A cave entrance without identified shape or size gives access to at least 146.9 m of lengthwise measured cave passages. ETYMOLOGY: The Khasi cave name -Krem Pyn Den Shlan- means something along the lines of a Pandanus-Framed Cave (note 1). The Khasi word ”pyn” is a prefix of many causative verbs (note 2); -den- (verb) means to bund (note 3), and the plant -ka shlan- is a kind of Pandanus (Pandanacea) which has leaves resembling those of a pineapple plant (Bromeliaceae: Ananassa sativa). SITUATION: At an unknown location somewhere on Lum Iawpaw, the hill above the village of Nongnah (WGS84 N25°16': E091°19'30”: 1020 m asl).A cave entrance without identified shape or size gives access to at least 146.9 m of lengthwise measured cave passages. ETYMOLOGY: The Khasi cave name -Krem Pyn Den Shlan- means something along the lines of a Pandanus-Framed Cave (note 1). The Khasi word ”pyn” is a prefix of many causative verbs (note 2); -den- (verb) means to bund (note 3), and the plant -ka shlan- is a kind of Pandanus (Pandanacea) which has leaves resembling those of a pineapple plant (Bromeliaceae: Ananassa sativa). SITUATION: At an unknown location somewhere on Lum Iawpaw, the hill above the village of Nongnah (WGS84 N25°16': E091°19'30”: 1020 m asl).
Bibliography 06/01/2018History
EXPLORATION HISTORY: 2002.12: Unspecified members of a caving team, most likely guided by one or several unidentified guides, explored 'Krem Pyn Den Shlan' and mapped (25 survey stations, using backsights) an accumulated passage length of 146.9 m. The possible team members were Stan Allison, Gosia Allison- Kosior, Mita Das, Lindsay B. Diengdoh, Shelley A. Diengdoh, Franklyn 'Toki' Dkhar, Barbara am Ende, Paul Fowler, Brian D. Kharpran Daly, David Kohuth, Steve Kumpf, Scott Linn, Bat Kupar Lyngwa, Stephen 'Steve' Smith, Addison Thabah, Adora Thabah , Andrew 'Andy' Peter Tyler, Kyntiewbor War, Todd Warren and Mike Zawada (Barbara am Ende
Caves nearby
Distance (km) | Name | Length (m) | Depth (m) |
0.3 | LUM IAWPAW PIT / CAVE 009 | ||
0.4 | LUM IAWPAW PIT 0, PF Pit | ||
0.4 | LUM IAWPAW PIT / CAVE 008 | ||
0.5 | LUM IAWPAW PIT 7 | ||
0.5 | LUM IAWPAW PIT / CAVE 010 | ||
0.5 | MAWTYNHIANG (Krem) | ||
0.5 | Lum Iawpaw (Doline) | ||
0.6 | LUM IAWPAW PIT 6 |