MYRLIAT 2 (Brown 2008) (Krem)

(Saipung - IN)
Grottocenter / carte


Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 06/01/2018

A dry pothole cave entrance (note 1) about 10 m in diameter. SITUATION: Brown (2008.02.08 Mss: Krem Myrliat 2) places Krem Myrliat 2 at a location both same as Krem Myrliat 1 and as Myrliat 1 but on the other hand at an unspecified linear or travelling distance of 80 m on 120° (approximately east-southeast) from Krem Myrliat 1 … or same bearing from -V- stones (041°), then follow GPS with machete [note 2] to get through dense regrowth of scratching stinging plants (note 3). POSITION 1: WGS84 (±9.1 m) N25°20'10.8”: E92°30'43.6” / N25.33633333° : E92.51211111° (Gebauer, H D 2001.02.18, 12-channel GPS Garmin 12): circa (±200 m) 1060 m asl (estimated). POSITION 2: WGS84 (±4.7 m) N25°20'10.6”: E92°30'43.3” / N25.33627778° : E92.51202778° (Brown, M W 2008.02.06, GPS Garmin 12). The Brown (±4.7 m, 2008.02.06) position lies at a linear distance of 10.4 m approximately south-west (6.2 m south, 8.4 m west) from the Gebauer (± 9.1 m, 2001.02.18) position. Brown (2008.02.08 Mss: Krem Myrlat 2) considers this near enough (note 4).CAVE DESCRIPTION 1 (Brown 2008.02.08 Mss: Krem Myrliat 2): 10 m Ø surface pothole with steep mud slope to head of 3 m wide and 12 m deep drop with huge sandstone boulders jammed in floor side of oitch. Decorated chamber has squeeze on north side to voulder jammed pitch head; 25 m pitch blocked at base. Tight calcite hole in floor of main chamber leads down 5 m climb to 7 m pitch, followed by a 12 m pitch in cleft to a choked base. CAVE DESCRIPTION 2 (Brown et al. 2008 Mss: Meghalaya 2008 diary): A promising pitch characterised by JP nearly fell down consists of a wide 10 m deep pothole … into a chamber with a calcite squeeze and a tight pitch leading off. JP enlarged the squeeze [read: applied violent cave vandalism techniques (note 5) to destroy calcite formations] enough for Rowena to get through to a bouldery chamber and the head of another pitch. Beyond the squeeze into Rowena’s chamber, the 25 m deep Henry’s 50 m pitch descends into a choed chamber. CAVE CONTENTS: Brown (2008.02.08 Mss: Krem Myrliat 2) observed unspecified bones in addition to sort of calcite, crystals (speleothems), mud and sand. TACKLE: Brown (2008.02.08 Mss: Krem Myrliat 2) lists for the entrance 25 m rope, 2 hangers, 1 deviation thread. For the two Sandwhichian Pitches 20 m rope and 3 hangers plus 15 m, 3 hangers and 1 deviation. For the 50 m pitch of the hen Ree (note 6) a 35 m rope, 3 hangers and one thread deviation. PROSPECTS: Brown (2008.02.08 Mss: Krem Myrliat 2) reckons all ways choked with mud, rocks and calcite. SPELEOMETRY (Brown et al. 2008 Mss: Survey Summary): 6.02.08; K. Myrliat 2; MB, JPB, PL, AM; [survey 2008] 56.71. 7.02.08; K Myrliat 2; MB, AM, RM, RMS; [survey 2008] 33.57. 8.02.08; K Myrliat 2; MB,AM, RM, RMS; [survey 2008] 47.19; [total] 138.27; [vertical] 2) considers this near enough (note 4).CAVE DESCRIPTION 1 (Brown 2008.02.08 Mss: Krem Myrliat 2): 10 m Ø surface pothole with steep mud slope to head of 3 m wide and 12 m deep drop with huge sandstone boulders jammed in floor side of oitch. Decorated chamber has squeeze on north side to voulder jammed pitch head; 25 m pitch blocked at base. Tight calcite hole in floor of main chamber leads down 5 m climb to 7 m pitch, followed by a 12 m pitch in cleft to a choked base. CAVE DESCRIPTION 2 (Brown et al. 2008 Mss: Meghalaya 2008 diary): A promising pitch characterised by JP nearly fell down consists of a wide 10 m deep pothole … into a chamber with a calcite squeeze and a tight pitch leading off. JP enlarged the squeeze [read: applied violent cave vandalism techniques (note 5) to destroy calcite formations] enough for Rowena to get through to a bouldery chamber and the head of another pitch. Beyond the squeeze into Rowena’s chamber, the 25 m deep Henry’s 50 m pitch descends into a choat 2) considers this near enough (note 4).CAVE DESCRIPTION 1 (Brown 2008.02.08 Mss: Krem Myrliat 2): 10 m Ø surface pothole with steep mud slope to head of 3 m wide and 12 m deep drop with huge sandstone boulders jammed in floor side of oitch. Decorated chamber has squeeze on north side to voulder jammed pitch head; 25 m pitch blocked at base. Tight calcite hole in floor of main chamber leads down 5 m climb to 7 m pitch, followed by a 12 m pitch in cleft to a choked base. CAVE DESCRIPTION 2 (Brown et al. 2008 Mss: Meghalaya 2008 diary): A promising pitch characterised by JP nearly fell down consists of a wide 10 m deep pothole … into a chamber with a calcite squeeze and a tight pitch leading off. JP enlarged the squeeze [read: applied violent cave vandalism techniques (note 5) to destroy calcite formations] enough for Rowena to get through to a bouldery chamber and the head of another pitch. Beyond the squeeze into Rowena’s chamber, the 25 m deep Henry’s 50 m pitch descends into a choed chamber. CAVE CONTENTS: Brown (2008.02.08 Mss: Krem Myrliat 2) observed unspecified bones in addition to sort of calcite, crystals (speleothems), mud and sand. TACKLE: Brown (2008.02.08 Mss: Krem Myrliat 2) lists for the entrance 25 m rope, 2 hangers, 1 deviation thread. For the two Sandwhichian Pitches 20 m rope and 3 hangers plus 15 m, 3 hangers and 1 deviation. For the 50 m pitch of the hen Ree (note 6) a 35 m rope, 3 hangers and one thread deviation. PROSPECTS: Brown (2008.02.08 Mss: Krem Myrliat 2) reckons all ways choked with mud, rocks and calcite. SPELEOMETRY (Brown et al. 2008 Mss: Survey Summary): 6.02.08; K. Myrliat 2; MB, JPB, PL, AM; [survey 2008] 56.71. 7.02.08; K Myrliat 2; MB, AM, RM, RMS; [survey 2008] 33.57. 8.02.08; K Myrliat 2; MB,AM, RM, RMS; [survey 2008] 47.19; [total] 138.27; [vertical] 52.14.


