AA Cave, Sohra (Chapman 2000)

(Shella Bholaganj - IN)
Grottocenter / carte


SITUATION 2000: At the base of a kind of cliff (note 2), which is said to lie at an estimated distance of 200 m either along a winding route or in a direct line west (Chapman 2000.06 personal correspondence) from the Krem –>Rong Umsoh top entrance. APPROACH 2000: To get there, follow a miners' path to the west from the Rong Umsoh doline (see: –>Lum Lawbah Dolie 2) along the face of an escarpment to reach the base of an approximately 25 m high cliff. The lower cave entrance, approximately 10 m lower down the hillside, is reached by descending part of streambed for 10 m followed by a relatively short scramble up on an unspecified left (sic!) bank (Chapman 2000.03.07 Mss). APPROACH 2002: From the Cherra Mawmluh Cement factory, take a footpath through the workings (or around) to reach the top of a 30 m high cliff at GPS1 (note 3). * Alternative 1: From track off the road from Sohra to Bholaghat (via Nongthymmai, Mawsmai, Mahadek) at GPS2, turn off through lime kiln area near GPS3 and gain high ground above Krem Rong Umso downstream entrance cliff and head to GPS1. * Alternative 2: From the -coal-loading site- below the Ghost Dance Floor (in Khasi: Shad Khuri) follow path to GPS1. From GPS1 go to eastward end of a cliff near GPS4. Scramble down into depression to dry streambed in bottom. Follow this upstream to base of cliff (vertically below GPS1) Here the 2 m wide 8 m long canyon runs to two parallel potholes (north-east under cliff) that may drop into lower entrance pot. Lower entrance, after scramble up left bank of rubble slope runs down circa 8 m to head of 15 m deep pot, sand floored (3 m wide, runs under cliff circa 8 m). A narrow rift from this pitch head opens into climbs down parallel shafts to base of pot and ongoing 10 m pitch needing tackle (after Mark W. Brown, Martin -The Lump- Groves, Andrew -Andy- Peter Tyler and Gregory -Greg- D. Diengdoh, 2002 February). BTH - 06/07/2024


Various descriptions

Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 06/01/2018

An unspecified cave entrance (unidentified shape, unidentified dimensions, unidentified orientation, unidentified characteristics) is said to give access to a kind of pothole with an unidentified shape and unspecified dimensions combined with unidentified peculiar characteristics, which appears to drain a part of an unidentified stream from cliff (Chapman 2000.03.07 Mss: Unknown Cave in Cliff near Rong Umso top entrance 7|3|2000). ETYMOLOGY: No autochthonous, indigenous or locally known name has been identified for what Tom Chapman (2000.03.07 Mss) cared to christen (Unknown) Cave in Cliff near Rong Umso top entrance (note 1). CAVE DESCRIPTION: A canyon (2 m wide, 8 m long) runs to two parallel 3 m deep potholes. A one metre wide hole in the larger one of the two drops directly onto a 15 m pitch which intersects a canyon, which leads not only to a second, unspecified cave entrance at an unidentified location but gives the impression of offering the possibility of an unknown cave passage leading from base. TACKLE: An effective glance at daylight-lit the part of the cave entrance gae the impression of requiring at least a 15 m ladder plus assorted tethers to descend down into that part of the cave which is unexplored or, to be precise, not visible from the surface (Chapman 2000.03.07 Mss: Unknown Cave in Cliff near Rong Umso top entrance). PROSPECTS: This cave entance and the immediate locality seems quite promising as the the surface stream is not flowing into cave but appears to sink around 100 m lower on slope [Chapman]. Apparently situated a little bit east and vertically above the -Crawly Bit- in –>Mawmluh Cave and somewhat vertically above the Allsup Stream (Gebauer 2002.02.30).


Bibliography 06/01/2018


EXPLORATION HISTORY: 2000.03.07: Tom Chapman and Katharina 'Kate' Janossy saw the entrance of a pothole and recorded a GPS position. 2002.02.03: Mark W. Brown, Martin 'The Lump' Groves, Andrew 'Andy' Peter Tyler and Gregory D. Diengdoh relocated the cave entrance and fully confirmed the pothole's existence. Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 06/01/2018

Cavités proche

Distance (km)NomLongueur (m)Profondeur (m)
0.2LUMSHLAN (Krem)
0.2LUMSHLAN 2 (Krem)
0.2LUM LAWBAH: Doline 4 (aa -)
0.4MAWMLUH CAVE 2 (Brooks & Smart 1992)
0.4MAWMLUH CAVE 2 (Lindenmayr 2015)