Bolan Baba (Ghar)

(شينکی ولسوالۍ - AF)
Grottocenter / carte


At an altitude of 1795 m asl (SPELEOLOGIE AFGHANE 1975: 26) on the south-eastern flank of a hill called Koh-i Bolan Baba (note 5), which lies about 30 km along the road (LINDBERG 1958: 132; 1961a: 21) south-east of Qalat-i Ghilzai (Kalat, Kalata, Khilat-i- Ghilzee) and in the triangle between the villages of Khoruch Kalay (note 6), Patukhel Kalay and Melizay Kalay (note 7). A guide is necessary to find the entrance. BTH - 20/07/2024


Various descriptions

Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 06/01/2018

In terms of speleothems, is Ghar Bolan Baba reminiscent of mediterranean caves and the most beautiful of the 124 caves which Dr. Knut Lindberg came across in Afghanistan (note 1). It is (or was?) used a natural temple cave sacred to Hindu believers and dedicated to Shiva (note 2). From 1590 AD (note 3) onwards, the cave has been recorded by a confusing variety of names (note 4) and is, at a length of 730 m, the second longest known cave of Afghanistan. CAVE DESCRIPTION 1 (after Graham Nash 21.05.2004 personal correspondence, translating MAXIMOVICH 1970 after SLAIN 1970): In the cave, one gets surprised by its beautiful calcite columns, stalactites, stalagmites, and cauliflower [botryoidal speleothems], draperies, curtains and a subterranean lake. CAVE DESCRIPTION 2 (after SPELEOLOGIE AFGHANE 1975: 26-29, cave plan on page 39, cross-sections on pages 25, 27): A steeply inclined and narrow rift —easy to descend— drops 29 vertical metres to the horizontal part of the cave (on average more than 20 m wide and 6 m high) which leads to -The Lake-, a part of the cave decorated with an abundance of white calcite columns reflected in glittering gour pools. In front of The Lake continues the second part of the cave, again spacious and well decorated, which is bordered by a gigantic rockfall and subdivided by two parallel passages. From the stalgmite group rises a rockfall & guano slope which culminates in a spacious collapse chamber. Clambering over the collapse hill, the third gallery is reached which is longer than the two others and runs into an impenetrable bedding plane crawl. CAVE CONTENTS (after LINDBERG 1958: 131-132, 1961a: 21-22; SLAVIN 1970 in MAXIMOVICH 1970: 198-200): The walls in the horizontal part of the cave are richly decorated with calcite concretions (speleothems). The stalactites on the ceiling are well developed though mostly broken. There are stalactite curtains, organ pipes, columns (stalagnates), a big and very remarkable inclined disc close to the floor, cauliflower (botryoidal speleothems), numerous stalagmites, and a very large and extremely beautiful flowstone in a small chamber. The cave floor generally exposes even and sculpted rock. Only a little fresh bat guano was seen in April 1958. SPELEOLOGIE AFGHANE (1975) adds helictites to the list of speleothems. CAVE CLIMATE: On 9th or 10th April 1958 measured LINDBERG (1958: 131, 1961a: 22) a temperature of 18°C and a humidity of 100% in the air of the Lake Chamber when 24°C were measured in the entrance, 22.5°C in a terminal tube, and 17.5°C in the water o the lake. SPELEOLOGIE AFGHANE (1975) reports temperatures ranging between 18°C and 22.5°C recorded at unspecified places. CAVE LIFE: LINDBERG (1958: 131) recorded (and collected?) Diptera (Sciarida, Anthomyida), Lepidoptera (Pyralida), Pseudoscorpions, Arachnida (Araneida), Acaria, and bats (Chiroptera). SPELEOLOGIE AFGHANE (1975) notes spiders (Aranae), woodlice (Isopoda), and flies (Diptera). JUBERTHIE & DECU (2001: 1746, 1749) list Arachnida: Aranea: Leptyphantes nebulosus Sund; Arachnida: Acari parasiti: Spinturnicidae: Spinturnix psi Kolenati; Vertebrata: Chiroptera: Rhinolophidae: Rhinolophus hipposideros midas Andersen; Vertebrata: Chiroptera: Vespertilionidae: Myotis blythi oxygnathus Monticelli.


Bibliography 06/01/2018


EXPLORATION HISTORY: 1590: ABUL FAZL (1590, translated and edited by JARRETT, SARKAR & SEZGIN 1993, 2: 399-400) noted Ghar-i Shah. 1958.04.09 - 10: Knut LINDBERG (1961a: 22) visited, took altimeter readings, explored some 170 m of passages, collected cave life, measured humidity and temperatures in the air and water. 1967-1970, circa: Prof. W.I. SLAVIN (1970) explores the first 150 m of the cave called Guljam Baba by local inhabitants (MAXIMOVICH 1970, translated by Graham Nash 21.05.2004). 1967-1969, circa: WALLACE, John & WALLACE, Yolanda (1969: 123) heard of the item without recognizing the name of the cave or acknowledging their informant (perhaps Prof. W.I. Slavin?): During our trip to Kandahar we heard of a cave about 20 miles [32 km] south of the village of Kalat [Qalat-i- Ghilzai] … 1975 August: Montserrat Ubach (E.R.E. Catalunya, Barcelona), Claude Chabert and Nicole Boullier (Spéléo Club de Paris) mapped 730 m of cave passage length at a vertical range of -33 m (CHABERT & UBAH 1975, 1978; SPELEOLOGIE AFGHANE 1975: 20-23; COURBON & CHABERT edited by BOSTED & LINDSLEY 1989: 121). Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 06/01/2018

Cavités proche

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