WAH LUKO 1 (Krem)

(Saipung - IN)
Grottocenter / carte


Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 06/01/2018

A free climbable open pot, estimated to be 8 m deep, leads to a staggered pot requiring tackle (Sheen 2002.02.22 Mss: Krem Wahlukor A) and which, on the other hand, ends blind at an estimated vertical distance of 10 m below the surface (Brooks, S J et al. 2007.03.01 Mss: Diary2007.doc). It may be worthwhile to keep in mind that this supposed cave entrance possibly does not exist and, in case it does, first has to be searched for before it can be found (note 1). ETYMOLOGY: An unidentified lady teacher (no name mentioned) from Shnongrim village suggested to spell Krem Wah Luko (Arbenz T, undated circa 2007.02.25 Mss: Korrekturen 2007) instead of Krem Wah Lukor (Sheen, R F 2002.02.22 Mss: Krem Wahlukor A). SINGH, N (1906) lists no Khasi word -luko- or -lukor“ as such but the Khasi adjective ”lko” means utterly broken; crumbling (SINGH, N 1906: 112).SITUATION 2002: Tongseng to Snongrim [sic!]. Where rd emerges from west side of ridge. At N25°20'10.8-: E092°30'04.1- follow down the guley to limestone margin (Sheen, R F (2002.02.22 Mss: Krem Wahlukor A). SITUATION 2007: Within walking distance of the camp (JARRATT & DAWSON 2007) in which expedition cavers had been interned for the tome being. POSITION: Sheen (2002.02.22 Mss: Krem Wahlukor A) expressively states his GPS position lies, literally quoted: Approx. 30 m south of given GPS but probably intended to say that it is the cave entrance that lies estimated 30 m sort of south from the GPS position N25°20'16.9”: E92°30'15.5” (±7 m) without elevation. This takes the entrance to N25°20'15.9”: E92°30'15.5” without elevation. CAVE DESCRIPTION (JARRATT & DAWSON 2007): … Krem Wah Lukor 1, located within walking distance of the camp. This [the camp?] turned out to be a 9 m deep blind pot with a narrow shaft to one side which has yet to be dropped and will connect with the adjacent Krem Wah Lukor 2 where a 30 m pot was dropped into a series of horizontal passages intersecting a deep daylight shaft, Krem Wah Lukor 3 17 m above the floor. The cave had a good feeling about it. CAVE POTENTIAL 2002 - 2007: Not only Good (Sheen 2002.02.22: Mss) but also blind (Brooks, S J et al. 2007.03.01 Mss: Diary2007.doc). CAVE POTENTIAL 2008: Krem Wah Luko 1 possibly does dot exist. So far, it first has to be searched for. Arbenz, T (2008.04.12 Mss: Wah Luko 2) confirms: Wah Lukor 1 gibts möglicherweise so nicht - die muss man erst mal wieder suchen / finden. 17 m above the floor. The cave had a good feeling about it. CAVE POTENTIAL 2002 - 2007: Not only Good (Sheen 2002.02.22: Mss) but also blind (Brooks, S J et al. 2007.03.01 Mss: Diary2007.doc). CAVE POTENTIAL 2008: Krem Wah Luko 1 possibly does dot exist. So far, it first has to be searched for. Arbenz, T (2008.04.12 Mss: Wah Luko 2) confirms: Wah Lukor 1 gibts möglicherweise so nicht - die muss man erst mal wieder suchen / finden.


Bibliography 06/01/2018


EXPLORATION HISTORY: 2002.02.22: Robin F. Sheen and his son Ruben Sheen, then accompanied by Brian Khyriem, Bat Kupar 'Bat' Lyngwa and Ksan Kupar 'Ronnie' Mawlong from Shillong, paid a visit to the cave entrance of a certain Krem Wahlukor A (Sheen, Robin F 2002.02.22 Meghalaya Cave Record: 22/02/02 Krem Wahlukor A). 2007.02.19: Robin F. Sheen and Anthony 'Tony' R Jarratt visited and announced to have explored (Brooks, S J et al. 2007.03.01 Mss: Diary2007.doc): Robin and the writer took the supposedly easy option of Krem Wah Lukor 1, … the adjacent Krem Wah Lukor 2 … Krem Wah Lukor 3 (JARRATT, A R & DAWSON, H 2007). Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 06/01/2018

Cavités proche

Distance (km)NomLongueur (m)Profondeur (m)
0.1KRANG 1 (Ware & Bayley) (Krem)
0.1AA CAVE (Ware & Bayley) 1st
0.1No Name Cave (Ware and Bayley 2002) 2nd
0.1RATAP (Krem poh)
0.1AA CAVE B (Sheen 2002)
0.2WAH LUKO 2 (Krem)
0.2WAH LUKO 2b (Krem)
0.2KRANG 1 (Sheen 2002) (Krem)
0.2KRANG 2 (Sheen 2002) (Krem)