Tham Khrop [Tham Khrob] [Tham Khao Klop] [CH0027]

Length 954m Depth 76m
Grottocenter / carte


This cave is very visible, high in the cliff face, and was well-known to the guides as Tham Khrop. (The cave which is named "Tham Khrop" in the 1988 French report is not this cave, but is Tham Pha Khrop). From the Lam Chi camp used by the 1989 expedition head east. Before coming to the cliff line go straight up the slope through bamboo for 400m of ascent. The 80m wide and 50m high entrance is visible from the valley floor below, from the unforested grassy area beside the Lam Chi river. Martin Ellis - 19/06/2019


Martin Ellis - 19/06/2019

From the entrance ascend a huge collapse slope of boulders and guano to the highest point and face outwards. Immediately to the right a series of short pitches descend to a calcite choke. 50m down the slope, under the west wall, a 3m climb leads into a passage. An ascent to the right leads up the boulders into a large chamber, while straight ahead leads to the same chamber via a lower route. In the northwest corner of the chamber is a descending series of short climbable pitches which eventually become too tight. Above this a route leads around the west side of the chamber back to its entrance. From the southwest corner a high level passage leads to a small entrance. 50m down the east side of the main archway a small passage leads off to two small entrances.


Martin Ellis - 19/06/2019



Martin Ellis - 19/06/2019

Chaerephon plicata (Buchannan, 1800) (Chordata, Mammalia, Chiroptera, Molossidae) (Yenbutra and Felton 1986)


[Topo] Tham Khrop 28/04/2019
Bibliography 19/06/2019


Although well known locally and a bat collection site, the 1989 British expedition was the first visit by cavers. Martin Ellis - 19/06/2019

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