An elongated -shakehole- (collapse doline), which is about 80 m long, 20 m wide, and 40 m deep (Arbenz, T 2009.03.29 Mss), was found in February 2009 to contain in addition to altogether four distinct cave entrances a natural arch or bridge. According to Arbenz, T (2009.03.15 Mss: Tngaw Doline), this is a big doline with collapsed and eroded cave features. Cave structures are partially visible, especially a 20 m long archway leading down to the second level of the doline. IDENTITY: The Gibbon Doline investigated in February 2009 is possibly identical with the so far unnamed Wah Sapoh Doline (estimated 40 by 30 m wide, up to 20 m deep) above the right (southern) bank of Wah Sapoh, which had been superficially reconnoitered in March 1999, and where two cave entrances were noticed at the base of sheer walls: The larger one is Krem –>Wah Sapoh 2, the smaller Krem –>Wah Sapoh 3. ETYMOLOGY: In February 2009 no locally known name has been identified for this closed depression which Thomas Arenz decided to christen -Gibbon Doline- (note 1). Only the failed attempt to have the field-name Gibbon Doline at all costs at least partly -khasificationated- resulted in creating the alienated the Tngaw Doline (note 2). What, however, is called a hole, a pit, a depression (SINGH, N 1906: 227) and corresponds more or less to the English word -doline-, translates as -ka thliew- (standard Khasi) and as -ka thlu- (Synteng Khasi, Pnar) whilst a Hoolock Gibbon (Western Hoolock Gibbon, simply black ape, zoologically Hoolock hoolock) is, in Khasi, called -huleng- (SINGH, N 1906: 83), -hulaing- or -hulu- (note 3). It was allegedly one Brian who was said (Arbenz, T 2009.03.20 Mss: Re Tngaw) to have equalled tngaw with ape / gibbon but the Khasi words -ka tngáw- (female) or -u tngáw- (male) do not signify an ape but a kind of monkey, namely a hanuman, a langur (SINGH, N 1906: 223) or, to be precise, a Capped Langur Trachypithecus pileata (note 4). So far, I saw the name of the Gibbon Doline caled or spelled Ape Doline Brooks, S J et al. (2009.02 Mss -Diary 2009.doc- Sunday 8th February) Dngaw Doline Arbenz, T (2009.02.09 Mss: Krem Baiongkhleh), Arbenz, T (2009.06.01 Mss: total 2009.xls) Tngaw Doline Arbenz, T (2009.03.15 Mss: Tngaw Doline), Brooks, S J et al. (2009.02 Mss -Diary 2009.doc- Sunday 8th February) SITUATION: Both the Gibbon Doline and the Wah Sapoh Doline lie on the eastern flank of the Shnongrim Ridge and less than a kilometre southwards on foot below the village of Tangnub (church near WGS84 N25°18'07”: E92°30'06”: 1145 m asl). According to the 2009 GPS reading recorded with a 12-channel GPS (Arbenz, T 2009.02.08, Garmin Etrex Summit), the Gibbon Doline lies a) 640 m in a direct line south from the church at the village of Tangnub but vertically 175 m lower down, b) some 50 or 60 m in a direct line approximately north-west from Krem Wah Sapoh (Kyrshan Dhar 1999), c) estimated 120 m approximately north-west (Arbenz, T 2009.03.29 Mss) from Krem Wah Sapoh (Krshan Dhar 1999). According to the 1999 GPS reading, which had been recorded with a wobbly 4-channel GPS (H.D. Gebauer 1999.03.30, Garmin 4), the Wah Sapoh doline lies 630 m in a direct line south from the church at the village of Tangnub but vertically 215 m lower down. According to Brooks, S J et al. (2009 Mss: Meghalaya diary- entry 7th Feb. 2009), the cave entrances in the Wah Sapoh basin and in the vicinity of the Gibbon Doline lie at fully inexplicable locations as it were Henry, Brian, Hugh, Karma, Pankaj and Roshan who went to Krem Wah Sapoh and arrived at reporting how, first of all it was tough spotting the cave since it was not covered by any of our team previous to us, due to which we didn't have any sort of landmarks to be marked and also didn't have an exact GPS