Cave MH0327

Grottocenter / carte


The cave is 250 m north of the centre of Ban Bo Khrai. Martin Ellis - 12/07/2020


Martin Ellis - 12/07/2020

The entrance is a shaft.


Bibliography 12/07/2020
  • Schuler, Ulrich; Herrmann, Ludger; Ingwersen, Joachim; Erbe, Petra; Stahr, Karl (2010) "Comparing mapping approaches at subcatchment scale in northern Thailand with emphasis on the Maximum Likelihood approach" Catena Vol. 81 pp137-171 Schuler, Ulrich; Spohrer, Klaus; Herrmann, Ludger; Stahr, Karl (2004) "Variability of soils in a karst catchment of Northern Thailand" in Batelaan, O.; Dusar, M.; Masschelein, J.; Tam, Vu Thanh; Van, Tran Tan; Khien, Nguyen Xuan (eds.) Trans-KARST 2004 Proceedings of the International Transdiciplinary Conference on Development and Conservation of Karst regions, Hanoi, 13-18 September 2004 pp188-191

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