AA CAVE B 3 (Sheen 2007)

(Saipung - IN)
Grottocenter / carte


Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 06/01/2018

There are few low but wide canyons in this world but if we come to Sheen & Ende (2007.02.12 Mss: B3) we are told about a narrow canyon without identified dimensions, which trends in an unexplainable direction, and gives the impression of draining a small swallet dropping about 5 m to mud floor. SITUATION 1 (Sheen & Ende 2007.02.12 Mss: B3): At a vaguely described location somewhere on the contour circa 1030 m paralleling north-northeast from the Knee-Wrecker Pots towards Krem Ryngko Lymthymme alias Krem –>Synrem (near N25°22'20.6”: E92°31'56.4” ±6.4 m WGS84: 956 m asl). SITUATION 2: Imogen Furlong (2008.02.16 Mss: B3) annoys with describing how to find this cave simply irrelevant and attempted to copy a GPS position (note 1). CAVE DESCRIPTION 1 (Furlong 2008.02.16 Mss: B3): Seasonal swallet descends 7-8 metres into a jointed chamber with boulder squeze to mud choke. CAVE DESCRIPTION 2 (Brown et al. 2008 Mss: Meghalaya 2008 diary, Saturday 16th February): Choked with mud at the bas of a 7 m pitch. CAVE DESCRIPTION 3 (Brooks, undated Mss amendment to Anonymous = Furlong 2008.02.16 Mss: B3): Explored. of a 7 m pitch. CAVE DESCRIPTION 3 (Brooks, undated Mss amendment to Anonymous = Furlong 2008.02.16 Mss: B3): Explored.


Bibliography 06/01/2018


EXPLORATION HISTORY: 2007.02.12: Robin F. Sheen and Barbara am Ende (2007.02.12 Mss: B3) noticed a seasonal insurgence and recorded a fast and easy GPS reading with a possibly bogus precision of ±10 m. Brooks, S.J. (2007.03.01 Mss: Diary2007.doc) confirms that Barbara and Robin went on a surface recce between Knee Wrecker Pots and the village of Lumthymme. They located 6 pots. 2008.02.16: Henry, Peter G and Philippa located B3 and later B1. B3 was choked with mud at the base of a 7 metre pitch (Brown et al. 2008 Mss: Meghalaya 2008 diary, Saturday 16th February). Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 06/01/2018

Cavités proche

Distance (km)NomLongueur (m)Profondeur (m)
0.3AA CAVE B 4 (Sheen 2007)
0.4AA CAVE B 5 (Sheen 2007)
0.6LUM THYMMEI (Krem poh)
0.6AA CAVE B 1 (Sheen 2007)
0.7Knee-Wrecker Pot 3
0.7Knee-Wrecker Pot 4