position. After reaching the spot, they split around looking for Krem 1, 2, 3 & 4. After a long search all over the area, Pankaj managed to find a cave, which they assumed was Krem Wah Sapoh 4, but when Henry Karma and Pankaj descended the shaft, they realised the information and the description didn't fit [note 5]. They went down the cave, rigging it with a ceiling [bolt?] along with a caravana and three bolts. When they reached the surface below [sic! qua: floor?], there were boulders and certain calcite formation. After doing a bit of recce inside the cave, they found a strongly drafting opening in the boulders. This led to a deep shaft (undescended and estimated at 50 m). The shaft has clean washed walls but no water on this visit. On their way towards the road they managed to get a GPS marking of the cave and of the drop-off point too (note 6). POSITION 2009: Gibbon Doline near (±8 m) N25°17'46.4”: E092°30'03.7”: 970 m asl (WGS84, T. Arbenz, T 2009.02.08 GPS Garmin Etrex Summit). POSITION 2002a: Krem Wah Sapoh (Kyrshan Dhar 1999) near (±36 m) WGS84 N25°17'45.5-: E092°30'05.3- (WGS84, A. Harp 2002.02.16, GPS Garmin Etrex). POSITION 2002b: Krem Wah Sapoh (Kyrshan Dhar 1999) nar (±30 m) WGS84 N25°17'45.1-: E092°30'05.0-: 1091 m modified after 20 m S to hole N25°17'45.7-: E092°30'05.0-: 1091 m (Anthony 'Tony' R Jarratt 2002.02.16, blunderful Magellan 360). POSITION 1999: Krem Wah Sapoh (Kyrshan Dhar 1999) near (±50 m) WGS84 N25°17'43”: E092°30'05”: 930 m asl ± 100 m asl, wobbly 4-channel GPS Garmin 4). APPROACH 2009.03 (Arbenz, T 2009.03.15 Mss: Tngaw Doline): From the village of Tangnub, follow the ridge road towards the -South Col”. Leave the road near N25°17'52.4”: E92°30'00.3” (WGS84) and head down 200 m due south. Alternatively, a dry streambed / ravine can be followed to the edge of the doline. Search for station marks [?] near N25°17'46.4”: E92°30'03.7” (WGS84) and the beginning of a footpath down into the doline. The path gets into the streambed in a ravine, which forms a natural staircase down to the first level of the doline. Either stick to the path or get into the ravine right from the beginning. Avoid to veer off to the ight (west) into the undergrowth. The edge of the doline, right above the 70 m pitch of Krem Tngaw 1, is very close. APPROACH 2009.02a (Arbenz, T 2009.02.09 Mss: Krem Baiongkhleh): On the road from Tangnub to Mupat at the position 25°17'52.4” / 092°30'00.3” (about 1 km before reaching the col) a ravine intersects the road. Follow this ravine to get easy access to the big doline named Dngaw [sic!] Doline. The ravine leads over some rocky steps down into the Doline only 10 m short of the entrance of Krem Dngaw 1. A climb and scramble in a southernly direction leads to a lower level (through short, impressive karst tunnel) of the doline. Here is the entrance of Krem Dngaw 2 and 15 m further along the cliff base Krem Dngaw 3. Krem Baiongkhleh lies another 10 m further on in the SW-corner of the Doline. APPROACH 2009.02b: Penney (2009.02.09 Mss: Tngaw 2 / Ape 2) falls back on drill ground speak to suggest not only to see also Kren Baiongkhleh description (i.e. -Approach 2009.02a- above but also to leave the road after Tangnoob at 25°17'52-4” [note 7] about 50 m past the well hut on the right [note 8]. Head down open area of grass and go into jungle. GPS position [note 9] is here: Climb down steeply into canyon. To right [note 10] is Tngaw 1. Go left [note 11] and climb down [deleted: through tunnel] under distinctive rock arch into doline. Tngaw 2 is immediately on right corner [note 12] of 20 m high rock wall. APPROACH 2002 (Harp 2002.02.16 Mss): Go to Tangnub, obvious closed depression to left of road at N25°17'54.6” : E92°30'06.3-” [±36 m]. Easy route is to follow ridge down to paddy