”N: 92°35’32.9”E: circa 880 m).APPROACH: Dawson, H. B. (2010.02.16 undated Mss: Krem Stanghar) commands to follow [a] Shaktiman track [note 8] from [deleted: Pala] Kseh [note 9] down [note 10] to the river Kopili. Near Krem Labbit [note 11] get a boat [note 12] and paddle upstream for approximately one hour to G.P.S. co-ordinates. Look out for [a relatively] low inlet [outlet?] with water trickling out. [The] cave [entrance] is on right hand bank as you face upstream (note 13). DEVICE DESCRIPTION: Concerning the cave as such, little except rock is poor and water filed section has been noticed. As matters aspects of a sports training device, however, cave watchers in search of recreational adventure sports can execrcise the negotiation of [a relatively] low ceiling with crawling from the start. Rock is poor. Start by going round a rubble and mud embankment then enter water filled section. Wet cave. Skylight passed approximately 40 m from [the cave] entrance (Dawson, H B 2010.02.16 undated Mss: Krem Stanghar).


Bibliography 06/01/2018


EXPLORATION HISTORY: 2010.02.19, trip 1: An unidentified Kseh village headman arranged for a chap called Rastan Man (sic! qua: Rastom Manar, also from the village of Kseh) to provide a boat for Phrang Kupar 'Teddy' Mawlong, Thomas Arbenz, and Henry B. Dawson: The head man joined us and we rowed about 5 km in either directions from the bank of the Kopili. Two more cave entrances were found and an inlet was spotted near the end of the downstream section which the head man reported contained water that came from Umkhrypong [sic! qua: Umkyrpong] (Anonymous et al. 2010.03.29 Mss: Diary (current) 2010.doc: 9th February 2010). 2011.02.21, trip 2: An unidentified guide (no name mentioned) guided a team of especially qualified expedition cavers, that is to say Brian D. Kharpran Daly, Imogen Furlong, Angela Glanvill, Cdr. Vijay Chhikara and Nicola Bayley or, if you prefer, Brian, Imo, Hellie, Angie G, Vijay and Nicky went up river past Krem Shallong [sic! qua: Krem Shalong] in search of cavs in the Stanghar area. They failed completely to find the big entrance that was promised but noted a couple of small sinks that did not look promising [note 14] (Arbenz, T. et al. 2011.03.27 undated Mss: 2011 Diary.doc: Monday 21st February 2011). Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 06/01/2018

Cavités proche

Distance (km)NomLongueur (m)Profondeur (m)
0.0STANGHAR (Rastom Manar 2010) 2nd (Krem)
0.6AA CAVE (Hall 2010.02.15)
0.8STANGHAR (Arbenz 2010) (Krem)
0.9Enle (Krem)
0.9YEJI (Hapka 2010) (Krem)
0.9YEDI (Cooke 2013) (Krem)
1.0SHALONG 15 m PITCH (Krem)
1.0SHALONG 36 M PITCH (Krem)