Tham Long [Tham Rong] [CM0045]

ทุ่งข้าวพวง (TH)
Length 50m Depth 0m
Grottocenter / carte


Just to the north of Ban Tham Klaeb, take the side road that goes straight on (north) where the main road turns sharp to the right. The cave is signed as Tham Pha Daeng and after a couple of kilometres a gateway leading a 'picnic area' at the base of the cliff. There is a notice board with a description in English of the nature trail toTham Long and Tham Klaeb Yai (Tham Pha Daeng). A newly constructed 2 km long nature trail leads precariously up the steep mountainside to an imposing entrance set high in the cliff face with a marvelous view over the valley. The trail starts with a steep climb up the cliffs above Tham Klaeb Yai, becoming increasingly fainter further uphill. The impressive entrance is set high up a cliff face about 1.5 km to the south-west of the road. Huai Ja Kan sub-station near the turn off from the main road can provide guides if necessary. The entrance is 30 m above base of tower. Martin Ellis - 26/06/2019


Martin Ellis - 26/06/2019

This is one of the best examples of a log coffin cave outside of Pang Ma Pha in Mae Hong Song. A newly constructed nature trail leads precariously up the steep mountainside to an imposing entrance set high in the cliff face with a marveloous view over the valley. A ladder made partly of coffin fragments leads up to the cave itself. The spacious entrance chamber is 30 m wide and contains a group of at least a dozen teak coffins, said to have been place in a large central pile by Forestry officials. Wood fragments in further recesses suggest that the coffins would have originally been positioned throughout the cave. Most of the coffin heads are T-shaped and many are still in excellent condition.


Bibliography 26/06/2019

Caves nearby

Distance (km)NameLength (m)Depth (m)
0.7Cave PHD7 - CM0036500
0.8Tham Klaeb Yai [Tham Pha Daeng] [Tham Ngam] [CM0035]219020
0.9Cave PHD8 - CM0037101
1.0Sinks BSS 2000-10 - CM0134
2.1Coffin Cave CM0126 - CM0126550
2.5Cave BSS 2000-9 - CM013130
2.6Tham Ngung Chang - CM0034500
2.8Tham Klaeb - CM003317620
3.9Sink BSS 2000-11 - CM0135