field at N25°17'45.7-: E92°30'08.5” (±16 m): 994 m asl. Drop down through trees to right (MWB: south-west) and follow dry river bed to limestone cliff. Cave is entered through boulders in floor. Harder route is to just follow dry river bed down from road to cliff. APPROACH 1999 (Gebauer 1999.03.30): From the village of Tangnub (church N25°18'07”: E092°30'06” WGS84: 114 m asl), the entrance to Krem –>Wah Sapoh 1 is reached by following the well trodden path which descends the escarpment in a south-easterly direction towards Krem –>Umte (Pynthor) near (±150 m) N25°17'20”: E092°30'34”: 950 m asl (WGS84, Gebauer 1999.03.30). Where a hollowed Strangler Fig tree (Ficus constrictor) flourishes at an elevated spot littered with karst pinnacles, an inconspicuous trail to approximately the south (right) goes off the main path and leads to an uneven, recently (winter 1998/99) jhumed (slashed & burned) area above the northern (orographically left) bank of a stream called Wah Sapoh or Wah Sapor. DOLINE DESCRIPTION 2009.03.29: Arbenz, T (2009.03.29 Mss) does not refer to the doline where the Wah Sapoh sinks, as it was not identified in February 2009, but points out that the Gibbon Doline (80 m long, 20 m wide, and 40 m deep) is a peculiar one insofar as it is characterised by a descent across a flight of natural steps, a partly roofed -canyon- and, in the soth-western corner, the entrance to –>Golden Cave (also: Krem Baiongkhleh = Head-Ache Cave), which is flanked by high slabs of rock. The Gibbon Doline, by the way, is not entirely surrounded by vertical walls as the southern half of it's eastern flank forms an escarpment dipping by 25 to 30° (note 13). GIBBON DOLINE CAVE 1 (Krem Tngaw 1): An about 5 m diameter pothole situated on the northern end of the Gibbon Doline.GIBBON DOLINE CAVE 2 (Krem Tngaw 2): A rift-like gap leading to a shaft situated in a western corner of the Gibbon Doline, 30 m without orientation away from from Gibbon Doline Cave 1 but 10 m lower down. GIBBON DOLINE CAVE 3 (Krem Tngaw 3): A seasonal sink into a crawl at the deepest point of the Gibbon Doline and about 10 m without orientation away from Gibbon Doline Cave 2.GIBBON DOLINE CAVE 4 (Krem Baiongkhleh or accidental -Headache Cave- instead of intended Golden Cave): The triangular cave entrance (unidentified size or orientation) to –>Golden Cave lies in the soth-western corner of the Gibbon Doline and without identified spatial relation to the other cave entrances inside the Gibbon Doline. DOLINE DESCRIPTION 2009.03.15 (Arbenz, T 2009.03.15 Mss: Tngaw Doline): From the north-eastern corner, a dry streambed in a ravine leads like a natural stairway down to the 1st level. Some trees are growing, but there is not much overgrowth. Cliff height is about 10 m. To the north, a natural wall of 3 m height guards the access to the pitch series of Krem Tngaw 1. To the South, a canyon leads into a downsloping archway of about 20 m length. The climb across slabs and boulders ends at a level area with medium overgrowth. Right here, the western cliff base is about 20 m high and the entrance of Krem Tngaw 2 is visible. The eastern side of the doline is a jungle clad 40° slope. By following the western cliff base, the entrance to Krem Tngaw 3 is met after about 20 m. It is hidden underneath a big, blank slab of rock in the deepest point of the doline and ats a seasonal sink. Keeping on, the southern end of the doline is met. In the S/W corner, behind a 4 m high, bevel slab, the entrance to Krem Baiongkhleh [i.e. Krem –>Wah Sapoh 4b] can be found. DOLINE DESCRIPTION 1999 (Gebauer 1999.03.30): A collapse doline (estimated 40 by 30 m wide, up to 20 m deep) above the right (southern) bank of Wah Sapoh, in March 1999 hidden in vegetation, where two cave entrances lie at the