Bibliography 06/01/2018


EXPLORATION HISTORY: 2001.02.18, trip 1: Christine Jantschke found the entrance while Larsing Sukhlain guided Brian D. Kharpran Daly, H. Daniel Gebauer, Betsy 'Betty' Chhakchhuak, Herbert Jantschke and Vivian 'Bibi' Kharnaior to several pothole cave entrances in the area. 2007.02.24, no trip: Anthony 'Tony' R Jarratt, Amanda 'Mandie / Mandy' Edgeworth and Neil Pacey resp. The writer, Neil and Mandy took the chance to carry on a project attempted last year but foiled by poor route finding. Krem Myrliat 1 was dropped after confusing it with the undescended and adjacent Krem Myrliat 2 (JARRATT & DAWSON 2007). 2008.02.06, trip 2: Anthony 'Tony' R Jarratt, Ksan Kupar 'Ronnie' Mawlong, Mark W. Brown, Alys Mendus, Henry Rockcliff, Anne Vanderplank and Rowena M. Sheen … made another attempt at finding Krem Myrliat. Jrat confirmed the identity of Krem Myrliat 2 … Mark, Alys, Ronnie and Rowena did some SRT lessons down Krem Myrliat 2 then finished surveying the tight pithes in the floor. Henry … rejoined the Krem Myrliat 2 team. Henry enlarged the squeeze into Rowena’s chamber, whilst Mark exited … (Brown et al. 2008 Mss 'Meghalaya 2008 diary' Thursday 7th February). According to M.W. Brown (2008.02.08 Mss: Krem Myrliat 2), MWB, PL, AM, JPB and RMS locate + survey into chamber. 2008.02.07, trip 3: M.W. Brown (2008.02.08 Mss: Krem Myrliat 2): MB, AM, RMS, ARJ, AV, HR, RM visit. Squeeze is enlarged and Sandwhichian Pitches rigged + surveyed. 2008.02.08, trip 4: M.W. Brown (2008.02.08 Mss: Krem Myrliat 2): MB, AM, RMS, RM rig Hen Rye's 50 m pitch and survey, then derig. According to Brown et al. (2008 Mss 'Meghalaya 2008 diary' Friday 8th February), Mark, Alys, Rowena and Ronnie went back to Krem Myrliat 2 and through the squeeze into Rowena’s chamber. They rigged Henry’s 50 m pitch (25 m deep) to a choked chamber. Ronnie and Rowena completed their SRT certificates and the cave was de-rigged. Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 06/01/2018

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