base of sheer walls: The larger cave is Krem Wah Sapoh 2 and the smaller Krem –>Wah Sapoh 3 whilst the other Krem –>Wah Sapoh 4 must be somewhere around. Krem –>WAH SAPOH 1: The seasonal stream Wah Sapoh (stream) sinks into Krem –>Wah Sapoh and disappears between clean washed boulders housing (30th March 1999) specimens of relatively large Heteropoda spiders. A wriggly descent of some 5 m leads to the edge of an initial 5 m ladder drop. Krem –>WAH SAPOH 2: Hidden in vegetation (1999 March) above the right (southern) bank of the Wah Sapoh is a sizeable collapse doline (esimated 40 by 30 m wide, up to 20 m deep) with two obvious cave entrances (compare: Krem –>Wah Sapoh 3). At a first glance, the larger (5 m wide, 10 m high) entrance to Krem Wah Sapoh 2, which lies at the base of a sheer wall, appears to be filled with five fallen, rectangular boulders but a squeeze down gives access to an undescended, initial 5 m ladder drop into what looks (from above) like a horizontal canyon. Krem –>WAH SAPOH 3: A smaller entrance (2 by 6 m) at the base of a sheer wall in the Wah Sapoh doline, which also gives access to an undescended, initial 5 m ladder drop into what looks (from above) like a a winding canyon. SPELEOMETRY: Thomas Arbenz, T (2009.03.15 Mss -Tngaw Doline- dated 8.2.2009) reported to have measured a survey length of 228.41 m at a vertical range of 41.06 m in the open air.DOLINE LIFE: Arbenz, T (2009.03.15 Mss) noticed in the open air the presence of ape (gibbons), bats, birds (Primates: Western hoolock gibbon Hoolock hoolock; Chiroptera; Aves).ts a seasonal sink. Keeping on, the southern end of the doline is met. In the S/W corner, behind a 4 m high, bevel slab, the entrance to Krem Baiongkhleh [i.e. Krem –>Wah Sapoh 4b] can be found. DOLINE DESCRIPTION 1999 (Gebauer 1999.03.30): A collapse doline (estimated 40 by 30 m wide, up to 20 m deep) above the right (southern) bank of Wah Sapoh, in March 1999 hidden in vegetation, where two cave entrances lie at the base of sheer walls: The larger cave is Krem Wah Sapoh 2 and the smaller Krem –>Wah Sapoh 3 whilst the other Krem –>Wah Sapoh 4 must be somewhere around. Krem –>WAH SAPOH 1: The seasonal stream Wah Sapoh (stream) sinks into Krem –>Wah Sapoh and disappears between clean washed boulders housing (30th March 1999) specimens of relatively large Heteropoda spiders. A wriggly descent of some 5 m leads to the edge of an initial 5 m ladder drop. Krem –>WAH SAPOH 2: Hidden in vegetation (1999 March) above the right (southern) bank of the Wah Sapoh is a sizeable collapse doline (ests a seasonal sink. Keeping on, the southern end of the doline is met. In the S/W corner, behind a 4 m high, bevel slab, the entrance to Krem Baiongkhleh [i.e. Krem –>Wah Sapoh 4b] can be found. DOLINE DESCRIPTION 1999 (Gebauer 1999.03.30): A collapse doline (estimated 40 by 30 m wide, up to 20 m deep) above the right (southern) bank of Wah Sapoh, in March 1999 hidden in vegetation, where two cave entrances lie at the base of sheer walls: The larger cave is Krem Wah Sapoh 2 and the smaller Krem –>Wah Sapoh 3 whilst the other Krem –>Wah Sapoh 4 must be somewhere around. Krem –>WAH SAPOH 1: The seasonal stream Wah Sapoh (stream) sinks into Krem –>Wah Sapoh and disappears between clean washed boulders housing (30th March 1999) specimens of relatively large Heteropoda spiders. A wriggly descent of some 5 m leads to the edge of an initial 5 m ladder drop. Krem –>WAH SAPOH 2: Hidden in vegetation (1999 March) above the right (southern) bank of the Wah Sapoh is a sizeable collapse doline (ests a seasonal sink. Keeping on, the southern end of the doline is met. In the S/W corner, behind a 4 m high, bevel slab, the entrance to Krem Baiongkhleh [i.e. Krem –>Wah Sapoh 4b] can be found. DOLINE DESCRIPTION 1999 (Gebauer 1999.03.30): A collapse doline (estimated 40 by 30 m wide, up to 20 m deep) above the right (southern) bank of Wah Sapoh, in March 1999 hidden in vegetation, where two cave entrances lie at the base of sheer walls: The larger cave is Krem Wah Sapoh 2 and the smaller Krem –>Wah Sapoh 3 whilst the other Krem –>Wah Sapoh 4 must be somewhere around. Krem –>WAH SAPOH 1: The seasonal stream Wah Sapoh (stream) sinks into Krem –>Wah Sapoh and disappears between clean washed boulders housing (30th March 1999) specimens of relatively large Heteropoda spiders. A wriggly descent of some 5 m leads to the edge of an initial 5 m ladder drop. Krem –>WAH SAPOH 2: Hidden in vegetation (1999 March) above the right (southern) bank of the Wah Sapoh is a sizeable collapse doline (ests a seasonal sink. Keeping on, the southern end of the doline is met. In the S/W corner, behind a 4 m high, bevel slab, the entrance to Krem Baiongkhleh [i.e. Krem –>Wah Sapoh 4b] can be found. DOLINE DESCRIPTION 1999 (Gebauer 1999.03.30): A collapse doline (estimated 40 by 30 m wide, up to 20 m deep) above the right (southern) bank of Wah Sapoh, in March 1999 hidden in vegetation, where two cave entrances lie at the base of sheer walls: The larger cave is Krem Wah Sapoh 2 and the smaller Krem –>Wah Sapoh 3 whilst the other Krem –>Wah Sapoh 4 must be somewhere around. Krem –>WAH SAPOH 1: The seasonal stream Wah Sapoh (stream) sinks into Krem –>Wah Sapoh and disappears between clean washed boulders housing (30th March 1999) specimens of relatively large Heteropoda spiders. A wriggly descent of some 5 m leads to the edge of an initial 5 m ladder drop. Krem –>WAH SAPOH 2: Hidden in vegetation (1999 March) above the right (southern) bank of the Wah Sapoh is a sizeable collapse doline (ests a seasonal sink. Keeping on, the southern end of the doline is met. In the S/W corner, behind a 4 m high, bevel slab, the entrance to Krem Baiongkhleh [i.e. Krem –>Wah Sapoh 4b] can be found. DOLINE DESCRIPTION 1999 (Gebauer 1999.03.30): A collapse doline (estimated 40 by 30 m wide, up to 20 m deep) above the right (southern) bank of Wah Sapoh, in March 1999 hidden in vegetation, where two cave entrances lie at the base of sheer walls: The larger cave is Krem Wah Sapoh 2 and the smaller Krem –>Wah Sapoh 3 whilst the other Krem –>Wah Sapoh 4 must be somewhere around. Krem –>WAH SAPOH 1: The seasonal stream Wah Sapoh (stream) sinks into Krem –>Wah Sapoh and disappears between clean washed boulders housing (30th March 1999) specimens of relatively large Heteropoda spiders. A wriggly descent of some 5 m leads to the edge of an initial 5 m ladder drop. Krem –>WAH SAPOH 2: Hidden in vegetation (1999 March) above the right (southern) bank of the Wah Sapoh is a sizeable collapse doline (esimated 40 by 30 m wide, up to 20 m deep) with two obvious cave entrances (compare: Krem –>Wah Sapoh 3). At a first glance, the larger (5 m wide, 10 m high) entrance to Krem Wah Sapoh 2, which lies at the base of a sheer wall, appears to be filled with five fallen, rectangular boulders but a squeeze down gives access to an undescended, initial 5 m ladder drop into what looks (from above) like a horizontal canyon. Krem –>WAH SAPOH 3: A smaller entrance (2 by 6 m) at the base of a sheer wall in the Wah Sapoh doline, which also gives access to an undescended, initial 5 m ladder drop into what looks (from above) like a a winding canyon. SPELEOMETRY: Thomas Arbenz, T (2009.03.15 Mss -Tngaw Doline- dated 8.2.2009) reported to have measured a survey length of 228.41 m at a vertical range of 41.06 m in the open air.DOLINE LIFE: Arbenz, T (2009.03.15 Mss) noticed in the open air the presence of ape (gibbons), bats, birds (Primates: Western hoolock gibbon Hoolock hoolock; Chiroptera; Aves).
Bibliography 06/01/2018Histoire
EXPLORATION HISTORY: 1999.02.17: Raibok Patlong reported the existence of a cave on the Wah Sapoh to Brian D. Kharpran Daly Simon J. Brooks, Georg Bäumler, Richard Frank, Christine Jantschke, Herbert Jantschke, Mike Zawada and Zuala Ralsun. 1999.03.30, trip 1: Herbert 'Daniel' Gebauer and Robert 'Rob' Lamb, guided by Kyrshan Dhar and in company with Earl Francis Lyngdoh and eight students of Wells Cathedral School, reconnoitered the cave potential of the collapse doline at the downstream end of the Wah Sapoh. 2002.02.16, trip 2: Mark W. Brown, 'Yorkshire Dave' Hodgson and Andrew 'Andy' Harp found in the Wah Sapoh doline a cave (Krem Wah Sapoh 1), dropped a pitch and claimed to have 'surveyed' from the surface to head of 50 m pitch to a degree yielding about 100 m of survey length but not a trace of a survey (cave plan). 2002.02.17, trip 3: M. W. Brown, A. Harp and Dorien Verboven enjoyed taking photographs away and continued so-called 'surveying' (tape spotter tandards), adding a survey length of 240 m to attain a total survey length of 338 m without arriving at a survey (cave plan). 2005.02.11, trip 4: Roilian Nampui guided Gregory D. Diengdoh, Georg Bäumler, Herbert Jantschke and Christine Jantschke to the entrance of a cave on the Wah Sapor (Krem Wah Sapoh). Unfortunately, they were mislead to believe that the cave had been explored (JANTSCHKE 2006: 147) only because adventure tourists in search of recreational sports caving had claimed to have 'surveyed' there. 2009.02.07, trip 5: Either Henry Rockcliff, Brian D. Kharpran Daly, Hugh Penney, Pankaj Rai and Karma Bhutia (Arbenz, T 2009.03.15 Mss: Krem Baiongkhleh) or Henry, Brian, Hugh, Karma, Pankaj and Roshan (Brooks, S J et al. 2009 Mss: Meghalaya 2009 diary) searched for the entrance to one of the caves called Krem –>Wah Sapoh and accidentally found the so-called Tngaw Doline (Arbenz, T 2009.03.15 Mss 'Tngaw Doline.doc' dated 8.2.2009) along with one entrance to the –>Golden Cve (Arbenz, T 2009.03.15 Mss: Krem Baiongkhleh 8.2.2009). 2009.02.08, trip 6: Thomas Arbenz, T (2009.03.15: Tngaw Doline.doc dated 8.2.2009) surveyed (DistoX & Pockettopo) the closed depression and measured a length of 228.41 m at a depth of 41.06 m in the open air.
Cavités proche
Distance (km) | Nom | Longueur (m) | Profondeur (m) |
0.0 | GIBBON DOLINE ARCH (aa -) | ||
0.0 | GOLDEN CAVE, Wah Sapoh (aa -) | ||
0.0 | GIBBON DOLINE CAVE 1 (aa -) | ||
0.0 | GIBBON DOLINE CAVE 2 (aa -) | ||
0.0 | GIBBON DOLINE CAVE 3 (aa -) | ||
0.1 | WAH SAPOH 1 (Kyrshan Dhar 1999) (Krem) | ||
0.1 | Wah Sapoh 2 (Krem) | ||
0.1 | WAH SAPOH 3 (Kyrshan Dhar 1999) (Krem) | ||
0.1 | WAH SAPOH 4 (Jantschke 2005) (Krem) |